Periodical Articles

Environmental Studies Literature

Environment Index (1973- )

JSTOR allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of several ecological journals from their inceptions to about 5 years ago. List of included journals available in Advanced Search.

Agricultural & environmental science database

GreenFILE covers environmental studies, both scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports.

CAB Abstracts Archive covers public health back to 1910.  Also  agriculture.

Water Resources Abstracts, 1967- .

Scientific Literature

Periodical indexes for earth, environmental, and life sciences are listed in the Library Research Guide for the History of Science.

Other Professions and Disciplines

Periodical indexes for particular professions and disciplines are listed in the Library Research Guide for History.

General Periodicals/Magazines

Try searching Internet Archive for magazines from your city of interest. Search: (chicago) AND collection:(periodicals) or in Advanced Search

Any field: Chicago
Collection is Periodicals

On your results page, on the left, under Media Type choose Collection. Each of these Collections contain issues of one periodical. These collections can be searched full text.

General magazines:

Academic Search Premier (largely 1980s- ) is the usual index of first resort for general periodical searches. It indexes over 3000 journals in most fields plus many general interest periodicals. Full text is available for many of the periodicals. Includes Time full text back to 1923. Book reviews are included. A few periodicals have indexing back to the 1970s.

American Periodicals Series Online (1740-1900) offers full text of about 1100 American periodicals. Includes several scientific and medical journals including the American Journal of Science and the Medical Repository. In cases where a periodical started before 1900, coverage is included until 1940.

Nineteenth Century Masterfile includes several Nineteenth Century periodical indexes together with many separate indexes to individual periodicals. The most important index included is Poole's index to periodical literature (1802-1906) which indexes 479 American and English periodicals. In the print version, articles are indexed by subject, not author. Fiction, poetry, plays are listed by title. Book reviews are listed under subject; reviews of fiction, poetry, plays are listed under the author of the work. Online version offers numerous links to full text in HathiTrust.

Opinion Archives offers a full text, as well as author/title, search of full runs of the following opinion periodicals:
American Spectator (1972- ) - Commentary – (1945- ) Commonweal (1924) - Dissent (1954- ) - Harpers Magazine (1850- ) - Moment (1975- )- NACLA (1966- ) - Nation (1965- ) - National Review (1955- ) - New Leader (1924- ) - New Republic (1914- ) - New York Review (1963- ) - New Yorker (1925- ) - Orion Magazine (1982- ) - Progressive (1909- )- Washington Monthly (1969- ) - Weekly Standard (1995- )

Periodicals Index Online indexes contents of thousands of journals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1995. Covers journals from North America, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the English-speaking world and journals in other European languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish. Includes the complete table of contents for each issue of each journal.

Reader's Guide Retrospective (WilsonWeb) (1890-1982), online version of the Readers' guide to periodical literature, indexes many American popular periodicals.

RSAP Resources for Research: Periodicals (Research Society for American Periodicals) provides links to collections of 18th, 19th, and 20th century full-text periodicals.