Hein Online Foreign & International Law Resources Database contains four parts: I: International Yearbooks and Periodicals; II: U.S. Law Digests; III: International Tribunals/Judicial Decisions; and IV: Other Significant Works Related to Foreign and International Law.
International Relations and Security Network (Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich)
World Treaty Index (University of Chicago) An electronic collection of treaty citations, based on the print 'World Treaty Index' by Dr Peter Rohn. Contains references to over 70,000 treaties including the United Nations Treaty Series and League of Nations treaties as well as national treaties. The database attempts complete coverage for all known bilateral and multilateral treaties formed in the 20th Century.
Multilateral treaties typically are administered by an "treaty body" which monitors its application and status, accummulates information and hears complaints.
United Nations
The main UN human rights treaties and with links to their treatry body are listed at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Treaty Collection includes treaties and international agreements entered into by members of the United Nations.
Recent UN documents are available on their website. Older material is indexed in AccessUN and available in the Government Documents/Microtexct Collection (Lamont Level B) See their guide: United Nations Documents. The Harvard Law School also has UN research guides: Find United Nations Documents, Understanding the United Nations Documents Symbols System, and Using Access UN links to reports and other documents (ratifications, reservations, declarations, objections and derogations) relating to UN treaties.
Sources of Treaties Online
HeinOnline Treaties and Agreements Library includes several important treaty series, including official U.S. treaty publications; unofficial treaty publications; treaty guides and indexes; and various treaty collections, books and texts. Each treaty page is represented in both high quality image and OCR text formats. As a cost saving measure, HeinOnline does not review the OCR scanned text for errors.
Electronic Information System for International Law (EISIL)
Human Rights Library- University of Minnesota
Multilaterals Project (Tufts University)
Print sources
Often older treaties are not available online
In HOLLIS search Subject keywords: [Country] Foreign Relations Treaties
Human rights: a compilation of international instruments. 6th revision. NY: United Nations, 2002. 2 v.
Documents (Lamont) | UN 146.457.15
Law School | ILS | K3238 .H863x 2002
Law School | Reference | K3238 .H863x 2002
More Information
How to Find a Treaty When You Don't Have a Citation
How to Find a Treaty When You Have a Citation
Researching Treaty Sources (University of Minnesota)
Case Law: Courts, Commissions
UN Human Rights Committee is not a court but does issue decisions
International Criminal Law in Electronic Information System for International Law (EISIL)
LexisNexis Academic. Choose Legal, then European Union, Commonwealth & Foreign Nations. Includes (under Sources): International Legal Materials and Butterworths South African Constitutional Law Reports
War Crimes Research Guide (Georgetown University Law Library)
Research Guide Websites
American Society of International Law Electronic Resource Guide
Foreign & International Law Resources: An Annotated Guide to Web Sites Around the World