かわら版・新聞錦絵、小野秀雄コレクション、東京大学 Kawara-ban, Shinbun Nishiki-e collection, University of Tokyo The site offers color news prints in 19th century as well as Edo period broad sheets.
Tokyo Eiri shinbun. March 4, 1888
幕末明治のメディアー新聞、錦絵、引札(Media in the late Edo and Meiji era)
Western media
Anglo-Japnese Gazzette (July 1902-June 1903)
Japan Weekly Mail (1870-1899)
In print
Japan and the Illustrated London news : complete record of reported events, 1853-1899 / compiled and introduced by Terry Bennett ; with a historical perspective by Hugh Cortazzi ; indexed by J.E. Hoare.
Egakareta bakumatsu Meiji : Irasutoreiteddo Rondon Nyūsu Nihon Tsūshin 1853-1902 / Kanai Madoka henyaku.
描かれた幕末明治 : イラストレイテッド・ロンドン・ニュース日本通信1853-1902 / 金井圓編訳.
Meiji Politics
Modern Japan in Archive: Political history from the opening of the country to post-war 国会図書館「史料にみる日本の近代」
Initial Steps toward a Constitutional State, NDL
井上探景画、憲法発布式之図 Promulgation of the Japanese Imperial Constituion, 1889
民撰議院設立建白書 明治7(1874)年、板垣退助等8名が政府に提出した国会開設の建白書
加波山事件 民権派激挙の記録 Available via JapanKnowledge