Online Resources
Database on Religious Organizations in Japan 宗教教団情報データベース
Searchable database on 368 religious organizations
宗教記事年表(国内)chlonogical list of domestic articles on religion
eBible Japan 日本語聖書検索
Three Japanese translations of the Old and New Testaments, searchable by word.
Kokugakuin University, 21st Century Center of Excellence Program (English)
國學院大學 21世紀COEプログラムのご案内 (Japanese)
The site is run by the National Learning Institute of Kokugakuin University and offers Shinto-related information. Resources include Encyclopedia of Shinto, the English translation of Shintō jiten 神道事典 (HOLLIS record), shrine resource databases, and the full-text of its English newsletter.
International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 花園大学国際禅学研究所
Downloadable Zen texts from the Daizokyo 大藏經 and Zoku zokyo 續藏經. Searchable full text database of Gozan bungaku zenshu 五山文學全集 (Shibunkaku 思文閣).
Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 南山宗教文化研究所
Offers full-text of all back issues of Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 東西宗教研究(Tōzai shūkyō kenkyū), and other institute publications.
Sotozen Net 曹洞禅ネット
Articles and papers on the Soto 曹洞 school (1868 to 2003); searchable by title and author.
大正新脩大蔵経 テキストデータベース
Full text of the Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo 大正新修大藏經.
Kyoto guide books in Edo period都名所図会データベー:ス Eight titles published in 18th century including Miyako meisho zue with many illustrations are fully searchable by keyword and location. Many historical temples and shrines as well as their ceremonies are presented in both texts and pictures.
Japanese shrine directory 館蔵神社明細データベ-ス. Database for over 43,000 shrines.
Mysterious Stories of Kannon Bodhisattva in Ukiyoe 錦絵観音霊験記の世界:App. 100 Kannon pilgrimage wood block prints with texts and annotations.
CD-ROM/DVD Resources
Cosmology of the Mitsuketenjin-Hadakamatsuri 見付天神裸祭のコスモス
Harvard-Yenching Library: CD-ROM J-0022
Database of valuable Lotus Sutra manuscripts : microfilm materials held in the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra, Rissho University 法華経関係稀覯資料集成デ-タベ-ス : 立正大学法華経文化研究所蔵マイクロフィルム資料
Harvard-Yenching Library: CD-ROM J-0020
CD-ROM version of Tripiṭaka. Sūtrapiṭaka. Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra.
Ējanai ka [videorecording] . Directed by Imamura Shōhei.
CD-ROM/DVD resources
Cosmology of the Mitsuketenjin-Hadakamatsuri 見付天神裸祭のコスモス
Harvard-Yenching Library: CD-ROM J-0022
Database of valuable Lotus Sutra manuscripts : microfilm materials held in the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra, Rissho University 法華経関係稀覯資料集成デ-タベ-ス : 立正大学法華経文化研究所蔵マイクロフィルム資料
Harvard-Yenching Library: CD-ROM J-0020CD-ROM version of Tripiṭaka. Sūtrapiṭaka. Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra.
Ējanai ka [videorecording] . Directed by Imamura Shōhei.