Modern History 近代

Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) アジア歴史資料センター

国会図書館憲政資料室 Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room, NDL

Modern Japan in Archive: Political history from the opening of the country to post-war 国会図書館「史料にみる日本の近代」

"The World and Japan" 「世界と日本」 Basic Documents of Japanese government and diplomacy since Meiji era are compiled by Tanaka Akihiko, University of Tokyo.

Japan at War and Peace, 1930-1949: U.S. State Department Records on the Internal Affairs of Japan

官報 Government's official daily Kanpo(1883-1952) and English edition (1945-1952) are fully digitized by the National Diet Library. 明治16(1883)年7月2日の官報創刊日から昭和27(1952)年4月30日までの官報、および昭和21(1946)年4月4日から昭和 27(1952)年4月28日の期間のみ刊行されていたOFFICIAL GAZETTE; ENGLISH EDITION(英文官報)


Modern Japanese Historycreated and maintained by Andrew Gordon.

Bibliography of Japanese History up to 1912: created by Peter Kornicki.

Catalogue of the pre-1900 printed books on Japan in European languageshoused in the library of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies; 1,057 items.


アジア歴史資料センター Japan Center for Asian Historical Records

National Archives of Japan 国立公文書館
Searchable catalog of 490,000 volumes of Naikaku bunko 內閣文庫, which includes official documents since the Edo 江戸 government and other historically significant books and manuscripts.

Links to Local Archives in Japan 国内の文書保存施設 Compiled by the National Archives of Japan.

Internationa Reserach Center for Japanese Studies 国際日本文化研究センター

Edo Tokyo Museum 江戸東京博物館

National Museum of Japanese History 国立歴史民俗博物館 The museum is digitizing its primary documents and compiling bibliographies and a collection catalog.



Contemporary Japan : Journal of the German Institute for Japanese Studies.

the Cross-Currents East Asian History and Culture Review

Early Modern Japan: an interdisciplinary journal

ejcjs electronic joiurnal of contemporary japanese studies

Japan Focus, Asia Pacific Journal

Japanese Book News is published quarterly by the Japan Foundation to make available to overseas readers up-to-date information on new books and recent topics of Japan’s publishing culture.

京都大学発行電子ジャーナル : A portal for E-journals published by Kyoto University.

Japan Echo

Japan Focus : Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus.

Japan Forum : official journal of the British Association for Japanese Studies.

Japan Review (1990-present) : published by Nichibunken.

Japan Studies : issued by Japanese Studies Association of Australia.


Positions : East Asia cultures critique

Social Science Japan Journal

Trans Asia Photography Review : an international refereed journal (ISSN: 2158-2025) devoted to the discussion of historic and contemporary photography from Asia, free access online.

「東洋文庫報』 : available after No 41 (March 2010) in pdf.

Primary sources

Sources of East Asian tradition: The Modern period, edited by Wm. Theodore de Bary.

Sources of Japanese tradition: 1600 to 2000, compiled by Wm. Theodore de Bary ... [et al.].