Related materials

The following titles are also part of the Thomas C. Owen's collection, but they have been cataloged as separate items and are available for individual use:

Dnevnik russkogo predprinimateli͡a / Fedor Vasilʹevich Chizhov ; pod redakt͡sieĭ, s vvedeniem i kommentariem T.Ch. Ouėna ; s prilozhenii͡ami I.A. Simonovoĭ.[Moscow, Russia? : s. n.], 1998.369 p. ; 28 cm. Computer printout of manuscript.
   HOLLIS number: 9808051

Torgovyĭ sbornik : Ezhenedi͡elʹnyĭ zhurnal torgovli i finansov.
S.-Peterburg, 1864-1873. Microfilm.
   HOLLIS number: 14132253