News Media
The news sources and collections listed below are in digital format. The Harvard Library also has a large collection of newspapers on microfilm, which can be read and digitally scanned on special computers. You can find these papers in HOLLIS by searching the Library Catalog for individual titles, or by using Subjects such as Newspapers -- Senegal.
The London Times Digital Archive and The Sunday Times
African Newspapers -- 19th Century through early 1920s
AllAfrica -- news of Africa since 1997
Africa Is a Country -- public writing and scholarship on news, events, culture, history, and other happenings from the continent of Africa and the diaspora
Digital Library of the Caribbean (DLOC)
Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876
Repeating Islands -- News and commentary on Caribbean culture, literature, and the arts
RetroNews -- Large full-text collection of French-language newspapers from 1631 to 1950. Most titles were published in France, with a handful from other countries.
Nexis Uni and Factiva (worldwide news from 1980 to the present day)
Ethnic News Watch -- Full text articles from newspapers and periodicals published by the ethnic, minority and native press in the U.S. Coverage is from 1960 to date.