Missionary Sources

 The correspondence, reports and periodicals of missionaries contain much social and cultural information on the countries visited.

Archives Unbound: Global Missions and Theology includes personal narratives, organizational records and biographies of leaders, missionaries and churches. Includes materials on American domestic and foreign missionary activities, 1800-1899. More information.

Basel Mission Archives (1815 until the mid-20th century) contain digitized visual and cartographic material as well as catalog data relating to the Basel Mission’s work  in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, especially Ghana (from 1828), India (from 1834), China (from 1847), Cameroon (from1886) and Kalimantan (from 1922).

Church Missionary Society archive. 7 sections on 1477 microfilm reels + reel guides.
Brief description
Harvard-Yenching | FW 1783
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 958
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 958 = guides
Online guide Scroll down

Missionary pamphlets: Alexander Duff Pamphlet Collection from the Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World.
HOLLIS record
Online guide
Missions -- India -- History -- 19th century -- Sources.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1439

Presbyterian Church of England Foreign Missions Committee (1847-1950)
Fuller record
Microforms (Lamont) Microfiche W 5921

Scottish missionary archives from the Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World. 4 pts. on 39 microfilm reels.
Brief description.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1438
Online guide Scroll down

Women missionaries. 2 pts. on 14 microfilm reels. Fuller record
Microforms (Lamont) Film A 1282
Online guide Scroll down

Women's missionary archives from the Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World. 34 microfilm reels.
Fuller description
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1437
Online guide Scroll down

The Houghton Library here at Harvard holds the archives of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign MissionsAn online guide for the paper records in Houghton is available, but researchers are asked to use the microfilm which contains over half of the records (in Government Documents/Microtext, Level B, Lamont Library) where possible. An online guide to the microfilm is available together with an index of missionaries, and collection information (in Collection List under Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. There is a book in the Houghton Library Reading Room which lists the original paper records and is annotated to indicate which of these are available on the microfilm. The main collection of ABCFM papers consists of documents, minutes and letters sent by the missionaries to the Board, arranged geographically by location of mission, then chronologically, then alphabetically by name of the missionary.

There are substantial archival and pamphlet collections relating to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions at the Congregational Library in Boston

Center for Research Libraries, Chicago holds the following collections which can be obtained via Interlibrary Loan:
--The Archives of the Council for World Missions, 1775–1940
--Methodist Missionary Society Archives, 1791–1948
Additional information on mission-related material is available on their website.

Digitized Annual Reports of Missionary Societies (Yale)

Mission Periodicals Online