
America: History and Life (1955- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles, and book reviews.

Historical Abstracts (1954- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles (but not book reviews) for non-North American history, 1450-date.

Bibliography of British and Irish History is a comprehensive bibliography of secondary sources dealing with the British Isles, British Empire and Commonwealth from 55 BC to the present.

Web of Science Citation Indexes allow citation searching, that is, starting with an article of interest and finding more recent articles that have cited it. More information.

JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of over 400 journals. Allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of many historical journals. List of included journals.

Periodicals Index Online indexes over 5500 English and Western European language journals from their inceptions to 1995. Includes 218 journals in American history and 840 journals in world history. Also numerous journals in related subjects. Limit to historical journals by adjusting Journal Subject(s) menu to History (General) or History (The Americas), although this will exclude historical articles in non-history journals. Includes book reviews.

PAO Historical Studies Collection is a full test searchable subset of about 100 journals in history from Periodicals Index Online. There are no links from HOLLIS to included journals.