
This guide provides links to resources and services to help with your paper for your EC 970 tutorial. If you have questions about Library resources and services, we would be happy to hear from you.

Finding Journal Articles

  • HOLLIS:  HOLLIS is our discovery platform for materials and resources available in the Harvard Library.  Includes individual journal articles available through many of the Harvard licensed databases, as well as books, journals, manuscripts, government documents, maps and more listed in a traditional library catalog.  Sign in for full access.  Our Hollis Help research guide has useful searching tips.
  • Econlit :  Indexes international economic literature. Includes major journals, articles in collective volumes (essays, proceedings, etc.), books, full-text book reviews, dissertations, and working papers.
  • ABI/Inform: Articles from over 1,000 academic management, marketing, and general business journals.
  • HeinOnline:  Database of legal resources, including the Law Journal Library, laws, regulations, some trials and court reports, treaties, monographs, and a variety of other materials covering United States and foreign law.
  • JSTOR Economics: Full-text journal articles with focus on economics literature. 
  • National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Papers: Full-text of NBER Working Papers from 1973 to the present.  They also have a Law and Economics Program and Working Group.
  • SSRN:  A large collection of working papers mostly authored by prominent university faculty, both pre- and post-publication. These papers cover a range of academic subjects including law, economics, business and public policy topics.
  • LegalTrac:  Indexes major law reviews, legal newspapers, law specialty publications, and bar association journals. [Can only be accessed by using Law Library computers]
  • Index to Legal Periodicals and Books:  Indexes legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association publications, university publications, and government publications.
  • Criminal Justice Abstracts:  Includes bibliographic records and full text covering essential areas related to criminal justice and criminology.
  • Elgaronline:  Includes academic books and journals in economics, finance, business and management, law, environment, public and social policy. 

Law Resources

  • Nexis Uni :  Includes U.S. primary law and selected secondary sources such as law review articles and legal news.  Selected federal civil court filings are available.
  • Westlaw Public Terminal: Must use at Law Library public terminal; Includes U.S. primary law as well as selected secondary sources/commentary. Available in the Research Room on the third floor of the Law Library.
  • Federal Court Cases: Integrated Database: The Federal Judicial Center hosts the Integrated Database (IDB) containing data back to 1970 on civil case and criminal defendant filings and terminations in the district courts, along with bankruptcy court and appellate court case information. Data may be download in a tab-delimited text file or viewed online in an interactive view to create subsets of civil cases based on federal circuit, district, nature of suit, disposition, origin, jurisdiction, class action designation, filing date, termination date, and docket number.  Some of this data is also available through WRDS and ICPSR.
  • Administrative Office of the US Courts (Statistics and Reports): summary statistics
  • National Center for State Courts Court Statistics Project
  • Bloomberg terminal (available at Baker): Provides some access to federal and very selected state court dockets.
  • TracFed: Must use at Law Library public computer; TRACfed provides a wide range of information about federal enforcement activities as well as detailed information about federal staffing, federal funds, and the diverse characteristics of counties, federal districts, and states. TRACfed data is organized into several modules including: Criminal Enforcement, Civil Enforcement, Administrative Enforcement, People & staffing, Money (Federal Funds), and Community Context. Creating and saving data to a “web locker” permits creation of data slices. Users may also get information about particular statutes with its About the Law tool.
  • ALM Law.com CompassMust use at Law Library public computer; Provides in-depth business and financial information on individual law firms and the legal industry. ALM Legal Intelligence includes access to ALM Law Firm Reports; ALM Lists and Rankings taken from various ALM Media publications, including The American Lawyer, Corporate Counsel, and The National Law Journal; and ALM Surveys & Studies examining key issues impacting the legal market. Contains some limited biographical information. Can export results into Excel.
  • VitalLaw:  Offers primary law and practical commentary on several areas of law such as securities, intellectual property, litigation, etc.
  • See Law Related Sources under list below for guide with broad range of data sources for law-related topics.

Data Resources

Citation and Research Management Tools

  • Citation and Research Management Tools:  Citation and research management tools help you organize your research and keep track of your references. They also make it easy to add citations into the documents you're working on and automatically generate bibliographies in most styles. Harvard Library primarily supports the use of Zotero, EndNote, and Overleaf Pro +.

Harvard College Writing Center

  • The Writing Center is a place for Harvard undergraduates to get help with any aspect of their writing, from specific assignments to general writing skills.

Harvard Library Bookmarklet

  • Add this bookmarklet to your browser to reload pay-per-view articles and access them with the Harvard Library's subscriptions.