US Government Sources
The great majority of U.S. and foreign government documents and the publications of international organizations are housed in the Government Documents/Microforms Collection. Reference expertise is also available there. Many government documents are not represented in the HOLLIS Catalog.
In HathiTrust Full Text Advanced Search, you can do a full text search over the whole collection of millions of books and journals or over a subset defined by Title (useful for periodicals), Author, Subject, or Publisher. If you limit your search to the 1960s (or whatever) and to Full View, you will retrieve largely government documents (because they are not copyrighted). Full text of copyrighted material is not viewable. Phrases, rather than combinations of separate words, work best.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1980 with American State Papers, 1789-1838 consists of reports, documents and journals of U.S. Congress, including reports originating in Executive Departments.
HeinOnline U.S. Congressional Documents provides full-text access to the published debates, proceedings and speeches of the U.S. Congress, including the Annals of Congress(1789-1824), Register of Debates (1824-1837), Congressional Globe (1833-1873) and the Congressional Record (1873 to present).
ProQuest Congressional provides indexing for Congressional publications dating from 1790 to the present. Full-text access is often available. Publications included are Committee Hearings, House and Senate Documents, House and Senate Reports, Senate Executive Reports, Senate Executive Treaty Documents, Legislative Histories, Serial Set Maps, Serial Set. More complete than HathiTrust for congressional hearings, but clumsier to use.
Civil rights and social justice includes Congressional hearings and committee prints, legislative histories, CRS and GAO reports, Supreme Court briefs, and Commission on Civil Rights publications concerning minorities, LGBTQ, and disabled civil rights. Also: scholarly article bibliography, books on civil rights topics, and list of civil rights organizations.
LLMC Digital. The collections offered by this vast digital library (which digitizes legal and government documents at risk of being lost) can be browsed under: Browse Collections. Includes Alabama.
Historical Publications of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, 1957- . (University of Maryland School of Law. Thurgood Marshall Law Library: Baltimore) offers publications held in the Library's collection and on the USCCR Web site.
Research Guides:
Archival Sources
ProQuest History Vault Black Freedom Struggle I (1901-1975): 37 collections from the records of U.S. federal government agencies, including Peonage Files of the U.S. Department of Justice,1901-1945; Department of Justice Classified Subject Files on Civil Rights, 1914-1949; New Deal Agencies and Black America; Records of the Tuskegee Airmen; President Truman's Committee on Civil Rights. Includes index to microform edition of Papers of the NAACP.
- Civil rights during the Kennedy administration, 1961-1963: a collection from the holdings of the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Civil rights during the Johnson administration, 1963-1969: a collection from the holdings of The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Austin, Texas.
- Civil rights during the Nixon administration, 1969-1974
- Civil rights during the Eisenhower administration
- Civil rights during the Carter administration, 1977-1981
Records of the White House Conference on Civil Rights, 1965-1966 [microform] : a collection from the holdings of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library. 20 microfilm reels.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 525 pt.4 Level B
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 525 pt.4 = Guide Level B
Archives Unbound: James Meredith, J. Edgar Hoover, and the Integration of the University of Mississippi presents FBI documentation of Meredith’s battle to enroll at The University of Mississippi in 1962 and white political and social backlash. Includes Meredith's correspondence with the NAACP and positive and negative letters he received from around the world during his ordeal.
Desegregation of the Armed Forces (Truman Library & Museum)