Page Index

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Browse by Time: Varies

Learning objects on this page might take anywhere from a few minutes to a year to build. It varies.


Greatly simplifies the process of creating, maintaining and updating annotated bibliographies. Rather than manually cutting and pasting information, authors can import HOLLIS records with a single mouse click. The application automatically checks for changes in cataloging records, and alerts authors when any are found. To build your own, see HELPFUL TIPS, below.

Other Examples: African Video Collection, Germanic Film Database, Online Resources for Music Scholars


Learning Goals: Especially recommended to help students use/search and identify recommended information resources, among other things.

Estimated Production Time: Varies (depends on level of customization)

Recommended Software: Bibliography authors seeking to create an annotated bibliography using the new tool are encouraged to submit requests using the ITS Online Special Request Form. Note: This learning object makes use of the Virtual Collections Tool.

Publication Options: Can be integrated directly into course iSites and/or added to the HCL Web in a non-iSites format.

Experts, Consultants, & Collaborators: Bassey Irele, Chris Jaris  (For suggestions or questions from other colleagues, check for Comments at the bottom of this box, or add your own.) See also: HCL News: Author/User Comments