
Scott's Run, West Virginia. Vincent Lopez - Mexican miners, Bertha Hollow. By Lewis Hine, 1937. National Archives 518379

This is a library guide for Isabel Lane's Expos 20 class, "I Love That Dirty Water: Place, Environment, and Justice." This class examines case studies in energy, water & environment, and prisons. 

Library Research: How to Do It. 

Library research is a learned skill. Everyone is building on things that they've learned in the past, whatever those are, and they're also learning new things in college. Like any type of learning, please don't be shy about asking questions. By asking a question, you may be helping some of your fellow students as well as yourself. 

The main thing in finding information in library and information resources in print and on the internet is to be both persistent and playful. It takes both of these things to imagine keywords and phrases that you might search for. 

Good luck on this writing journey. 

Photo by Lewis HIne, 1937. Scott's Run, West Virginia. Vincent Lopez - Mexican miners, Bertha Hollow. National Archives 069-RP-094_16-1386M & 518379.