Scholarly Blogs

ACI Scholarly Blog Index - Curated collection of abstracts of scholarly blogs and social media selected by researchers and librarians and intended as a current awareness, research and reference database for the academic community, across disciplines. Try searching for the words "Dalit," or "Caste" to keep track of social justice activism related to the caste issue in India.

Asia Unbound - Council of Foreign Relations experts give their take on the cutting-edge issues emerging in Asia today

India at London School of Economics


Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports, 1947-1996. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service is a US government agency which translates the text of daily radio and television broadcasts, newspapers and periodicals, government statements, books, and other sources of unrestricted information such as databases and gray literature from non-English sources around the world. Reports with translations are issued for eight world regions daily and cover such topics as military affairs, politics, the environment, societal issues, economics, and science and technology.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Times of India (1838-2005)

Indian newspaper reports, 1868-1942, from the British Library, London.
Marlborough : Adam Matthew Publications Ltd., 2005-<2009>
8 pts. on 211 microfilm reels
-- Consists of weekly typewritten abstracts taken from a wide variety of Indian newspapers, with some extracts. Translated by an official translator. Each report is divided into the following sections: Foreign politics -- Home administration: Police. Working of the courts. Jails. Education. Local self-government and municipal administration. Questions affecting the land. Railways and communications, including canals and irrigation. General (including a wide range of topics) -- Legislative -- Native States -- Prospects of the crops and condition of the people -- Miscellaneous
-- pt. 1. Bengal, 1874-1903 (27 reels) -- pt. 2. Bengal, 1904-1916 (26 reels) -- pt. 3. Punjab, Agra, Oudh, Rajputana and Central Provinces, c1868-1896 (29 reels) -- pt. 4. United Provinces, 1897-1937 (29 reels)--pt. 5. Madras, 1876-1921 (32 reels)--pt. 6. Bombay, 1874-1898 (18 reels) -- pt. 7. Bombay, 1901-1921 (25 reels) -- pt. 8. Punjab, 1896-1924; Sind, 1936-1939; Burma, 1938-1942; Bihar and Orissa 1920 (25 reels).
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1365
Online Guides

South Asian Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive) offers full text of 7 newspapers covering various date spans, 1805-1922.

Times Digital Archive (1785-1985) offers the London Times full text, including news, editorials, advertising, pictures. Sunday Times is not included.

General Guide: Guide to Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes.