Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

WRDS is a web-based business data research service from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Provides access to financial, accounting, banking, economics, marketing, and public policy databases through a uniform, web-based interface. Strengths include deep archives of historical data, a common web interface for access to all WRDS databases, and a variety of output file formats.

WRDS Access Instructions

Faculty,  Ph.D. and Masters/Undergraduate accounts:
Click on the "Account Request" link. Fill out the Account Request form - be sure to choose Harvard University from the list of schools. You will be mailed a username and password within two business days. (Masters accounts do not have access over the summer.)

Class accounts:
Faculty members may request accounts for class use. Follow the instructions listed above for Faculty and Ph.D. accounts; choose "Class Account" and include the faculty member's name.

Research accounts:
Faculty members may request accounts for their Harvard researchers. Follow the instructions listed above for Faculty and Ph.D. accounts; choose "Research Account" and include the name of the faculty sponsor.

Account Questions:
Contact Diane Sredl, Data Reference Librarian, for further information about which account you may be eligible for.

Questions regarding WRDS data should be directed to WRDS e-mail support

The sharing of a WRDS username and password is strictly prohibited for any reason. Failure to comply with this rule will result in termination of your account and may result in the loss of WRDS for all Harvard users. Faculty members should request separate research accounts for their assistants.