Center for European Studies
Academic Research Centers
- About Research at BrownBrown University (Providence, RI) web presence for scholarship.
- Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Research Centers (Tufts)Listing of centers, chairs and programs.
- Humanities Center at HarvardThirty cross-disciplinary seminars offering programming throughout the academic year.
- Lowell Humanities Center (Boston College)Listing of fall 2010 events and lectures.
- MIT Center for International StudiesPromotes international research and education at MIT:
"...focusing on those issues where science and engineering intersect most closely with foreign affairs." - Susan and Donald Newhouse Center for the Humanities (Wellesley)"...supports the integration of the humanities and the arts, and coordinates programs and activities with the Davis Museum and Cultural Center and with the performing arts."
International Organizations
Listings from web portals:
- Foreign Affairs MinistriesListing from
- Global Think TanksListing from
- International AgenciesListing from
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)University of California (Berkeley) listing.
Cultural Institutes
- Dante Aligheri Society of MassachusettsLocated at 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
- French Cultural Center / Alliance Francaise of BostonLocated at 53 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116
- Goethe Institut BostonLocated at 170 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02116