EBM Tools
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Surgical Safety Checklist
Perioperative deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis
Dynamed is a clinical reference tool With clinically-organized summaries for nearly 3,000 topics.DynaMed is updated daily and monitors the content of over 500 medical journals and systematic evidence review databases directly and indirectly by using many journal review services. Each publication is reviewed cover-to-cover, and each article is evaluated for clinical relevance and scientific validity. The new evidence is then integrated with existing content, and overall conclusions are changed as appropriate representing a synthesis of the best available evidence.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Includes the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, the Cochrane Central Register, the Cochrane Methodology Register, Health Technology Assessment Database, and the NHS Economic Evaluation Database
Clinical Queries are preformulated searches that find citations that correspond to a specific clinical study category. The search may be either broad and sensitive or narrow and specific.
Useful MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) for EBM searching. From Tufts Health Sciences Library.
Evidence-Based Surgery
You will find these books in the Countway collection:
EBM Tutorials
Evidence Based Medicine Guide: Created by Countway Library
EBM Surgery
SOURCE - Surgical Outcomes Research Centre at McMaster University has published a series of articles in the Canadian Journal of Surgery called the Users' Guide to the Surgical Literature. The various chapters are linked below.
- Users’ guide to the surgical literature: how to use an article on economic analysisAchilleas Thoma, MD; Sheila Sprague, BSc; Ved Tandan, MD; for the Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group* October 2001.Canadian Journal of Surgery; 44(5): 347.
- Users Guide to the Surgical Litearture: How to use an article evaluating a surgical intervention.John D. Urschel, MD; Charles H. Goldsmith, PhD; Ved R. Tandan, MD; John D. Miller, MD; for the Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group* April 2001. Canadian Journal of Surg;44(2):95.
- Users Guide to the Surgical Literature: How to use an article about a diagnostic test.Stuart Archibald, MD; Mohit Bhandari, MD, MSc; Achilleas Thoma, MD; for the Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group* February 2001. Canadian Journal of Surgery;44(1):17.
- Users’ guide to the surgical literature: how to use an article reporting population-based volume–outcome relationships in surgeryDennis Hong, MD, MSc; Ved R. Tandan, MD, MSc; Charles H. Goldsmith, PhD; Marko Simunovic, MD, MPH;for the Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group*. April 2002. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 45(2):109.
- Users’ guide to the surgical literature: how to use a systematic literature review and meta-analysisMohit Bhandari, MD, MSc; P.J. Devereaux, MD; Victor Montori, MD, MSc; Claudio Cinà, MD, MSc;Ved Tandan, MD, MSc; Gordon H. Guyatt, MD, MSc; for the Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group. Can J Surg, February 2004;47(1):60.
- Users’ guide to the surgical literature How to assess a randomized controlled trial in surgeryAchilleas Thoma, MD, MSc; Forough Farrokhyar, PhD; Mohit Bhandari, MD, MSc; Ved Tandan, MD, MSc;for the Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group. Can J Surg, June 2004;47(3):200.
- Users’ guide to the surgical literature Self-audit and practice appraisal for surgeonsDaniel W. Birch, MSc, MD; Charles H. Goldsmith, PhD; Ved Tandan, MD, MSc; for the Evidence-Based
Surgery Working Group. February 2005. Can J Surg: 48(1):57 - Users' guide to the surgical literature. Case-control studies in surgical journals.Mihailovic A, Bell CM, Urbach DR. Can J Surg. 2005 Apr;48(2):148-51.
PubMed PMID: 15887796. - Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group. Users' guide to the surgical literature: how to use a decision analysis.Mastracci TM, Thoma A, Farrokhyar F, Tandan VR, Cinà CS; Can J Surg. 2007 Oct;50(5):403-9. PubMed PMID: 18031644;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2386204. - Users' guide to the surgical literature: how to assess an article on health-related quality of life.Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group.Thoma A, Cornacchi SD, Lovrics PJ, Goldsmith CH; Can J Surg. 2008 Jun;51(3):215-24. PubMed PMID: 18682759; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2496599.
- Users' guide to the surgical literature: how to use a decision analysis.Mastracci TM, Thoma A, Farrokhyar F, Tandan VR, Cinà CS; Evidence-Based
Surgery Working Group. Can J Surg. 2007 Oct;50(5):403-9. PubMed PMID: 18031644;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2386204. - Users Guide to the Surgical Literature:How to perform a literature searchDaniel W. Birch, MD, MSc; Angela Eady, MLS; Don Robertson, MD; Sonja De Pauw, MESc; Ved Tandan, MD, MSc; for the Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group.April 2003 Can J Surg, ; 46(2):136.