
This guide offers help in finding online primary sources for your research. Browsing through the topic-classified lists will show you a variety of collections of digitized primary sources. Once you have a topic, our Library Research Guide for the History of Science: Introduction introduces the secondary literature and other sources (databases of newspapers, scientific periodical literature, etc.) you'll need to contextualize and examine your research question.

Instructions for finding more digital collections on the Web.

There is a broader collection of general history digital primary sources at: Online Primary Source Collections for History.

There is a guide listing general digital libraries and resources for discovering digital collections, arranged by region and country. Only a few examples of particular interest are listed here.

This guide is still being developed, so more resources will be added and dead links and errors removed. 

We are still available for consultations (even if we're off-campus) and email questions, so when you've had a look around you may want to get in touch and we'll go over the online landscape together. Fred Burchsted (burchst@fas.harvard.edu) | Emily Bell (emilybell@fas.harvard.edu) 

How this guide is organized: The first half of the outline of major sections lists sources for the history of science, medicine and technology.  The second half lists general historical topics to put your science focus in a broader context.