Box 3 RUSCORP database and business organizations in the Russian Empire
* Format note: The following items are on microfilm unless otherwise specified.
The RUSCORP database
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. Description—Study no. 9142 RUSCORP: A Database of Corporations in the Russian Empire, 1700-1914.
RUSCORP: A Database of Corporations in the Russian Empire, 1700-1914. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, [1993].
HOLLIS Number : 007702503
Internet Link : Data File - follow this link and enter ruscorp in the search window.
Also available here:]
Other materials
Gushka. A. O. Predstavitel’nye organizatsii torgovo-promyshlennogo klassa v Rossii. SPb: Shreder, 1912.
Lists of corporations existing in 1847, 1861, 1869, 1874, and 1892 and books on corporations in existence in 1905 and 1914, in chronological order. Photocopy.
List of 124 existing corporations in the Russian Empire, Aktsioner, Dec. 30, 1860, 208.
[No RUSCORP file has been created for this date] Photocopy.
Lur’e, E. S. Organizatsii i organizatsiia torgovo-promyshlennykh interesov v Rossii: podgotovitel’nye materialy i etiudy dlia kharakteristiki predprinimatel’skogo dvizheniia. SPb: S.-Peterburgskii tekhnicheskii institut, 1913.
[Nebol’sin, G. P.] “Aktsionernye obshchestva v Rossii,” Sovremennik, 1847, vol. 5, section 4, Smes’, 1-25. (The author is specified in Leonid E. Shepelev, Aktsionernye kompanii v Rossii, Leningrad: Nauka, 1973, 64.) Photocopy.
Obshchestvo dlia sodeistviia russkoi promyshlennosti i torgovle. Otchet o deiatel’nosti vysochaishe utverzhdennogo Obshchestva dlia sodeistviia russkoi promyshlennosti i torgovle s 1867 po 1892 g. SPb, 1892 (In box with T-p s”ezdy and Odsrpit Trudy)
Obshchestvo dlia sodeistviia russkoi promyshlennosti i torgovle. Trudy, 1874. SPb: N. I. Glazunov, 1974. Excerpts, including list of members and officers. (In box with T-p s”ezdy and Odsrpit otchet)
Owen, Thomas C. A System of English-Language Titles of Business Organizations in the Russian Empire, 1816-1913. Typescript of unpublished paper written in 1981.
Russia. Departament torgovli i manufaktur. Svedeniia ob aktsionernykh kompaniiakh, obshchestvakh vzaimnogo strakhovaniia i birzhevykh arteliakh, deisvovavshikh v Rossii v 1891-2 operationnykh godakh. SPb, 1894. Photocopy.
“Spisok aktsionernym obshchestvam, tovarishchestvam na paiakh po poriadku utverzhdeniia,” Ezhegodnik ministerstva finansov, vyp.1 (1869), 308-15. Photocopy.
Torgovo-promyshlennyi s”ezd, Moscow, 1882. Rezoliutsii vysochaishe razreshennogo torgovo-promyshlennogo s”ezda, sozvannogo Obshchestvom dlia sodeistviia russkoi promyshlennosti i torgovle. SPb, 1883.
Torgovo-promyshlennye s”ezdy v Rossii. SPb, 1896. (In box with Odsrpit and Otchet Odsrpit)
Trudy vysochaishe razreshennogo torgovo-promyshlennogo s”ezda, sozvannogo Obshchestvom dlia sodeistviia russkoi promyshlennosti i torgovle. SPb., 1883.
Vserossiiskii s”ezd fabrikantov, zavodchikov i lits, interesuiushchikhsia otechestvennoi promyshlennost’iu. SPb., 1870. Stenograficheskii otchet zasedanii 4-go otdeleniia. Also stenographic account of sessions of 5th and 6th sections and resolutions of the General Assembly. SPb, 1872.
Zamechaniia na proekt polozheniia ob aktsionernykh obshchestvakh, sostavlennyi Osoboiu komissiei pri Ministerstsva finansov. SPb, 1872. (2 reels)
Note cards on the history of corporate law and regional patterns of corporate entrepreneurship. 1 box.
Note cards showing the names of business organizations and proposed English translations, including those in the unpublished paper. 1 box.
Note cards on the careers of individuals active in corporations and business organizations (1800-1920), in alphabetical order (box 3 part 2).