Printed sermons are a rich source of information about the variety of religious thought of the time and how it changed. Most of the sermons listed in this section deal with events of the War or the effects of the War. The intersection of church and state is especially noticeable in the Fast Day and Thanksgiving Sermons, which were preached because of a government proclamation for special times of public religious reflection on the war and in sermons preached to soldiers, but in most of the other sermons this is also a theme.
It is important to note that in reading these sermons now, we lack the experience of hearing how they were originally preached. The readers from this time period probably either had heard the sermon when it was originally preached or had heard the minister and could imagine what emphasis, repetition, and tone he gave to the delivery.
Some things to examine in the sermons:
In addition to the individual sermons listed in this section, see also:
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