Western media

Anglo-Japnese Gazzette (July 1902-June 1903)

Japan Weekly Mail (1870-1899)


In print

Japan and the Illustrated London news : complete record of reported events, 1853-1899 / compiled and introduced by Terry Bennett ; with a historical perspective by Hugh Cortazzi ; indexed by J.E. Hoare.

Egakareta bakumatsu Meiji : Irasutoreiteddo Rondon Nyūsu Nihon Tsūshin 1853-1902 / Kanai Madoka henyaku.
描かれた幕末明治 : イラストレイテッド・ロンドン・ニュース日本通信1853-1902 / 金井圓編訳.

Meiji Politics

Modern Japan in Archive: Political history from the opening of the country to post-war 国会図書館「史料にみる日本の近代」 

Initial Steps toward a Constitutional State, NDL

井上探景画、憲法発布式之図 Promulgation of the Japanese Imperial Constituion, 1889



民撰議院設立建白書 明治7(1874)年、板垣退助等8名が政府に提出した国会開設の建白書

加波山事件 民権派激挙の記録 Available via JapanKnowledge