Research Tips for Journalists
- Journalist's ResourceCurated scholarship relevant to media practitioners, bloggers, educators, students and general readers.
- Research Skills for Journalists (Harvard Login)Guide to developing skillsets needed for producing well researched, quality journalism across a range of platforms.
- The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods (Harvard Login)Entries cover every step of the research process, from the creative development of research topics and questions to literature reviews, selection of best methods (whether quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) for analyzing research results and publishing research findings, whether in traditional media or via new media outlets.
Journal Articles
- Communication Abstracts (Harvard Login)Source of communication-related publications including 230 journals, books, and reports and papers produced at research institutions. Topics covered in Communication Abstracts include: journalism; mass media; social media; advertising, political rhetoric; the sociology and history of communication; communication theory, and more.
- American Journalism (Harvard Login)Peer-reviewed, quarterly journal of the American Journalism Historians Association, publishes original articles on the history of journalism, media, and mass communication in the United States and internationally. The journal also features historiographical and methodological essays, book reviews, and digital media reviews. 1997-present.
- Global Media JournalOpen access journal that publishes works that assess existing media structures and practices, such as global media concentration, globalization of TV genres, global media and consumer culture, the role of media in democratic governance and global justice, propaganda, media reception and cultural practice, commercialization of news, new media technologies, media regulations, regional media, alternative media, and other timely issues. 2002-present.
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (Harvard Login)Peer-reviewed journal of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, JMCQ publishes original articles and book reviews on topics including theoretical and methodological developments in journalism and mass communication, international communication, media technologies and society, advertising, public relations, journalism history, media law and policy, media management and economics, political communication and health communication. 1955-present.
Data & Statistics
- Media Intelligence Center (Harvard Login)Provides circulation and subscription data for thousands of primarily US journals, newspapers, and magazines.
- Media CloudMedia Cloud is an open source platform for studying media ecosystems.This suite of tools allows researchers to track how stories and ideas spread through media, and how different corners of the media ecosystem report on stories.
- eMarketer (Harvard Login)Market research and trend analysis on Internet, e-business, online marketing, media and emerging technologies. eMarketer aggregates and analyzes information from leading information industry sources and brings it together in analyst reports, daily research articles, and a database of e-business and online marketing statistics.
- Gale Directory of Print Publications & Broadcast Media 2019 (Harvard Login)Listings for radio and television stations, cable companies and print media publishers that also includes ad rates, circulation statistics, local programming information and other essential data for U.S., Canadian, and international media outlets.
- State of the News Media ProjectDetailed data on trends in the news industry from the Pew Research Center.
- News Media and HabitsPolls related to media consumption and opinions from the Pew Research Center.
- S&P Global Market Intelligence, Media & Communications (Harvard Login)News, data, and analysis of technology, media & communications markets. This resource requires users to create a login by going to New User and then entering their Harvard e-mail address. If you do not see media data when logged in set your profile to the Media & Communications Sector-Focused User under settings.
- Gale Directory of Print Publications & Broadcast Media 2019 (Harvard Login)Listings for radio and television stations, cable companies and print media publishers. Entries provide full contact information, including address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses and Web site URLs.
- Leadership Connect (Harvard Login)Contains contact and biographical data for news media outlets.