

Elgar encyclopedia of comparative law, ed. by Jan M. Smits. 2nd ed. Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar Pub., 2012. 1024 p.
Law School | Reference | K48 .E42 2012

Encyclopedia of law & society: American and global perspectives, ed. by David S. Clark. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2007. 3 v.
Law School | Reference | K583 .E53 2007
Widener | RR 4223.2.20

Legal systems of the world : a political, social, and cultural encyclopedia, ed. by Herbert M. Kritzer. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, 2002. 4 v.
Law School | Reference | K48 .L44 2002

Oxford international encyclopedia of legal history, ed. by Stanley N. Katz. Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2009, 6 v.
Law School | Reference | K50 .O94 2009
Law School | Special Coll Ref | K50 .O94 2009 Copy 2
Online Version

Document Collections

The making of modern law. Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970  includes regulations, session laws, journals, and codes and commentaries. Largely France, Germany, and Great Britain (and Ireland) with smaller amounts on other European countries and worldwide, especially Mexico and Argentina

The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 offers legal treatises and histories concerning the non-Anglo-American world. Includes Ancient, Roman, Jewish Law, and Islamic Law. Substantial coverage of France.

Research Guides

Free Legal Research Resources - Foreign & International (Harvard)

Foreign & International Law (Georgetown)

Foreign law guide, ed. by Marci Hoffman. (Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV, 2017- ) offers sources of foreign law, including citations to legislation, to English translations and to secondary sources.

Guide to Law Online: Nations of the World


Latin America

Library Research Guide for Latin American Studies

Oxford Bibliographies: Law and Society in Latin America since 1800

Law and Justice in Latin America (LANIC)

South Asia

Manupatra provides full-text access to case decisions, statutes, bills, legislative history documents, government notifications, legal forms and other law documents from India.

Anglo-Indian Legal History (University of Pennsylvania)

Mitra Sharafi’s South Asian Legal History Resources (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

India Legal Research Guide: Introduction

Indian Kanoon Indian case law and legislation, 1870s-


Encyclopedia of Islamic jurisprudence concerning Muslim women: a comprehensive encyclopedia which covers, belief, acts of worship, Islamic rulings on family matters, manners and etiquettes, dealings, uprisings, portents on battles, and exemplary women, by Yusuf al-Hajj Ahmad. Riyadh : Darussalam, 2010. 3 v.
Widener | WID-LC | KBP526.32 .A44 2010x