Book (and more) search


HathiTrust Digital Library: digital contents from over 50 institutions totalling over 7.9 million volumes are preserved and searchable.

Internet Archive

Google Books

books on Japan in English

*Primarily for Japanese sources

NDL Search  a search portal of National Diet Library, which aims to be an access point for multi-format materials in public libraries, archives, museums, academic research institutions and NDL. 

CiNii-NII: a research portal created by the National Institute for Informatics of Japan for articles, Books, and Dissertations.  ID


Journal Articles and Dissertations

Bibliography of Asian Studies ID Citation only


E-Research @ Harvard ID

Dissertation and Thesis full text (UMI) ID

Google Scholar ID 

CiNii (NII 論文情報ナビゲーター) : Japanese academic journal search portal with links to digital contents when available; Refworks compatible. ID


Japan Times (1897-2014) ID

Japan Chronicle Weekly (1902 – 1940) ID

The Trans-Pacific (Sep 1919 - 1921) Via Hathi Trust.

Illustrated London News Historical Archive

Japan Weekly Mail 1870 (Vol.1, #1-50)

The Anglo-Japanese Gazette (Vol. 1-2, July 1902-June 1903)

America's Historical Newspapers ID
Yenching Library Newspaper Search

Historical Newspapers in Japanese ID Asahi, Yomiuri, Mainichi includes English dailies. 

Kikuzo Visual II for Libraries 聞蔵IIビジュアル for Libraries Asahi (1879-present) The site offers a photo archive with over 10,000 photos taken by Asahi journalists in Asia from 1928-1945.

Yomidas Rekishikan 読売新聞 Yomiuri (1874-present)

Nikkei Telecom 21 日経テレコン21 ID Nihon Keizai shinbun 日本経済新聞 (1876-present)

Maisaku Trial 毎日新聞 Mainichi

Keijo nippo 京城日報 / Kyŏngsŏng ilbo 경성일보 (1915-1935) 

 Taiwan jihō 臺灣時報 (1898-1945)

Taiwan nichinichi shinpō 臺灣日日新報 (1898-1944)

Digital contents

Japan Review :the refereed journal published by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies from volume 1 (1990) to volume 22 (2010) are available.

Japan Focus, Asia Pacific Journal

Japanese Book News is published quarterly by the Japan Foundation to make available to overseas readers up-to-date information on new books and recent topics of Japan’s publishing culture.