Prints, Ukiyo-e, Nishiki-e

Japanese Woodblock Print Search Over 223,000 Ukiyo-e are searchable.

Ukiyo-e caricatures 1842-1905 Created by University of Viena, over 1,000 prints are searchable and viewable.

東京大学史料編纂所錦絵コレクション Historiographical Institute, University of Tokyo, offers over 1,000 prints with satire and humor of mid 19th century.

国会図書館蔵錦絵 National Diet Library's some 11,000 images  

立命館大学 ARC浮世絵検索システム

Library of Congress' Ukiyo-e 米国議会図書館所蔵浮世絵データベース 2,500 prints

* Yenching Library holds many 19th century prints including these .


Japanese Old Photographs in Bakumatsu-Meiji Period, Nagasaki University

Hand-colored photos in 1890s, Waseda University

The Meiji and Taisho Eras in Photograph 写真の中の明治・大正:東京編、関西編 : Created by the National Diet Libray of Japan, some 900 photos of Tokyo and Kansai area in 1880-1920 are searchable.

近代日本人の肖像 Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures

National Archives of Japan Digital collection: Photographs 国立公文書館蔵写真

East Asia Image Collectionsan open-access archive of digitized photographs, negatives, postcards, and slides of imperial Japan (1868-1945), its Asian empire (1895-1945) and occupied Japan (1947-52). Images of Taiwan 台湾, Japan 日本, China 中国, Korea 朝鮮, Manchuria 満州国, andIndonesia are included. Created and maintained by Laffayette College Libraries.

Early Photography of Japan from Stillman albums, Harvard

USC Digital Library: Japan Over 1000 photos related to Japan are serachable and viewable.

AP Multimedia Archive: a searchable database of 700,000+ Associated Press photos, charts & graphics from the 1840s to the present




画本西遊記百鬼夜行ノ図 玉園作 (日文研蔵)

Database of images of Strange Phenomena and Yokai (Monstrous Beings)

Heso no Yadogae  Comic book of the 19th century.