Background Information
- Annual Reviews (Harvard Key required): Searches review articles, including the Annual Review of Anthropology.
- Oxford Bibliographies (Harvard Key required): Articles that are written and reviewed by scholars, which provide an overview of a topic and an annotated bibliography.
- Very Short Introductions Online (Harvard Key required): Concise introductions to a diverse range of subjects.
Books / Book Reviews
- Anthropology Plus (Harvard Key required): A good source for finding book reviews, both historical and current.
- Google Books (some content free / open access): A useful tool for searching within books and seeing book previews.
- HOLLIS (some content free / open access): Contains information about the many different types of items held in the Harvard Library.
Articles / Review Articles
- Academic Search Premier (Harvard Key required): A general-purpose database covering scholarly journals as well as more mainstream publications.
- Anthropology Plus (Harvard Key required): Searches the major literature, including journals, in anthropology and related fields.
- AnthroSource (Harvard Key required): Searches journals published by the American Anthropological Association.
- Google Scholar (some content free / open access): Searches many different types of publications across a variety of disciplines. Learn how to connect Google Scholar to your library access.
- JSTOR (Harvard Key required): Searches many different types of publications across a variety of disciplines.
- View More: Harvard Library Databases Search Page: See all of the Harvard Library's databases.
- Anthropological Fieldwork Online (Harvard Key required): Contains primary sources related to landmark ethnographies written by anthropologists like Bronislaw Malinowski and Ruth Benedict.
- Anthropology Online (Harvard Key required): Brings together a wide range of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies.
- Ethnographic Video Online (Harvard Key required): A large video streaming library of ethnographic films and documentaries.
- Google Books (some content free / open access): A useful tool for searching within books. Once you find a book that you are interested in, check HOLLIS to see if Harvard owns it. When searching, include the terms ethnography or ethnographic.
- HOLLIS (some content free / open access): Contains information about the many different types of items held in the Harvard Library. When searching, include the terms ethnography or ethnographic.
- HRAF World Cultures (Harvard Key required): Contains a variety of primary source materials on over 400 cultures.
Images / Film
- ARTstor (some content free / open access): Contains images from museums, libraries, and archives from all over the world.
- Ethnographic Video Online (Harvard Key required): A large video streaming library of ethnographic films and documentaries.
- Google Arts & Culture (free / open access): Contains images from over 130 museums from around the world.
- HOLLIS Images (some content free / open access): Includes content from archives, museums, libraries, and other collections throughout Harvard University.
Dissertations / Theses
- DASH (free / open access): Harvard's central, open-access repository for research by Harvard community members. Contains Harvard anthropology dissertations from 2012-present and some undergraduate theses.
- HOLLIS (some content free / open access): Find dissertations and theses written by scholars from Harvard.
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (Harvard Key required): Find dissertations and theses written by scholars from North American universities. Most post-1990 titles are available with full-text.