About Scanning
Scanning is available for free to all library patrons (including HGSE students, faculty and staff as well as visiting researchers) on the Gutman Library's 2nd floor via a Bookeye scanner and a multi-purpose printer/copier/scanner.
Bookeye Scanner
This overhead scanner supports high-resolution, multi-page scanning and its live preview function allows you to see the results of your scan as you go. Scans can be created in a variety of formats (PDF, TIFF, JPG, and more) and can be saved to a USB drive, directly to your device, delivered via email, or uploaded to the cloud (Google Drive, SharePoint, OneDrive, etc.).
Multi-Purpose Printer/Copier/Scanner
This scanner requires a HarvardKey and, therefore, its use is limited to current HGSE students, staff, and faculty.
If this is your first time using a Gutman Library multi-purpose printer/copier/scanner, you will need to enter your HarvardKey email address and password.
- Swipe your HUID card (skinny stripe) at any Ricoh printer to log in.
- Select “Scan” and then “Scan to Email.”
- Place your documents on the feeder at the top of the printer or lift the top to scan pages individually.
- Select “Settings” to confirm or change the default scan settings.
- Select “Scan.” Items will be scanned and sent to your Harvard email address.