Law Periodicals

Criminal Justice Abstracts (1968- ) covers U.S. and international criminal justice literature including scholarly journals, books, dissertations, governmental and non-governmental studies and reports, unpublished papers, magazines, newsletters, etc. and other materials.

Hein Online Legal Journal Collection offers full-text of many law reviews and journals, most starting with volume 1 and extending in some cases to the present. Book reviews, notices, advertisements, etc., are included.


Index to periodical articles related to law (1958- ) indexes law-related articles in general and other non-law journals not covered by the legal indexes.

Index to legal periodical literature, 1786-1937. (ed. by Jones and Chipman, 6 v.)  indexes general and legal periodicals and law reports. -- v. 1. Prior to Jan. 1887.--v. 2. 1887-1899 [i.e. 1898]--v. 3. 1898-1908 [i.e. 1907]--v. 4. 1908-1922.--v. 5. 1923-1927. 
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Law School Reference K33 .I53
Law School K33 .I53

HeinOnline Subject Compilations of State Laws database provides detailed bibliographic information for thousands of articles, books, government documents, loose-leaf services, court opinions and websites that compare or survey state laws. Searchable by topic.

Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective (1908-1981).

LegalTrac (1980- ) indexes the contents of nearly 1000 English-language legal periodicals, including academic law journals, bar association publications, and legal newspapers, and law-related articles from business and general interest titles.

NexisUni (1970s- ) offers law reviews.  Tips for Advanced Search.

  • Choose Advanced Search
  • Select a Specific Content type: Legal
  • Narrow to Law Reviews and Journals on left.
  • Choose Law Reviews and Journals (in blue)
  • Enter your search terms
  • Narrow as needed on left