Box 2 Memoirs, family histories, histories of enterprises, policy debates

* Format note: The following items are on microfilm unless otherwise specified.


Unpublished genealogical diagrams of Moscow merchant families, 1700-1950, composed of diagrams and lists of individuals from T. C. Owen, “The Social and Ideological Evolution of the Moscow Merchants, 1840-1870,” unpublished doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, 1973, 445-69, with notations in pen or pencil.  The twenty-three families are: Alekseev, Bakhrushin, Bostandzhoglo, Botkin, Chetverikov, Guchkov, Iakunchikov, Khludov, Konshin, Krestovnikov, Kumanin, Lepeshkin, Mamontov, Mazurin, Morozov, Moskvin, Naidenov, Prokhorov, Riabushinskii, Shchukin, Tret’iakov (two separate families), and Vishniakov.  The original genealogies showed biographical details of the most prominent Moscow merchants and documented at least one marriage between each pair of families, except that Riabushinskiis had no direct link to any of the other twenty-two families.  Among the notations is evidence of an indirect marriage link, as Arsenii Z. Morozov married one daughter of Stepan Ovsiannikov, a grain trader in St. Petersburg, and another of his daughters married Pavel M. Riabushinskii.  Typed manuscript, annotated. 
*Note: A slightly different diagram of these genealogical links, among twenty-two families (minus the Bakhrushins, Riabushinskiis, and one of the Tret’iakovs, but with the Iakovlevs and Sapozhnikovs), appeared in : Owen, Thomas C., Capitalism and Politics in Russia: A Social History of the Moscow Merchants, 1855-1905 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981), 222-7.

Note cards for the dissertation (1 box)

Baranov, A. A.  Istoricheskii ocherk khlopchatobumazhnogo proizvodstva v Rossii, v sviazi s tamozhennymi tarifami.  M, 1913.

Beriushina, А.  Pochemu ia stala komunistkoi?  N.p., 1920. (In box with list of tariff changes, Min Fin Sbornik svedenii 1865, “Gorodskie golovy,” Kontora Knop, Skal’kovskii’s memoir, and Kun.)

Blagoveshchenskii, sv. Ioann.  “Manufaktur-sovetnik, Moskovskii kupets Timofei Vasil’evich Prokhorov.”  Biographical sketch, pp. 186-239 from a longer publication.

Bulmerincq, Wilhelm von.  Lebenserinnerungen des letzten Stadthauptes (Oberbürgermeister) von Riga.  Wolfenbüttel: E. Fischer, 1952.

Denisov, A. I., comp.  General-Ad”iutant Admiral Nikolai Aleksandrovich Arkas: biograficheskii ocherk.  Sevastopol: D. O. Kharchenko, 1887.  (In box with Ilovaiskii)

“Gorodskie golovy v Moskve do . . . 1862 g.”  M, 1881.  (In box of films with Beriushina, Kun, Skal’kovskii, list of tariff changes, etc.)

Ilovaiskii, S. I.  Istoricheskii ocherk piatidesiatiletiia Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva i torgovli.  Odessa: Iuzhno-Russkoe obshchestvo pechatnogo dela, 1907.  (In box with Denisov)

Jenny, Ernest Gabriel.  Die Deutschen im Wirtschaftsleben Russlands, nebst Anhang: Die künftigen Beziehungen der deutschen Kolonisten in Russland zu ihrem Stammlande.  Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag, 1920.  Reprint from Weltwirtschaft, nos. 2-4 and 7 (1919).

Kontora Knop i ego znachenie.  Spb: R. Golike, 1895.  (Article 53 pp. long, reprinted from Vestnik obshchestva tekhnologov.)  (In box with Beriushina, Skal’kovskii, etc.)

Krengol’mskaia manufaktura: istoricheskoe opisanie, sostavlennoe po sluchaiu 50-ti letiia ego sushchestvovaniia, ispolenivshegosia 30 aprelia 1907 g.  SPb, 1907.

Krestovnikov, Nikolai Konstantinovich.  Semeinaia khronika Krestovnikovykh   3 vols. M.: A. A. Levenson, 1903-4. 

Kun, E.  Razvitie nashego tamozhennogo oblozhenii v poslednie desiatiletiia.   SPb: Ministerstvo finansov, 1917.  (In box with Beriushina, Skal’kovskii, etc.)

Leningrad.  Russkii muzei.  Kupecheskii bytovoi portret XVIII-XX vv.  Author: M. D. Priselkov.  Prepared for an exhibition “Trud i capital nakanune revoliutsii.”  Leningrad, 1905.

Mashinostroitel’nyi zavod L. Nobel’.  Mekhanicheskii zavod Liudvig Nobel’. 1862-1912.  SPb, 1912.

Materialy dlia istorii moskovskogo kupechestva. Obshchestvennye prigovory.  11 vols. M., 1892-1911.  The collection contains three volumes of this set: vol. 8, the journals of the Moscow Merchant Society for 1863 (1909); vol. 9, journals for 1871 (1909), vol. 10, journals for 1882 (1910); and vol. 11, journals for 1907, subtitled not Obshchestvennye prigovory but Zhurnaly sobraniia vybornykh (1911).
Note on holdings as of 07/18/2014: Not in HOLLIS.  (Note: the nine-volume set entitled Materialy . . . kupechestva, of which the Obshchestvennye prigovory is a supplement, contains information about Moscow merchants in the ten revizii, or censuses, of the population taken by the imperial government from 1725 to 1857.  HOLLIS provides access to these nine volumes except for vol. 4, which contains information from the fifth reviziia.  HOLLIS indicates that volumes 1-3 and 5-9 are readable on line, but volumes 6, 7, and 9 are not.  Instead, these three volumes are for sale in Google Books.  A search on kupechestva in World Cat produces a list of U.S. libraries that hold some volumes of this series.  Following the link to Yale or Stanford and then to Google Books on either page produces a readable text of vol. 4, supplement 1, containing census information on merchants in 1801.) In Google Books, a search on materialy kupechestva brings up volume 3 of the Materialy (1896), readable on line, and volume 8 of the Zhurnaly (1909), the supplementary series (for sale).

[Mel’nikov, Nikolai P.]  S. I. Mal’tsov i mal’tsovskie zavody: opisanie fabriki i zavodov.  Odessa: A. F. Sokolovskii, 1903.  (Author’s initials, N. M, at end.  His name is specified in the online catalog of thse Russian State Library, RGB.)    

Nevskii sudostroitel’nyi i mekhanicheskii zavod.  Istoricheskii ocherk razvitiia Nevskogo sudostroitel’nogo i mekhanicheskogo zavoda: 1860-1910.  SPb, 1910.

Nisselovich, L. N.  Torgovo-promyshlennye soveshchetel’nye uchrezhdeniia v Rossii: istoricheskii ocherk.  SPb, 1887.

Obshchestvo dlia sodeistviia uluchsheniiu i razvitiiu manufakturnoi promyshlennosti.  Pamiati Sergeia Ivanovicha Prokhorova.  M., 1900.

Pamiati Liudviga Emmanuilovicha Nobelia.  SPb: Panteleev brothers, 1889.  (In box with two films about oil: Simonovich and book on Nobel oil co.)

Prokhorovskaia trekhgornaia manufaktura v Moskve.  Manufacture des Trois Montagnes Prochoroff à Moscou. 1799-1899: istoriko-statisticheskii ocherk.  M: I. N. Kushnerev, 1900.  Text in Russian and French.

Russia.  Manufakturnyi sovet.  Moskovskoe otdelenie.  Zapiska moskovskikh otdelenii Manufakturnogo i Kommercheskogo sovetov i Moskovskogo birzhevogo komiteta po povodu predlozhenii ob izmeneniiakh evropeiskogo tarifa.  M, 1867.

Russia.  Ministerstvo finansov.  “Polozhenie o poshlinakh za pravo torgovli . . .” for 1863, in Sbornik svedenii i materialov po vedomstvu Ministerstva finansov.  SPb, 1865.  (In box of films with Kun, Skal’kovskii, list of tariff changes, and “Gorodskie golovy”)

Sergei Ivanovich Mal’tsov i Mal’tsovskie promyshlenno-torgovoe tovarishchestvo.  SPb, 1880.

Shipov, Aleksandr P.  O sredstvakh k ustraneniiu nashikh ekonomicheskikh ii finansovykh zatrudnenii.  SPb: F. S. Sushchinskii, 1866.  Table of contents and last 16 pages of conclusion.  Photocopy.

Shipulina, A. V.  “Ivanovskaia promyshlennost’ v period krizisa krepostnogo khoziaistva (30-50-gg. XIX v.)”  Ivanovskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii institut, Uchenye zapiski, vol. 3 (1952): 65-106.  (In box with Volkova)

Simonovich, Vikentii.  Neft’ ii neftianaia promyshlennost’ v Rossii: istoriko-statisticheskii ocherk.  SPb: Iu. N. Erlikh, 1909.  (In box with 30 let . . . Nobelia and Pamiati . . . Nobelia.)

Sittsevaia manufaktura A. Giubnera.  Tovarishchestvo sittsevoi manufaktury Al’berta Giubnera v Moskve: 50 g. s osnovaniia fabriki, 25 g. s uchrezhdeniia tovarishchestva.  Moscow, 1896.

Skal’kovskii, Konstantin Aleksandrovich.  Vospominaniia molodosti (po moriu zhiteiskomu), 1843-1869.  SPb, 1906.  Ch. 23, on debate over tariff protection for Russian industries (In box with Beriushina, Kun, etc.)

Terent’ev, Petr N, comp.  Materialy k istorii Prokhorovskoi Trekhgornoi manufaktury i torgovo-promyshlennoi deiatel’nosti sem’i Prokhorovykh, gody 1799-1915.  M: A. I. Mamontov, 1915.  (Republished: M: Terra, 1996.)   

Torgovoe i promyshlennoe delo Riabushinskikh.  M, 1913.

Torgovyi dom S. Morozova syn i Ko.  Manufaktura i fabriki torgovogo doma pod firmoiu “Savva Morozov s synov’iami”: k vserossiiskomu vystavke 1870 g.  S planom manufaktury.  M: I. N. Kushnerev, 1870.  

Tovarishchestvo manufaktur I. Konovalova s synom.  Torgovo-promyshlennaia deiatel’nost’ firmy Ivana Aleksandrovicha Konovalova. 1812-1896 g. (istorichesko-statisticheskii ocherk).  M, 1896.

Tovarishchestvo Norskoi manufactury.  Norskaia manufaktura v ego proshlom i nastoiashchem.  M, 1900.

30 [tridtsat’] let deiatel’nosti Tovarishchestvo neftianogo proizvodstva brat’ev Nobel’ 1879-1909.  (In box with two films about oil: Simonovich and memorial to L. E. Nobel)

Troitsko-Aleksandrovskaia manufaktura Baranovykh.  Troitsko-Aleksandrovskaia manufaktura Tovarishchestva manufaktury Baranovykh, 1846-1896.  M: I. N.  Kushnerev, 1896.

Ushakov, A. S.  Nashe kupechestvo i torgovlia s ser’eznoi i karikaturnoi storony.  3 vols.  Moscow, 1865-7.

Vishniakov, N.  Svedeniia o kupecheskom rode Vishniakovykh.  3 vols.  M, 1903-11. 
Note on holdings as of 07/18/2014: HOLLIS gives access to full text of vols. 1-2, but vol. 3 is not there.  

Address of the Moscow Municipal Duma to Prince Vladimir A. Cherkasskii, 1870.  Photocopy of archival document.