Finding Secondary Sources
Oxford Bibliographies offer numerous annotated bibliographies of secondary sources. Browsing by Subject: Environmental Science yields:
Bibliography of American Environmental History, by Mark Stoll. Note Race & Environmental Justice section.
United States Environmental History Bibliography
Periodical Articles
America: History and Life (1955- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles, and book reviews on North American history.
The Forest History Society Research Portal offers over 45,000 citations to published items on environmental history, over 30,000 photographs, and other material.
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Reviews in American history, 1973- .
HOLLIS Record with online version
Web of Science Citation Indexes allow citation searching, that is, starting with an article of interest and finding more recent articles that have cited it. More information.
JSTOR allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of several Latin American studies journals. Advanced search is most effective.
Local Histories
Many late 19th century city/town histories have a section on the environmental setting of the town. Find them in HOLLIS and WorldCat. Many are accessible via HathiTrust, Google Books, and the Internet Archive. HOLLIS Example.
History of Lynn, Essex county, Massachusetts including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscot, and Nahant, by Alonzo Lewis and James R.Newhall. Boston, Shorey, 1865-97. 2 v.