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- Association of Pedestrian & Bicycle ProfessionalsCommunity of practitioners that supports knowledge sharing, technical expertise, and professional development. Resources include webinars, conferences, and reports (with a focus on bike parking).
- Journal of Cycling and Micromobility ResearchOpen access journal new as of 2023. "Targets papers concerned with a wide range of cycling and micromobility related research topics."
- Journal of Science and Cycling (Harvard Login)"Publishes research articles, reviews and brief notes in all areas of Cycling or Triathlon sciences."
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information CenterOriginal research and curated resources on a wide range of topics related to walking and biking in cities, including accessibility, e-bikes, funding, legislation, community engagement, and more. Supported by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and housed within the University of Noth Carolina - Chapel Hill Highway Safety Research Center.
- RosaP: USDOT Repository & Open Science Access PortalOpen access data and reports from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Data Archive, National Transportation Library, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and more.
- TRIDProject of the Transportation Research Board. Largest and most comprehensive collection of worldwide transportation research. Includes research publications and data.
Find Data
- National Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Data Clearinghouse (PedBikeData)Database of data from around the U.S. (including territories) on pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle transportation including collisions, counts, and infrastructure. Users can filter on data type, availability, format, geographic scale, state, and year range. Project of the Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety, part of the UNC Highway Safety Research Center. Supported by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT).
- RosaP: USDOT Repository & Open Science Access PortalOpen access data and reports from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Data Archive, National Transportation Library, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and more.
- TRIDProject of the Transportation Research Board. Largest and most comprehensive collection of worldwide transportation research. Includes research publications and data.
Find Primary Sources
- Bicycling History Collections at UMass BostonUMass boston holds over 40 collections of "cyclists' photographs, letters, publications, and scrapbooks, as well as the records of the League of American Wheelmen (now the League of American Bicyclists); proceedings of the International Cycling History Conferences; and runs of The Wheelwoman, The Wheelmen magazine and other bicycling publications."
- National Cycle Archive, 1675-2015Housed at the University of Warwick in England. Established in 1990 by the Cyclists' Touring Club. Now preserves records relating to cycles and cycling. Digital exhibit available.