Harvard Library and Archival Collections

Harvard Libraries (Multidisciplinary)

Harvard Libraries by Subject

Cabot Science Library

The Cabot Science Library is the main research library for mathematics and statistics, and the geological sciences, as well as serving as the undergraduate general science library. Numerous science journals are received with backsets stored alphabetically in the basement. More specialized journals are received by the other science libraries.

Portions of the following Widener classes were transferred from Widener to the Cabot basement: Astr, Chem, Math, Phys, Sci (Sci mathematics journals only). They may be scanned using a Widener Call Number browse on the HOLLIS basic Search screen.

History of Science Library

The History of Science Library belongs to the History of Science Department, which provides a librarian. The hours are posted on the door; outside of these hours it is locked. Materials removed from the Library for photocopying should be returned rather than left outside in Widener. The collection is based on the library of George Sarton whose office was in Widener for many years. Current periodicals in the history of science are received, but the Library does not purchase books.

The History of Science Library includes:

  • Reference books, including the Isis Cumulative Bibliography.
  • Runs of many journals. These are largely duplicated elsewhere in Widener.
  • Books from Sarton's library. These are largely duplicated elsewhere in Widener.
  • Offprints (i.e., reprints) of journal articles. These are very often from journals held elsewhere in Widener; look at the Long version of the record for the offprint to see the periodical from which it comes. There are 600 boxes classified as in the Isis Critical Bibliographies.
  • Sarton's correspondence and manuscripts. In Houghton

HOLLIS Catalog records for the journals received can be browsed with searches of the form:

per a [Other call number search, limited to the History of Science Library]

Houghton Library

The Houghton Library is Harvard's largest repository of rare books and manuscripts. Although best-known for literary collections, many sources for the history of science are held. Most books and many manuscripts are represented in the HOLLIS Catalog, but especially for manuscripts, a visit to Houghton to use their on-site catalogs and talk to staff is essential.

Further Information

Finding aids for collections in the Houghton Library (OASIS). Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Houghton and without search terms yields a list of all Houghton finding aids currently available through OASIS.

Catalogue of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University. Binghamton, N.Y.: Medieval & Renaissance texts & studies, 1995.
LOCATION: Houghton: Reading Room HRR 38.39.3
LOCATION: Lamont: Z725.H68 1995x Library has: v.1
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC Z725.H68 1995x and several other Harvard libraries

Manuscripts and drawings: a handlist of the finding aids with a list of published guides. Cambridge, MA: The Houghton Library, 1985.
LOCATION: Houghton: Reading Room
LOCATION: Lamont: REF.ROOM Z733.H354 H69 1985x
LOCATION: Widener: RR58.62 and several other Harvard libraries

Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America

The The Schlesinger Library has one of the leading collections of books, journals, and manuscripts on women's history.

> Further Information

Finding aids for collections in the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (OASIS). Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Schlesinger and without search terms yields a list of all Schlesinger finding aids currently available through OASIS.

Moseley, Eva S. 1984. "One half our history". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 32, pp. 274-311.

Dickstein, Ruth. Women in LC's terms: a thesaurus of Library of Congress subject headings relating to women. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1988.
LOCATION: Schlesinger:Ref. 025.49 D554w
LOCATION: Widener:RR 4761.20.2

Occupational subject headings are often prefixed with the term <Women>. Books exclusively on female biologists or physicians will probably not be retrieved with subject browses on Biologists or Physicians.
  • Women biologists
  • Women physicians

Harvard University Archives

University Archives

The University Archives is the repository of the records of the University administration and of many, especially Harvard College, departments. The personal papers of Harvard College faculty are also collected here. There are vertical files of biographical material and portraits. Harvard dissertations and Senior Theses are housed here. The Harvard Business, Law and Medical Schools have their own archival collections.

Further Information

Finding aids for collections in the Harvard University Archives (OASIS). Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Harvard University Archives and without search terms yields a list of all Harvard University Archives finding aids currently available through OASIS.

A descriptive guide to the Harvard University Archives. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Library, 1974.
LOCATION: Harvard Archives: HUF 156.174
LOCATION: Widener: Behind Reference Desk and in several other Harvard libraries

Elliott, Clark A. 1974. "Sources for the history of science in the Harvard University Archives". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 22, pp. 49-71.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries.

Elliott, Clark A. 1990. "Harvard University Archives". In: Archives of data-processing history: a guide to major U.S. collections, edited by James W. Cortada. New York: Greenwood Press.
LOCATION: Harvard Archives: HUF 156.590.14
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository QA76.17.Z99 A73 1990x

Widener Library

Widener Library is the main repository for Harvard's collections in the humanities and social sciences. Widener holds large collections of secondary and primary sources, all of which are represented in the HOLLIS Catalog. Most books published before 1820 have been transferred to Houghton. There are two classification systems in use. Books acquired after 1977 are arranged according to the Library of Congress system (<Widener: WID-LC:> in the HOLLIS Catalog); book acquired before 1977 are arranged according to the Widener (or Harvard) classification (<Widener:> in the HOLLIS Catalog).

Most primary sources are found in the Widener Classification, since the WID-LC books are post-1977. The collecting emphasis for materials in science, medicine and technology has recently (post-1977 WID-LC books, see below) been in historical, sociological and policy aspects. Earlier material (pre-1977 Widener books), although also emphasizing history, sociology and policy, has many scientific, medical, and technological books. Many of the more scientific of the books and journals in the Widener Astr, Chem, Math, Phys, and Sci (Sci mathematics journals only) classes have been transferred to the basement of Cabot, although the cut is by no means clean.

Widener Science Classes

<PR> indicates unbound issues in Widener Periodicals Reading Room.

Harvard Classification (pre-1977 items)

  • Astr - Astronomy: B-East, partly in Cabot basement
  • Chem - Chemistry: B-East, partly in Cabot basement
  • Eng - Engineering: In locked room in Cabot basement
  • LSoc - Publications of and on Learned Societies D West (PR)
  • Math - Mathematics: B-East, partly in Cabot basement
  • Med - Medicine: B-East
  • Nav - Navigation: C-East
  • Phil - Philosophy, Psychology: Pusey 3 (PR)
  • Phys - Physics: B-East, partly in Cabot basement
  • S - Science monographs (mainly): B-East (PR)
  • Sci - Science Periodicals: C-East, partly in Cabot basement (PR)
  • Soc - Sociology: Pusey 3 (PR)
  • Tec - Technology: C-East (PR)

Library of Congress Classification (purchased after 1977) (all PR)

  • BF - Psychology: Pusey 3
  • Q's - Science: B-East
  • R's - Medicine: B-East
  • S's - Agriculture: B-East
  • T's - Technology: C-East

Breakdown of the Widener S class:

  • S5-S1069 General
  • S1104-S1898 Biography
  • S5601-S5941 Meteorology/Climatology
  • S6001-S7059 Geography/Geology
  • S7501-S7880 Biology
    • S7501-S7530 Bibliographies, Dictionaries
    • S7540-S7576 Biology
    • S7605-S7625 Biology - Largely collected works
    • S7626-S7656 Biology
    • S7660-S7667 Botany
    • S7673-S7695 Zoology
    • S7700 Biology
  • S7900 Evolution
  • S7920-S7950 Genetics
  • S7960-S8099 Natural History, Ecology, Animal Behavior
  • S8100 Botany
  • S8200-S8393 Zoology
  • S8401-S8682 History of Biology
  • S8803-S8880 Microbiology

Breakdown of the Widener Sci class:

  • 5-125 Science in general
  • 255-325 Astronomy-Ephemerides
  • 455-525 Astronomy-Observations
  • 655-725 Astronomy-Journals and Society publications
  • 728-798 Meteorology-Observations
  • 800-842 Meteorology-Journals and Society Publications
  • 850-925 Mathematics
  • 1050-1125 Physics
  • 1250-1325 Chemistry (including industrial chemistry)
  • 1450-1545 Engineering and Industrial Sciences
  • 1550-1650 Agriculture
  • 1655-1725 Biology and Natural History
  • 1850-1925 Zoology
  • 2050-2125 Botany
  • 2150-2225 Physical Geography (including Hydrography and Oceanography)
  • 2250-2325 Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology - Journals ands Society publications
  • 2445-2645 Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology-Geological Surveys
  • 2705-2709 Scientific expeditions and voyages
  • 2850-2925 Mining and Metallurgy
  • 3040-3125 Anthropology and Ethnology
  • 3240-3425 Medicine
  • 3540-3725 Public Health and Pharmacy

Many Widener books have been removed to the Harvard Depository (HD), a storage facility about 30 miles from Cambridge. These items can be paged online and will be available by 3:00PM the next working day.

Older (pre-1960s) material in several Widener classes can also be browsed in the printed shelflist books. Note that some of this material may have been reclassed or sent to HD. The HOLLIS Catalog record will show the current status.

Widener Library shelflist.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.30
  • v. 15. Periodical classes (includes Sci and LSoc)
  • v. 42-43. Philosophy and psychology
  • v. 45-46. Sociology
  • v. 60. Geography and anthropology.

Sci includes medical, agricultural, and anthropological as well as scientific journals. Publications of learned societies, e.g., the Paris Academie des Sciences, which are often hard to find in the HOLLIS Catalog can be easily found in the LSoc section of the Periodical Classes shelflist volume (15). The LSoc classification (

publications by and about Learned Societies) arranges learned society publications under country and then society.


Cabot Science Library is the main research library in mathematics with older materials in the Widener Math and Sci classes (transferred from Widener) and recent material in Library of Congress, QA.

Birkhoff Mathematical Library is the library of the Mathematics Dept.

Widener Library's mathematical books are in the WID-LC QA class and the Widener Math and, for periodicals, Sci 850-925 classes. Especially in the QA class the emphasis is on historical, sociological and policy aspects.


John G. Wolbach Library of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics includes the:

  • Harvard College Observatory Library
  • Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Library

The Harvard College Observatory was founded in 1846, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in 1890 in Washington, DC, and moved to Cambridge in 1955. Their libraries house rich collections of books and periodicals; the astronomical periodicals collection being extraordinarily complete. Many early astronomical books are held, together with large collections of star maps and early astronomical photographs. Also included is the Charles McAteer Library of the American Association of Variable Star Observers. Wolbach uses Library of Congress call numbers.

Further Information

Hoffleit, D. 1951. "The library of the Harvard College Observatory". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 5, pp. 102-111.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries.

Hoffleit, D. 1950. Some Firsts in Astronomical Photography. Cambridge, MA: Harvard College Observatory, 39 pp.
LOCATION: Harvard Archives: HUF 165.550.39
LOCATION: Houghton: Horblit Ref-330 F
LOCATION: Wolbach Obs (HCO): QB121.H71 Library has: 3 c.

Widener Library's astronomical books are in the WID-LC QB class and the Widener Astr and Sci 255-725 classes.

  • Sci 255-325 Astronomy-Ephemerides
  • Sci 455-525 Astronomy-Observations
  • Sci 655-725 Astronomy-Journals and Society publications

Especially in the QB class the emphasis is on historical, sociological and policy aspects.


Physics Research Library serves the research needs of the Physics Department and houses little historical material, although some early 20th century textbooks and monographs are held. Obsolete works have been transferred over the years to Widener and other Harvard libraries. The origin of the collection dates to about 1886. Many books were transferred from the Harvard College Library in Gore Hall and, later, Widener. On the establishment of the McKay Library, most electronics and acoustics books were transferred there. The Physics Research Library uses Library of Congress call numbers. There is a collection of Harvard dissertations in physics which can be scanned online, search <thesis> [Other call number search, limited to Physics Research].

Further Information

Brown, S. C. 1955. Scientific drawings of Count Rumford at Harvard. Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 9, pp 350-364. Drawings in the Houghton Library.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries.

Hickman, R. W. 1956. "The physics libraries of Harvard University". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 10, pp. 356-366.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Widener Library's physics books are in the WID-LC QC class and the Widener Phys and Sci 1050-1125 classes. Especially in the QC class the emphasis is on historical, sociological and policy aspects.


Chemistry and Chemical Biology Library holds collections for chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology. Applied chemistry and chemical technology and not collected. Collection dates back to the 1890s; the present library was founded in 1927.

Cabot Science Library has two collections (one about 122 linear ft, the other about 18) of chemical dissertations, largely German, but with some other European and U.S. theses. The dissertations are filed by author in boxes; there is a card file by subject on the first floor by the stairwell, marked Catalog for Collection of European Chemical Dissertations. Ask at the Reference Desk for access.

Widener Library's chemistry books are in the WID-LC QD class and the Widener Chem and Sci 1250-1325 classes. Especially in the QD class the emphasis is on historical, sociological and policy aspects.

Earth Sciences

The former Bernhard Kummel Library of the Geological Sciences has been closed and its collections moved to the Cabot Science Library. The geological collections now in Cabot include holdings of the former Mineralogy Library, Rotch Mining Library, the Economic and Mining Geology collection, the Kirk Bryan Geomorphology Library, and the geological holdings of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Library. There are strong holdings in New England geology. Paleontology is collected by the Ernst Mayr Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology; oceanography mainly by the Ernst Mayr and Blue Hill libraries.

Cabot Science holds the following geological special collections:

1. The Rare Book collection contains about 800 works, 1619 to the 20th century. The collection can be scanned online with the search:

rare [Other call number search, limited to Cabot Science] They are located in locked compact shelving.

There are two large photograph collections:

Photographs taken by Reginald Daly of field trips, geological clubs, etc.

The Gardner Collection, initiated by W. M. Davis, which is a teaching collection of photographs of landscapes and geological features, many by well-known photographers, and which includes many local sites.

The photographs will be added to VIA over the next few years.

Munro, Heather Ross. The history and significance of the Gardner Collection of Photographs at the Kummel Library, Harvard University. Thesis (A.L.M. (Fine Arts))--Harvard University, 1988.
LOCATION: Harvard Archives: Harvard Depository Harvard University HU 88.25.132
LOCATION: Cabot Science: Special Collections Rare Book Room

2. A large reprint collection dating from World War II to 1990 arranged by author in filing cabinets. The reprints do not have HOLLIS Catalog records.

3. Collection of 77 old pull-down geological teaching maps which are not in the HOLLIS Catalog.

4. Kummel's large collection of geological field trip guidebooks have been integrated into the Cabot Science collection.

5. Geological theses are located in compact shelving..

Widener Library
Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 495-2411

Geological books are in the WID-LC QE class and the Widener S6001-7059 and Sci 2150-2645 classes. Especially in the QE class the emphasis is on historical, sociological and policy aspects.

  • Sci 2150-2225 Physical Geography (including Hydrography and Oceanography)
  • Sci 2250-2325 Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology - Journals ands Society publications
  • Sci 2445-2645 Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology-Geological Surveys

Environmental Sciences

Material on the environment is widely scattered in the Harvard libraries. Environmental material is concentrated in the following Library of Congress classes

  • G Geography (General) Atlases. Maps
    • GA mathematical geography. Cartography
    • GB Physical Geography
    • GC Oceanography
  • GE Environmental Sciences
    • GE 1-90: Environmental education
    • GE 170-190: Environmental policy
    • GE 195-199: Environmentalism. Green Movement
    • GE 300-350: Environmental management
  • GF Human Ecology. Anthropogeography
  • QH 1-278: Natural history
  • QH 540-549.5: Ecology
  • TD Environmental technology, sanitary engineering
    • TD 169-171: Environmental protection
    • TD 172-193: Environmental pollution
    • TD 419-428: Water pollution

Library of Congress Subject Headings for Environmental Sources

Frances Loeb Library of the Graduate School of Design
(Gund Hall, 48 Quincy Street) collects landscape architecture and urban design. It has considerable holdings in ecology, botany,and geography. Special Collections on the Library's lower level holds rare books, drawings, plans, maps, photographs, and manuscripts, relating to architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and planning.

Finding aids for collections in the Loeb Design Library. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Loeb Design Library and without search terms yields a list of all Loeb Design Library finding aids available in OASIS currently available through OASIS.

Further Information

A guide to the special collections of the Frances Loeb Library: special collections. [Cambridge, Mass.]: Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, [2001].
LOCATION: Loeb Design: Ref Desk Z675.A83 F732 2001
LOCATION: Loeb Design: VisRes Z675.A83 F732 2001
LOCATION: Loeb Design: Rare Z675.A83 F732 2001

Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives collects primary source materials, personal papers, report literature, media, etc., documenting the environmental movement from the mid1960s to the present.

Environmental Information Services

Finding aids for collections in the Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives and without search terms yields a list of all Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives finding aids currently available through OASIS.

Widener Library
Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 495-2411

Environmental books are in the WID-LC G, GE-GF, QH and TD classes and the OldWidener Sci 2150-2225 class. The emphasis is on historical, sociological and policy aspects.

  • Sci 2150-2225 Physical Geography (including Hydrography and Oceanography)

Theodore Roosevelt Collection
Harvard College Library (Houghton and Widener Libraries)

Dailey, Wallace Finley. "The Theodore Roosevelt Collection at Harvard". Manuscripts, v. 29 (Summer 1977).
LOCATION: Widener: B3773.20

Little, T. "The Theodore Roosevelt Collection at Harvard". Harvard Library Bulletin. v. 5 (Autumn 1951). LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries.

Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Dictionary Catalogue and Shelf1ist (1970), 5 vols.; Supplement (1986).
LOCATION: Harvard Archives: HUF 523.170.11
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.31 F Library has: 5 v.
LOCATION: Widener: US 6872.5 F and other Widener locations

Life Sciences

Founded in 1932, the Biological Laboratories Library collected molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, plant and animal physiology, immunology, and neurobiology. The Biological Laboratories Library has been closed. Their journals have been transferred to the Ernst Mayr Library, Cabot Science Library, and a few to the Chemistry Library. Their new periodical table is now in the Ernst Mayr Library. Their monograph collection is closed but remains onsite. It is serviced via the Ernst Mayr Library.

Widener Library's biological books are in the WID-LC QH, QP, QR classes and the Widener S5601-5941 class. Especially in the QH class the emphasis is on historical, sociological and policy aspects.

  • QH - Biology
  • QP - Physiology
  • QR - Microbiology


Botanical material is divided among the Botany Libraries (especially taxonomic and descriptive botany), the Arnold Arboretum Library in Jamaica Plain (woody plants and horticulture), the Biological Sciences Library (experimental biology), the Harvard Forest Library (forestry), and the Cabot Science Library (basic books and journals).

Further Information

Warnement, Judith. 1997. "Botanical libraries and herbaria in North America. 3. Harvard's botanists and their libraries". Taxon, v. 46, pp. 649-660.
LOCATION: Botany Gray Herbarium: Neth T1

Botany Libraries
Harvard University
22 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 495-2366

The Botany Libraries consists of six component collections. Emphasis is on taxonomic botany. Materials do not circulate. There are online inventories for many of the collections.

1. Library of the Gray Herbarium - New World, history of botany, Linnaean and pre-Linnaean works.

Finding aids for manuscript collections in the Gray Herbarium Archives. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Gray Herbarium Archives and without search terms yields a list of all Gray Herbarium Archives finding aids currently available through OASIS.

2. Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany - Fungi, mosses, and lichens, worldwide.

Finding aids for manuscript collections in the Farlow Library Archives. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Farlow Library Archives and without search terms yields a list of all Farlow Library Archives finding aids currently available through OASIS.

The Farlow Library uses the Library of Congress classification.

3. Economic Botany Library of Oakes Ames - Economic and medical botany, ethnobotany, sustainable agriculture, Linnaeana, and edible and poisonous plants.

4. Oakes Ames Orchid Library -- Orchidaceae, worldwide.

5. Botany Libraries Archives - Contains the archival portions of the above collections plus other archival collections, including:

  • The Tina & R.Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives
  • Artifacts from the Nash Lecture Hall Biological Museum, Harvard University

Arnold Arboretum Library
125 Arborway
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-3519
Phone: (617) 524-1718 x144

6. Arnold Arboretum Library in Jamaica Plain holds books largely on woody plants. The Archives include the records of the Arnold Arboretum together with personal papers of Arboretum staff and plant collectors and propagators associated with the Arboretum. Electronic inventories of several of the collections are available together with an online index of correspondence in the archival collections.

Finding aids for collections in the Arnold Arboretum Library and Archives, Jamaica Plain. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Arnold Arboretum Library and Archives and without search terms yields a list of all Arnold Arboretum Library and Archives finding aids currently available through OASIS.

Hay, Ida. 1995. Science in the Pleasure Ground: A History of the Arnold Arboretum. Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press, 349 pp.

Botanical Museum Archives
Harvard Botanical Museum, 26 Oxford Street

Schultes, R. E. and W. A. Davis, with H. Burger. 1992. The glass flowers at Harvard. Cambridge : Botanical Museum of Harvard University, 118 pp.
LOCATION: Loeb Design | QK98.3 .H37 1992

Harvard Forest Library
Petersham, Mass. 01366
(508) 724-3302

The Harvard Forest was founded in 1907. Its library contains about 24,500 volumes and 150 periodicals on forestry, forest ecology and related subjects.

Widener Library
Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 495-2411

Botanical books are in the WID-LC QK class and the Widener S8100 and Sci2050-2125 classes. Especially in the QK class the emphasis is on history of botany and conservation.

Nelken, Halina. Humboldtiana at Harvard: catalogue. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, c1976.
LOCATION: Cabot Science: Q143.H9 N41 and several other Harvard libraries


The Ernst Mayr Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology is one of the world's greatest zoological libraries. The Library collects taxonomic zoology, evolutionary biology, oceanography, ecology, and paleontology. It was established in 1861 with the purchase of the paleontological library of the Belgian chemist and amateur paleontologist, Laurent Guillaume de Koninck (1809-1887) and the donation of material from the library of Louis Agassiz, the Museum's founder. Over the years biological and geological books and serials were transferred from the Harvard College Library in Gore and, later, Widener; note the lack of Widener classes for biology or geology. Before the libraries of the Boston Society of Natural History and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences were sold out-of-state, items not otherwise held in this area were transferred to several Boston libraries, expecially the MCZ. Most geological material has been transferred to the Kummel Library of the Geological Sciences.

There are two classifications. Since 1977, the Library of Congress system has been used. A local classification, devised by Louis Agassiz's associate Jules Marcou, was used 1862-1977.

Manuscripts and rare books are housed in the Special Collections department or have been transferred to Houghton. Records of organizations and papers of numerous zoologists are held.

Complete list in:
Marcou: a catalog of the special collections of the library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1987.
LOCATION: Houghton: Reading Room HRR 1 F
LOCATION: Museum Comp Zoology: Spec. Coll. 2nd cop. in Main Ref. area

Museum of Comparative Zoology manuscripts at Houghton Library, ca. 1700-1936 (inclusive). ca. 150
LOCATION: Museum Comp Zoology: Houghton deposit Access may be restricted.

HOLLIS Catalog record lists a few of the major collections.

Finding aids for collections in the Ernst Mayr Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Ernst Mayr Library and without search terms yields a list of all Ernst Mayr Library finding aids currently available through OASIS.

Further Information

Jonas, E. S., et al. "Museum of Comparative Zoology Library--the Agassiz library: Harvard University". Science & Technology Libraries v. 6 (Fall '85-Winter '86) p. 35-46.
LOCATION: Cabot Science: TECH. SERV.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial

Work, R. L. 1952. "Ninety years of Professor Agassiz's natural history library". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 6, pp. 202-218. [Ernst Mayr Library, Museum of Comparative Zoology]
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Widener Library's zoological books are in the WID-LC QL class and the Widener S8200-8393 and Sci1850-1925 classes. Especially in the QL class the emphasis is on history of zoology and conservation.

The Lamarck manuscripts at Harvard, edited by William Morton Wheeler and Thomas Barbour. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press, 1933, 202 pp. In the Houghton Library.
LOCATION: History of Science:
LOCATION: Widener: S 7622.3.5 and several other Harvard libraries


The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, which opened in 1965, merged the Boston Medical Library and the Harvard Medical School Library. Both libraries originated in the early 19th century. The collection of the Boston Medical Library is very rich in 19th and early 20th century sources. Countway's particular strengths are in clinical medicine, the biomedical sciences, dentistry and public health.

Post-1960 books are arranged by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classification. Earlier works are under the Boston Medical Library's own system.

Journals are organized alphabetically by title. Bound volumes from 1986 on are on Lower Level 1; older journals are on Lower Level 2.

Center for the History of Medicine holds a extensive collection of European, and especially American, medical literature with especially rich collections in anatomy and surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and materia medica. Most 18th and 19th century manuscript collections have been processed, but access is through a card file in the reading room. Records for these collections are gradually being added to HOLLIS. Call ahead to make an appointment before visiting the Countway Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.

Holdings also include:

  • Incunabula (~1000)
  • Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts
  • Harvard Medical, Public Health, and Dental School records
  • Massachusetts Medical Society records
  • Harvard Medical School faculty personal papers
  • Hospital records
  • Personal papers of non-Harvard medical persons
  • Prints and photographs (~100,000 items)

Finding aids for collections in the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine and without search terms yields a list of all Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine finding aids available in OASIS currently available through OASIS.

National Archives of Plastic Surgery

Collects personal papers, organizational archives, photographs, and films documenting the history of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Countway Material in the HOLLIS Catalog

The NLM classes are arranged in two sequences:

1. Preclinical Sciences QS-QZ:

  • QS Human Anatomy
  • QT Physiology
  • QU Biochemistry
  • QV Pharmacology
  • QW Microbiology and Immunology
  • QX Parasitology
  • QY Clinical Pathology
  • QZ Pathology

2. Medicine and Related Subjects: W-WZ

NLM Classification in abbreviated form:
National Library of Medicine Fact Sheet: NLM Classification

Full version
National Library of Medicine Classification, 5th edition, revised 1999

Includes MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).

Printed version
National Library of Medicine classification: a scheme for the shelf arrangement of library materials in the field of medicine and its related sciences. NIH publication; no. 95-1535. 5th ed. Bethesda, Md.: National Library of Medicine, 1994.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Ref. Z 697.M4 U63c 1994

Boston Medical Library Classification

To browse books bearing Boston Medical Library call numbers use the Other call number search. Many of the Boston Medical Library books have no subject headings, so the call number browse is especially useful. Be sure to limit the search to Countway.

12 M (for tuberculosis) [Other call number]
The space between 12 and M is essential.

Boston Medical Library. Medical classification. 3d ed., rev. Boston, 1944-46.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Z 697 B6m 1944 Library only has pt.1
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: 1.C.1944.5
LOCATION: Widener: History of Science in Reference Desk file drawer

HOLLIS Catalog: Subject Heading Searches:

There are two subject heading systems for medical subjects: the Library of Congress R series and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) W series. Currently acquired medical books in Countway and older books from the pre-Countway Harvard Medical School collection use the NLM headings. Medical books in Widener and some books in the Countway Department of Rare Books and Special Collections use the Library of Congress headings. A book held both in Countway and Widener will have two sets of subject headings.

Author: Fenton, Norman, 1895-
Title: Shell shock and its aftermath / by Norman Fenton ; with an introduction by Thomas W. Salmon.

Subject: War neuroses.
World War, 1914-1918--Medical care.

Med. Subject: Combat Disorders

Search Library of Congress subject headings with the Keyword Subject keywords search or the Subject Browse in the HOLLIS Catalog. Search National Library of Medicine subject headings with the Subject Keywords search or the Medical Subject browse in the HOLLIS Catalog.

National Library of Medicine Classification, 5th edition, revised 1999

Includes MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).

Further Information

Garland, Joseph E. 1975. The centennial history of the Boston Medical Library, 1875-1975. Boston: Boston Medical Library in the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, 223 pp.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Harvard Depository Z 675 M4 G233c 1975
LOCATION: Museum Comp Zoology: Z733.B746 G37

Cantu, J. Q. and R. T. Esterquest. 1967. Treasures in the Countway. Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 15, no. 13, pp. 301-307.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Farlow, J. W. 1918. The History of the Boston Medical Library. Norwood, MA: Priv. print. by the Plimpton Press, 240 pp.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Ref.20 Z 675 M4 F232h 1918 and other Countway locations
LOCATION: Widener: B 8411.6.14

Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine. Pp. 84-89 in "A Handlist of Middle English in Harvard Manuscripts". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 33, no. 1, 96 pp.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Hawes, L. E. 1970. Harvard's new collection in the history of radiology. Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 18, no. 3, pp. 254-266.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Holt, A. C. 1948. "The Library of the Harvard Medical School 1847 and 1947". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 2, pp. 32-43.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Lovett, R. W. 1970. "Francis A. Countway and 'The Lever Way.'" Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 18, no. 1, pp. 84-93. Biography of the donor.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

The Abraham Pollen Archives and Rare Book Library, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (Charles Street, Boston) holds archival records, personal papers of physicians, books, photographs, and medical instruments relating to the history of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and to ophthalmology and otolaryngology. Includes records of the Foundation for Vision and the New England Ophthalmological Society.

Further Information

Snyder, Charles. Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary: studies on its history. Boston, Mass.: The Infirmary, 1984.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: WZ 70 AM4 M414s 1984
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Rare Books Reference RE3.M4 S92
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC RE3.2.U6 S69x 1984

Warren Anatomical Museum
Harvard Medical School, Francis A. Countway Library Medicine, Center for the History of Medicine, 10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115
Tel: (617) 432-6196

The Warren Anatomical Museum is Harvard Medical School's legacy anatomical teaching collection, beginning with the donation of John Collins Warren's personal anatomy collection in 1847. The collection contains osteological and anatomical preparations; medical and dental instrumentation; wet tissue preparations; anatomical models and plaster casts; lantern slides; water colors and photographs. At present, there is no way to remotely search the Warren Museum collection. Research inquiries should be sent to chm@hms.harvard.edu.

A portion of the Warren Anatomical Museum is on display in Warren Museum Gallery on the 5th floor of the Coutway Library.

Further Information

Hunt, Virginia A. 2009. From medical education to historical collection: the evolution of the Warren Anatomical Museum, a case study. Cambridge, Harvard University, 118 pp.
LOCATION: Grossman: Reserve Muse 128 2009

Jackson, J. B. S. 1847. Descriptive catalogue of the anatomical museum of the Boston society for medical improvement. Boston, W.D. Ticknor, 352 pp.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Rare Books 1.U.2.(Bo.).
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Rare Books 1.Mh.1847.J

Jackson, J. B. S. 1870. A descriptive catalogue of the Warren anatomical museum. Boston, A. Williams, 759 pp.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Rare Books QL814.H35 1870
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: 1.U.8.( Ha.).
LOCATION: Harvard Archives: HUE 54.70.92

Warren Anatomical Museum. Records, 1835-2010 (inclusive), 1971-1991 (bulk)
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Rare Book

Whitney, William F. 1911. The Warren Anatomical Museum of the Harvard Medical School and the arrangement of its collection. Boston: Harvard Medical School, 13 pp.
LOCATION: 1.Mh.1911.W

Harvard Medical School. 1910.Bulletin of the Warren Anatomical Museum. Boston: Harvard Medical School, 68 pp.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Rare Books 1.Mw.1910.H
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Rare Books E 92.B10

Widener Library
Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 495-2411

Medical books are in the WID-LC R-RZ and the Widener Med and Sci classes. Especially in the R classes the emphasis is on historical, sociological, and policy aspects.

  • R Medicine (General)
  • RA Public Aspects of Medicine
  • RB Pathology
  • RC Internal Medicine & Practice of Medicine
  • RD Surgery
  • RE Ophthalmology
  • RF Otorhinolaryngology
  • RG Gynecology & Obstetrics
  • RJ Pediatrics
  • RK Dentistry
  • RL Dermatology
  • RM Therapeutics & Pharmacology
  • RS Pharmacy & Materia Medica
  • RT Nursing
  • RV Botanic, Thomsonian, & Eclectic Medicine
  • RX Homeopathy
  • RZ Other
  • Sci3240-3425 Medicine
  • Sci3540-3725 Public Health and Pharmacy

Human and Social Sciences

Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology. The Search the Collections feature accesses over 300,000 records for which there are images. Collections by Type gives overviews of the collections of objects, archives and photographs. Includes online finding aids for Archival Paper Collections. OASIS includes finding aids for collections in the Peabody Museum Archives. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Peabody Museum Archives and without search terms yields a list of all Peabody Museum Archives finding aids currently available through OASIS.

Psychology Research Library has been closed.

Tozzer Library collects anthropology worldwide, but its special strength is in native American anthropology and archaeology. There are manuscript holdings in anthropology worldwide, but especially Southwestern and Middle American material. Several collections at other institutions are held in microform.

Further Information

Currier, Margaret. (1966) "The Peabody Museum Library". Pp. 57-59 in: People and Projects of the Peabody Museum, 1866-1966, ed. by J. O. Brew. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
LOCATION: Harvard Archives: HUF 678.566.10

Reprinted in abridged and revised form from the Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 3 (1949), no. 1, pp. 94-101.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Weeks, John M. 1987. Maya ethnohistory : a guide to Spanish colonial documents at Tozzer Library, Harvard University. (Vanderbilt University publications in anthropology, no. 34) Nashville, TN: Dept. of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University, 121 pp.
LOCATION: Tozzer: REF F 1435.Z99 W4 1987

Middle American Indians: a guide to the manuscript collection at Tozzer Library, Harvard University. New York: Garland, 1985.
LOCATION: Tozzer: REF F1435.Z99 T6 1985
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F1219.Z99 T69 x, 1985

Widener Library's human sciences books and periodicals are located in the following Widener classes:

  • An - Anthropology
  • Econ - Economics
  • EconP - Economic periodicals
  • Geog - Geography
  • Phil - Psychology
  • Soc - Sociology
  • Sci3040-3125 - Anthropology and Ethnology

Human sciences books and periodicals are located in the following WID-LC classes:

  • BF - Psychology
  • H - General Social Sciences
  • HA - Statistics
  • HB - Economic Theory, Demography, Business Cycle
  • HC - Economic History and Conditions
  • HD - Economic History and Conditions
  • HE - Transportation and Communications
  • HF - Commerce
  • HG - Finance
  • HJ - Public Finance
  • HM - General Sociology
  • HN - Social History, Problems, and Reform
  • HQ - Family, Marriage, Women.
  • HS - Societies and Clubs
  • HT - Cities, Communities, Races
  • HV - Social Service, Welfare, Criminology
  • HX - Socialism, Communism, Utopias, Anarchism

Older (pre-1960s) material in several, but not all, Widener classes can also be browsed in the printed shelflist books. Note that some of this material may have been reclassed or sent to HD. The HOLLIS Catalog record will show the current status.

Widener Library shelflist.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.30
  • v. 42-43. Philosophy and psychology
  • v. 45-46. Sociology
  • v. 60. Geography and anthropology


Harvard Business School Historical Collections consist of five components:

Business Manuscripts Collection

Records of business and manufacturing, including agriculture and transportation, 15th-20th centuries. Includes a large collection of photographs and prints of U.S. subjects. All collections have records in the HOLLIS Catalog and the Baker Online Catalog. Some inventories are available online.

Finding aids for collections in the Baker Library. Use Limit by Repository feature. A search limited to Business School Library and without search terms yields a list of all Business School Library finding aids available in OASIS currently available through OASIS.

Women, Enterprise and Society: A Guide to Resources in the Business Manuscripts Collection at Baker Library

R. G. Dun & Co. Collection

Over 2500 volumes of credit reports, 1841-1892

Harvard Business School Archives, 1908- .

Includes numerous photographs

Historic Corporate Reports Collection, ca. 1820- .

Annual reports, prospectuses, and other documents for about 20,000 companies.

Kress Collection of Business and Economics

The Kress Collection is the Baker Library's rare book collection. There is much material on technology, communications, transportation, i.e., the environment in which business is conducted, and on economic philosophy as well as business. Includes rare books, pamphlets, broadsides and other ephemera, manuscripts, and prints, from the fifteenth to the twentieth centuries.

A selection of items from the collection is available online as Making of the Modern World: Goldsmiths'-Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850 and comprises about 61,000 books from the collection of the Goldsmiths Library (London) and the Kress Collection, with a few items contributed by other libraries. Also on microfilm at the Baker Library.

Material is arranged according to the classification of the Goldsmiths Library, which is by year, and then by broad subject word (General, Agriculture, Corn Laws, Population, Trades and Manufactures, Commerce, Colonies, Finance, Transport, Slavery, Politics, Socialism, Misc.)

Catalog Access

Perhaps as little as 10% of the total Kress Collection is represented in the HOLLIS Catalog, either as records of books or of microfilm. The only complete catalog of the Kress Collection is a card catalog (subjects included) kept in Baker only. Records for the items included in the microfilm set and for some recently cataloged Kress books are found in the HOLLIS Catalog.

The original Kress Collection is listed in:

The Kress Library of Business and Economics catalogue. Boston, Mass.: Baker Library, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, c1940-1964.
LOCATION: Widener: Econ 18.23.55. Library has: 3 v.

Arranged by year of publication then by author under broad subject categories. Author and title indexes.

Additional acquisitions are listed in:

The Kress Library of Business and Economics catalogue. Supplement, 1473-1848: giving data also upon cognate items in other Harvard Libraries. Boston, Mass.: Baker Library, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1967.
LOCATION: Widener: Econ 18.23.57 Library has: 2 copies.

Further information

Altman, E. C. 1981. "A history of Baker Library at the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 29, no. 2, pp. 169-196.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Bartoshesky, F. "Business records at the Harvard Business School". Business History Review, v. 59 (Autumn 1985), pp. 475-483.
LOCATION: Baker Business: 1534254
LOCATION: Widener: Econ 7405.249 and several other Harvard libraries

The Kress library of business and economics: founded upon the collection of books made by Herbert Somerton Foxwell. (Publication of the Kress Library of Business and Economics; no. 1). Boston, Mass.: Baker library, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, c1939, 53 pp.
LOCATION: Widener: B 8416.101.70 no.1

Lovett, Robert W. and Eleanor C. Bishop. Manuscripts in Baker Library: A Guide to Sources for Business, Economic, and Social History. 4th edition (1978), 382 pp.
LOCATION: Baker Business: Archives
LOCATION: Baker Business: Ref. Z7164.C81 L67
LOCATION: Houghton: Reading Room HRR 38.6
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4502. 33

Gordon McKay Library collects material in the fields of applied mathematics, applied physics, computer science, decision and control theory, electrical and mechanical engineering, environmental sciences, materials science, theoretical mechanics, water resources and systems design. Material of historical interest has been largely transferred to other Harvard libraries. Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences publications and doctoral students' theses are held. Most holdings are post-1945.

Holds technical reports and reprints emanating from research conducted in the:

  • Acoustics Research Laboratory
  • Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory (1885- )
  • Center for Earth and Planetary Physics
  • Combustion Tunnel Laboratory
  • Computation Laboratory Cruft Laboratory
  • Gordon McKay Laboratory
  • Graduate School of Engineering (1919- ) [name varies]
  • Jefferson Physical Laboratory
  • Physical Laboratories
  • Program on Information Technology and Public Policy
  • U.S. Radio Research Laboratory

Further information

Nicholson, N. N. 1947. "The Engineering Library at Harvard University". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 1, pp. 387-390.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Cabot Science Library's Eng class is kept in a locked room in the basement of Cabot. It contains engineering books and reports of various organizations and government departments (e.g., Manchester Rivers Dept. Annual Report; Toronto. City. Engineering Report). No journals are included. Packages of offprints (i.e., reprints) and pamphlets (30 lin. ft.) include numerous, largely German and French, theses of the 1930s. The offprints and theses are not represented in the HOLLIS Catalog.

Widener Library's technological books are in the WID-LC T -TX classes and the Widener Tec, Nav (Navigation) and Sci classes. Especially in the more recent material in the T classes the emphasis is on historical, sociological and policy aspects.

  • Sci 1450-1545 Engineering and Industrial Sciences
  • Sci 2850-2925 Mining and Metallurgy

Technological books and periodicals are located in the following WID-LC classes:

  • T - Technology (General)
  • TA - General Engineering
  • TC - Hydraulic Engineering
  • TD - Environmental Technology
  • TE - Highway Engineering
  • TF - Railroad Engineering
  • TG - Bridge Engineering
  • TH - Building Construction
  • TJ - Mechanical Engineering. Machinery
  • TK - Electrical Engineering
  • TL - Motor Vehicles (including Aeronautics)
  • TN - Mining Engineering
  • TP - Chemical Technology
  • TR - Photography
  • TS - Manufactures (Production Management)
  • TT - Handicrafts. Arts. Crafts
  • TX - Home Economics (incl. Food. Diet, etc.)

Brown, S. C. 1955. "Scientific drawings of Count Rumford at Harvard". Harvard Library Bulletin, v. 9, pp 350-364. Drawings are in the Houghton Library.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: RR 58.20 and several other Harvard libraries

Elliott, Clark A. 1990. "Harvard University Archives". In: Archives of data-processing history: a guide to major U.S. collections, edited by James W. Cortada. New York: Greenwood Press.
LOCATION: Harvard Archives: HUF 156.590.14
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository QA76.17.Z99 A73 1990x