Sources for Radio and Television Broadcasts and Photographs
- AP ArchiveThe film and video archive of The Associated Press on YouTube. The collection offers 1.7 million global news and entertainment video stories dating back to 1895. Curated playlists are also available.
- Associated Press Images Archive (Harvard Login)Database of Associated Press photographs, charts and other graphics from the 1840s to the present. Images can be downloaded for educational use.
- Meet the Press (Harvard Login)Full episodes from 1947-2013.
- Boston TV News Digital LibraryDigitized Boston-area news programs dating from the early 1960s to 2000.
- Factiva (Harvard Login)Search transcripts of television broadcasts. Limit publication type to Transcripts: Broadcast to search all transcripts and to see a list of the available sources. Click on the i icon for coverage dates.
- Nexis Uni (Harvard Login)Provides access to thousands of newspapers from around the world. Includes transcripts of broadcast and cable news from both the U.S. and other countries.
- CNN TranscriptsTranscripts for CNN programming and breaking news.
- Internet Archive TV NewsLaunched in 2012 (with content dating back to 2009), the archive is an open-access database of broadcast clips and closed caption text for search and discovery. Programs include national news broadcasts as well as local news programs. The Internet Archive provides loans of full programs on DVD and full viewing on the premises of the Internet Archive library.
- World Newsreels Online: 1929-1966 (Harvard Login)full runs of many of the key international newsreels produced during the early twentieth century. Key collections include: Universal Newsreels, Universal Studios, Les Actualites Francaises, Nippon News and The March of Time.
Sources for Interviews & Documentaries
- Streaming Video @ HarvardIncludes A-Z list of streaming platforms subscribed to by Harvard.
- Alexander Street Video (Harvard Login)Collection of videos including documentaries about American history. Videos come with transcripts and clips can be created and saved for future viewing.
- Digitalia Film Library (Harvard Login)Digitalia Film Library offers streaming video of films and documentaries from Latin America, Europe and North America.
- Kanopy (Harvard Login)Collection of videos including documentaries. Clips can be created and saved.
- PBS Video Collection (Harvard Login)Collection of hundreds PBS documentary films and series. Includes streaming access for American Experience, American Masters, and Frontline.
- The HistoryMakers (Harvard Login)African American oral video history archive which contains interviews with African Americans who have made a significant contribution in area of American life or culture, or who has been associated with a particular movement or organization that is important in the African American community. Disciplines include Art, Business, Civics, Education, Entertainment, Law, Media, Medicine, Military, Music, Politics, Religion, Science, Sports and Style.
- The Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive (Harvard Login)Searchable archive of 54,000 videos of survivor and witness testimony from the Holocaust and other genocides. Select Continue as Guest or the Register option. Registered users can create customized projects with selected testimonies and segments of testimonies that can be shared with other VHA registered users.