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Publication Date: February 2023
"Why do transit-infrastructure projects in New York cost 20 times more on a per kilometer basis than in Seoul? We investigate this question across hundreds of transit projects from around the world. We have created a database that spans more than 50 countries and totals more than 11,000 km of urban rail built since the late 1990s." This report offers an analysis of the project data and dives into five cities around the world as case studies. The Transit Costs Project is an initiative of the NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management.
Other Recommended Resources
- American Public Transportation Association (APTA)Research reports, data, and other technical resources from a nonprofit association of public transportation organizations, including the annual Public Transportation Fact Book.
- International Railway Journal (Harvard Login)"IRJ was launched in 1960 and started monthly publication in January 1961 as the world's first globally-distributed magazine for the railway industry. IRJ is written for senior managers and engineers of the world's railways and transit systems, ministers of transport, manufacturers, railway planners, and consultants."
- International Union of Railways (UIC)Industry best practices and news, including on passenger railway services.
- Journal of Public Transportation (Harvard Login)"The Journal contains original research and case studies associated with various forms of public transportation and related transportation and policy issues."
- MIT Transit Lab"A unique research group ... focusing on innovative public transit research. The lab staff and students partner with transit agencies around the world to solve practical problems using state of the art methods."
- National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)Working papers on transit including:
- Move! That! Bus!: How to Transform Transit and Fight Climate Change in Two Years
- The Structure of Success: A Playbook for Cities to Build Successful Transit Programs
- Making Transit Count: Performance Measures that Move Transit Projects Forward
- Curb Appeal: Curbside Management Strategies for Improving Transit Reliability
- Public Transport (Harvard Login)"Presents a range of research in the area of public transport planning and operations with the aim of advancing the state of the art and the state of the practice in computer-aided systems and scheduling in public transport."
- RosaP: USDOT Repository & Open Science Access PortalOpen access data and reports from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Data Archive, National Transportation Library, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and more.
- Transit Costs Project: CasesProject of the NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management that investigates transit cost disparities worldwide. Case studies have been conducted in Boston, Istanbul, Italy, Sweden, and New York.
- TRIDProject of the Transportation Research Board. Largest and most comprehensive collection of worldwide transportation research. Includes research publications and data.
- Urban Rail Transit (Harvard Login)"Provides a platform for scientists, researchers and engineers of urban rail transit to publish their original, significant articles on topics in urban rail transportation operation and management, design and planning, civil engineering, equipment and systems and other related topics to urban rail transit."
Find Data
- Center for Neighborhood Technology: AllTransit"AllTransit™ is the largest source of transit connectivity, access, and frequency data in America. It offers tremendous potential for planning applications to increase our understanding of the value of transit, as well as to enhance service and operations planning."
- RosaP: USDOT Repository & Open Science Access PortalOpen access data and reports from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Data Archive, National Transportation Library, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and more.
- Transit Costs Project: DataProject of the NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management that investigates transit cost disparities worldwide. They've created a database of transit projects worldwide and their associated costs. Data is available for public download.
- TRIDProject of the Transportation Research Board. Largest and most comprehensive collection of worldwide transportation research. Includes research publications and data.