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Parenting and Motherhood

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Start your research on Parenting and Motherhood with this guide.

Use the menu on the left to view additional material related to this topic. 

For the purposes of this guide, material relating to "motherhood" refers to the personal stories of mothers and their experiences of motherhood. Material pertaining to motherhood in this guide was found by performing a "keywords anywhere" search in HOLLIS for the phrase like "motherhood," as well as other, narrower phrases like "raising children," "mothering," and "mother."

Material pertaining to "parenting" refers to the practicalities of raising children. The parenting material for this guide was found by performing a "keywords anywhere" search in HOLLIS for the phrase "parenting," as well as other, narrower phrases such as "child rearing," "parenting advice," and "parenthood."

Other guides relevant to these topics include the Pregnancy, Adoption, and Loss research guide, and the Reproduction, Family Planning, and Abortion research guide

Both the Motherhood and Parenting pages contain archival material and published materials. 

Take Note

Many of our collections are stored offsite and/or have access restrictions. Be sure to contact us in advance of your visit.

This guide was originally created by Teddy Schneider.