Backgrounds, Theories, Contexts

Oxford Bibliographies Online

Annotated reading lists, curated by experts. Key entries include:

Annual Reviews

A library of stand-alone, full-length literature reviews, covering the sceinces, social sciences, and the intersections.  Example essays on the ACA can be browsed here.

CRS Reports (Congressional Research Services)

Compact (2-40 pp.) Legislative briefs prepared by the research arm of the LOC. Frequently updated (so watch dates). Example reports on fentanyl  and public health can be browsed here

JAMA Network

News, commentary, research across practice areas; includes a health forum.


A comprehensive database providing news, legislative and regulatory insights, data tools and resources for policy research.

Nexis Uni

Database of news, business, legal information, ~1980-present.

Academic Research: Looking Beyond HOLLIS and JSTOR

Global Health (Ebscohost)

A database entirely dedicated to the field of public health on the national, international, and community level. Most of its contents come from journals -- and from journals that are the mort read and respected.  Specialists (not bots) create the database and monitor the  accuracy of its contents. and links. 

Health Policy Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

A mix of research articles, government reports, health law, policy and position papers produced by think tanks, studies and reports from major international institutions, like the WHO.

CINAHL Complete (EBSCOhost)

A nursing and applied health database, heavy in academic journal content, but not exclusively focused on public health.


The National Library of Medicine's database of bio-medical research.

Web of Science

A key resource for identifying interdisciplinary social science research. 

PAIS (Pubic Affairs Information Service)

A ProQuest database focused on all "subjects that bear on contemporary issues and the making and evaluating of public policy, irrespective of source or traditional disciplinary boundaries."

Sociology Collection (ProQuest)


Research Methods: Qual and Quant

Sage Research Methods

The ultimate methods library, it has more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, case studies, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences. It also boasts the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher.

Users can browse content by topic, discipline, or format type (reference works, book chapters, definitions, etc.). SRM offers several research tools as well: a methods map; user- created readng lists; a project planner' and advice on choosing statistical tests.

Leads, by Student Projects







Getting Around Paywalls on the Web


  • Google Scholar Settings: One simple change can turn Scholar into what's effectively a Harvard database -- with links to the full-text of articles that the library can provide. Here's what to do:  Look to the left of the GS screen and click on the "hamburger" (); then click on .  Look for "Library Links."  Then type Harvard University into the search box and save your choice.  As long as you allow cookies, the settings will keep
  • Set up a Check Harvard Library Bookmark. It works like a browser extension; click on it when you want to check Harvard's access and it will "unlock" content we provide.

Directions are available here:

  • Lean Library: a browser plugin that (nearly always) identifies digital availability of items at Harvard and runs automatically as you search books and articles.  Some users find it intrusive, however.