Foreign Newspaper Sources
- General (Check these first)
- Africa
- Asia
- Middle East
- Australia/New Zealand
- Canada
- Latin America/Caribbean
- Europe
Sources for many more online papers are listed by country on the Additional Sources for Digitized Newspapers page
Also check the University of Illinois Library Newspaper Database
- Links to Non-US Newspaper Archives on the Web.
- The British Library maintains a list of worldwide newspaper-related research guides.
- Digital French-Language Newspaper Portal
- Historical Newspapers Online: A guide to free Internet sources of historical newspapers.
Online Newspapers by Country and English International Newspapers list current English-language newspapers. Where no archives are provided on the newspaper website, often the Internet Archive Wayback Machine has issues, sometimes back to 2000. Especially for the earlier years, available issues may be scattered. and sometimes the websites are not fully functional
NewsFinder (Penn State) searches for online and microfilm newspapers worldwide. Not exhaustive. Microfilm holdings refer to Penn State University Library holdings.
For post-1980 articles try Lexis/Nexis and Factiva.
There are many foreign newspapers in and NewspaperArchive:
-, Search on the main screen with Location: Your country.. Or browse available titles. Mainly short runs
- NewspaperArchive
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports, 1941-1996. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service is a US government agency which translates daily radio and television broadcasts, newspapers and periodicals, government statements, books, etc. from non-English sources worldwide. Reports with translations are issued for eight world regions daily and cover such topics as military affairs, politics, the environment, societal issues, economics, and science and technology. Includes the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (1941-1946).
CRL Library Catalog Newspaper Search retrieves newspapers in the collection of the Center for Research Libraries
Limit to: Online Resources
Limit to: Suggested Topics within your search (open More) AND/OR
Limit geographically by Global Resources Program or by Geographic Subject
Shift to Advanced Search if desired
--Other papers are available on microfilm via Interlibrary Loan
--For help accessing non-open access material
Access Newspaper Archive offers numerous newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Contains many small-city newspapers.
Largely US but includes some foreign papers:
Canada (largely 20th c.) – China (North China Herald (1850 - 1926)) – Denmark (Politiken (1884 - 1936)) – France (19th/20th c.) – Germany (European Stars and Stripes (1948 - 1999)) – Ireland (18th-20th c.) – Jamaica (19th-21st c.) – Japan (Japan Advertiser (1920 - 1922); Pacific Stars and Stripes (1948 - 1999)) – South Africa (Sunday Times (1904 - 1945)) – UK (17th-20th c.; bulk 18th-19th c.) – US Virgin Islands (Saint Thomas Daily News of Virgin Islands (1960)) offers over 5,000 newspapers, trade publications, corporate histories and profiles, news wires, radio and television transcripts, selected blogs, indexed websites and reports covering current events. Worldwide coverage. Strong on Canadian, European, especially French, and Latin American coverage. Includes Sud Ouest (1944- ), Le Monde (2001- ),Le Monde diplomatique (1980- ); other titles more recent. Source list.
Go to Advanced Search and choose “group of resources”, You can limit a search to particular languages or regions.
Arctic Today offers news from media organizations from around the circumpolar North.
Foreign Official Gazettes: Online
Foreign Official Gazette Database (last updated 2007) Gives holdings of CRL microfilm. Available on Interlibrary Loan
- Newspapers, news sources and popular magazines: Online news sources (Rhodes University Library guide)
- African Newspapers Union List (CRL)
African Newsstream (largely 1990- ; a few earlier) includes largely English-language news publications.
Africa Confidential (online 1998- ) is a news digest for Africa. Founded in 1960. Available in print 1972-2011.
Africa Confidential website (1996- )
African newspaper index, 1981-1982
LOCATION: Documents (Lamont): Index Film 30.315
African Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive) offers full text of about 40 newspapers covering various date spans, 1800-1922. (2007- ): Press release distribution platform. (1997- ) provides news stories in French and English from African and other news sources.
East African Newspapers (3 titles) - 1943-2017
SA Media (1977- ) covers South African newspapers.
Cape Town English press index for the year, 1871-1875
LOCATION: Documents (Lamont): Microfiche S 448
Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers (1870-2021)
Egypt provides links to news stories on Egypt.
Mail & guardian index (1986- ) indexes the Southern African (Johannesburg) ed. of The Manchester guardian weekly. Formerly (before 1993) Weekly mail & guardian index and Weekly mail index.
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: INDEX Film NC 707
For newspapers in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, see the Online Resources guides under Conducting Research on the Harvard-Yenching web page.
A research guide to China-coast newspapers, 1822-1911, by Frank H.H. King and Prescott Clarke. Cambridge, MA: East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1965, 235 p.
China Core Newspaper Database (2000- ) offers full text of 673 Chinese national, regional and local newspapers or periodicals that appear at least on a weekly basis. Special newspapers relate to legal issues in China, the environment, foreign policy, literary production, economics and finance, education and various areas of science and technology.
Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953) offers English-language newspapers published in China.
Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers (1911-1949)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: South China Morning Post (1903-2001)
Index to China daily, 1990-1993.
LOCATION: Harvard-Yenching: Consult Circulation Desk for monthly ed. (at Western Section)
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC AI21.C454 I53x
Manchuria daily news online (1908-1940)
NewspaperARCHIVE includes the North China Herald (1850-1926)
Old Hong Kong newspapers (Hong Kong Public Libraries). Through early 20th century.
Translations of the Peking Gazette Online (1793-1912; selected material)
Asahi Shimbun AJW : English-language version of "The Asahi Shimbun," Japan's leading daily newspaper. Also offers coverage of the rest of Asia.
Japan Chronicle The English-language weekly (1902 – 1940) Kobe, Japan.
Japan Times Archives (1865-2022) is the longest running English paper in Japan.
Japan News Digital Archive (1955-2020)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Korea Times (1956 - 2016)
KPM includes daily and weekly newspapers, as well as journals, published in North Korea. Includes English-language Pyongyang Times.
NK News offers news services focusing on North Korea.
Index to English language newspapers published in Korea, 1896-1937.
LOCATION: Harvard-Yenching: (W) Ref AI3.E38
LOCATION: Harvard-Yenching: (W) FW57 Microfilm
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC AI3.E38 1966bx
Taiwan News Smart Web searches headlines and excerpts for several papers. Full text is available for most included papers 2011 to the present.
Southeast Asian periodicals: an international union list, by G. Raymond Nunn et al. London: Mansell, 1977, 456 p.
Widener | RR655.755
--Listed by title under country
Southeast Asian periodicals & official publications. Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1970. 5 v.
Documents (Lamont) | Ind Doc 2.12
Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laotian newspapers: an international union list, by G. Raymond Nunn and Dô Văn Anh. Taipei: Chʻeng-wen Pub. Co., 1972, 104 p.
Harvard-Yenching | Harvard Depository (W) | Z6958.S6 N86
Widener | RR681.330
Asian Newsstream (largely 1990- ; some earlier) covers English-language news publications primarily from South and Southeast Asia.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Times of India (1838-2011) Access to 2001- present is available at the Times of India website.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Hindustan Times (1924 - 2000)
Times of India, 1973-1979.
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: INDEX Film NC 64
Indian newspaper reports, 1868-1942, from the British Library, London.
Marlborough : Adam Matthew Publications Ltd., 2005-<2009> Online Version
Also available as: 8 pts. on 211 microfilm reels
-- Consists of weekly typewritten abstracts taken from a wide variety of Indian newspapers, with some extracts. Translated by an official translator. Each report is divided into the following sections: Foreign politics -- Home administration: Police. Working of the courts. Jails. Education. Local self-government and municipal administration. Questions affecting the land. Railways and communications, including canals and irrigation. General (including a wide range of topics) -- Legislative -- Native States -- Prospects of the crops and condition of the people -- Miscellaneous
-- pt. 1. Bengal, 1874-1903 (27 reels) -- pt. 2. Bengal, 1904-1916 (26 reels) -- pt. 3. Punjab, Agra, Oudh, Rajputana and Central Provinces, c1868-1896 (29 reels) -- pt. 4. United Provinces, 1897-1937 (29 reels)--pt. 5. Madras, 1876-1921 (32 reels)--pt. 6. Bombay, 1874-1898 (18 reels) -- pt. 7. Bombay, 1901-1921 (25 reels) -- pt. 8. Punjab, 1896-1924; Sind, 1936-1939; Burma, 1938-1942; Bihar and Orissa 1920 (25 reels).
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1365 Online Guides
Pakistan Observer (now Bangladesh Observer), 1974- . A subject index.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC AI21.P34 K48 Library has: v. 1-2
Pakistan. Bibliographical index of the Daily Tribune, Lahore, 1931-1941: comments of political personalities on major political issues, captions of major political events & political parties, selected editorials and notes & comments on Indian politics.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DS480.45.Z99 M57 x, 1978 F
South Asian Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive) offers full text of 10 newspapers covering various date spans, 1864-1922
South Asian Newspapers (East View/CRL open access collection) includes 12 newspapers covering various date spans, 1850-1992 in English, Marathi, Bengali, and Nepali
Southeast Asian Newspapers (1831-1992; largely 1900-1944)
Index to Philippine Newspapers, 1981-
Singapore National Library Board Newspaper Collections
Vietnam Studies Group list of digitized newspapers
Arabic, Persian and Ottoman/Turkish periodicals (Universitat Bonn)
Middle East Newsstream (largely 1990- ; some earlier) offers primarily English-language news publications from the Middle East and North Africa.
Al-Ahram Digital Archive (1876-2019)
Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers (1870-2021)
Historical Jewish Press National Library of Israel Collection of Jewish and Hebrew periodicals
Jerusalem Post, Oct. 1988- .
LOCATION: Documents (Lamont): JCDROM 03
Mideast (2005- ) offers English summaries, with links to original text as available, of news from 22 Arab countries, Iran, and the Arab media Diaspora.
Multidata Online (1994- ). “General News" includes full text for 52 Arab World dailies and weeklies in Arabic, English and French. Arabic and English interfaces.
Nashriyah: digital Iranian history (1950-early 2000s)
Pan-Arab News Index (1998- ) offers print and online newspapers and news magazines, and Internet news sources. Searchble in Arabic or English but content primarily in Arabic.
Cumhuriyet Digital Archive, 1930- . Turkish newspaper
Trove Digitised Newspapers, 1803-1954 includes 26 digitized Australian and Tasmanian newspapers. Each paper is currently available for an often short segment of the 1803-1954 span.
Papers Past: New Zealand newspapers and periodicals includes over 40 19th century digitized New Zealand newspapers.
Index New Zealand (INNZ) a free service for finding information in New Zealand journals, magazines, and newspapers. Some linked full text.
See also: Newspapers at Library and Archives Canada: Indexes to Canadian Newspapers which lists papers indexed for several of the indexes listed below.
Canadian Newsstream (largely 1980- ; some earlier) includes primarily English-language Canadian news publications.
Canadian index (1993- ) indexes largely periodicals but includes a few newspapers.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC AI3.C239x
Continues: Canadian newspaper index/Canadian news index, 1977-92.
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 4
Canadian news facts: The indexed digest of Canadian current events, 1967-2001
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F1001.C2767x
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Edmonton Journal (1903-2010)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail (1844 - 2019)
Index de l'actualite, 1972- .
LOCATION: Documents (Lamont): INDEX Film 10.15 Indexes:
- Le Devoir (Montreal)
- La Presse (Montreal)
- Le Soleil (Quebec)
- Journal de Montréal
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Montreal Gazette (1785-2010 ) -- Montreal Gazette (2008-3 months ago)
Montreal. Index de La Presse, 1988-1990.
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 98
Montreal. Le Devoir index, 1966-1971.
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 191
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Ottawa Citizen (1845-2010)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Toronto Star (1894 - 2020)
List of Indexes
Checklist of indexes to Canadian newspapers, by Sandra Burrows. 1987.
LOCATION: Documents (Lamont): INDEX Film 5.53
Google News Archive Latin American/Spanish Language Newspapers (U of Chicago) - many of these are Mexican newspapers. List of included newspapers.
Information Services Latin America (ISLA) (1970- ) Clippings from the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times, Manchester Guardian, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal and Miami Herald. By country, arranged within each country by topic, and chronologically within each topic.
Widener WID-LC F1414.2 .I84x (1975:Nov.; 1983-2007
Online (2007- )
Latin American Newspapers (World Newspaper Archive) offers full text of Caribbean, Central American, and South American newspapers covering various date spans, 1805-1922.
Latin American Newsstream (2005- ) provides full text of 41 newspapers from Puerto Rico and 11 Latin American countries. Some coverage back to 1995.
Latin American and Mexican Online News
The Center for Research Libraries in Chicago has microfilmed seven Bolivian newspapers from the late 19th century, and they are all available now for lending. The titles were contributed by the University of Connecticut and represent a cross-section of opinion from Bolivia during a period of political instability and conflict. The titles include:
Estrella de Tarija (Tarija, Bolivia) 1877-1892
Estrella del Oriente (Santa Cruz, Bolivia) 1879-1892
El Heraldo (Cochabamba, Bolivia) 1877-1908
El Imparcial (La Paz, Bolivia) 1888-1897
La Industria (Sucre, Bolivia) 1881-1908
Patria (La Paz, Bolivia) 1880-1886
El Trabajo (Tarija, Bolivia) 1882-1892
More information. Request microfilm via Initerlibrary Loan. Put "From CRL" in ILL Request form Notes field.
Black Press in Brazil: Another Chapter of Black History
Diario de Pernambuco is available online starting with the first issue November 7, 1825 through March 1863. It is the oldest newspaper in circulation in Latin America, published in Recife, Brazil. Announcement.
Granma Archives Index searchable list of articles published 1965-1992 in the official daily newspaper of Cuba.
Full text scans online
Nineteenth Century Haitian Newspapers (British Library)
El Caribe (“The Caribbean”) (1956-2021) Published in Santo Domingo
El Mundo Digital Archive. Puerto Rico (1919-1990)
Barbados Mercury and Bridgetown Gazette 1783-1848
NewspaperARCHIVE offers several Kingston, Jamaica, newspapers, 1834-2018.
Caribbean Newspaper Digital Library
Go to Title-sets: You can limit on the left to Country and browse through available titles. Or you can search within Title-sets for the title of a newspaper.
Caribbean Newspapers, Series 1, 1718-1876 from the American Antiquarian Society Library.
Gazeta de Puerto-Rico, 1806- [Available online 1836-1902]
Haïti à la une: une anthologie de la presse haïtienne de 1724 à 1934, by Jean Desquiron. [Haiti : s.n., c1993- ] (Port-au-Prince, Haïti : Imprimeur II) 6 v.
Location : Widener Harvard Depository F1923 .H29 1993
Contents : t. 1. 1724-1864 -- t. 2. 1870-1908 -- t. 3 1909-1915 -- t. 4 1915-1921 -- t. 4. 1922-1930 -- t. 6. 1931-1934.
Colonial British Caribbean newspapers : a bibliography and directory, by Howard S. Pactor. NY: Greenwood Press, 1990, 144 p.
Historic Mexican and Mexican American Press Collection (mid-1800s-1970s) includes 20 Mexican and Mexican American publications published in Tucson, El Paso, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sonora, Mexico
Hemeroteca Nacional Digital de México
Page images and full-text search of nearly 600 titles ranging from 1722 to 1978.
Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers (1807-1972)
Revolutionary Mexico in newspapers, 1900-1929. 345 microfilm reels.
Microforms (Lamont) Film A 1204
Microforms (Lamont) INDEX Film A 1204 = guide
Online guide
-- Includes pages from Mexican newspaper titles published in the Distrito Federal (362) and in other Mexican cities from 28 states (234 papers).
Independent Mexico in newspapers, the 19th-century.
Location : Microforms (Lamont) Film A 1204.1
Online Guide
Publicaciones Periódicas del Uruguay
European Newsstream (largely 1990- ; some earlier) offers mostly English-language publications, although several major publications in other languages.
Historic Newspapers project (Europeana Newspapers): Newspapers from 20 countries, 1618-1996.
European newspapers in English (current news)
Pressemappe 20th century: Historical Press Articles of the Archives of HWWA and IfW (Leibniz Information Center for Economics (ZBW), from the libraries of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) and the Information Centre of the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)). Enormous collection of newspaper clippings. Biographical, company, product, and topical indexes. Early 20th century to 2005.
Euro|topics (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung). European press review offering the translated lead paragraph of each included article in newspapers from 28 European countries. 12/8/2005 to date. Some entries link to the full text online.
For additional sources: Indexes and Guides to Western European Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
ANNO: Austrian Newspapers Online provides digitized newspapers, late 19th and early 20th century.
Innsbrucker Zeitungsarchiv (1960- ) offers full text file of clippings related to literature from German-language newspapers and other periodicals.
East View Universal Databases. CIS and Baltic Periodicals
East View Universal Databases. CIS and Baltic Periodicals
Artikelbasen (1981- ) is a CD-ROM indexing larger articles from 8 nationwide Danish newspapers.
LOCATION: Widener: XVTS 26
Dansk artikelindeks: Aviser & tidsskrifter, 1979-1992.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC AI13.D26x
Digital French-Language Newspaper Portal
France-actualité, 1978-Ap. 1981. Indexes Le Figaro, L'Humanité, Le Monde
LOCATION: Documents (Lamont): INDEX Film 30.305
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Le Monde (1944-2000)
Gallica - La presse quotidienne includes numerous 19th-early 20th century newspapers. Currently includes Le Figaro (1830-1942), Le Temps (1861-1935), La Croix (1883-1944), L'Humanité (1904-1944), La Presse (1836-1858), and Le Journal des débats (1814-1912).
RetroNews is a full-text collection of French-language newspapers, 1631 to 1950.
Le gazetier universel: ressources numériques sur la presse ancienne offers over 300 French language 17th/18th centuries periodicals, including newspapers. To access the full text, click on the abbreviation of the providing library in the URL column.
Journaux de la Révolution de 1848 = Newspapers of the French Revolution 1848
Mercure François (1605- )
Réseau francophone des bibliothèques numériques includes some digitized newspapers, including Gallica.
Le Monde is indexed by Les archives du Monde (1987- ; free search, pay for full text) and a printed index.
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 53 (1944-51, 1958, 1965-68, 1979-81, 1989- )
Le Monde Diplomatique, 1954-1983.
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 53 5
Tables du journal Le Temps, 1861-1900. Le Temps continued by Le Monde
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 11
Historic German Newspapers and Journals Online
DDR-Presse offers full text of three East German newspapers where they are included in ZEFYS, the Berlin State Library online historical newspaper portal.
Neues Deutschland (23. April 1946 - 3. Oktober 1990)
Berliner Zeitung (21. Mai 1945 - 31. Dezember 1990)
Neue Zeit (22. Juli 1945 - 5. Juli 1994)
Article in SpiegelOnline (English version)
Neues Deutschland Digital Archive (1946-2020) Founded as official organ of the German Democratic Republic in East Berlin.
Weimar Studies Network: Resources (1784-1945).
Deutsche Zeitschriften des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Microfiche-Volltext Edition. Hildesheim: Olms Neue Medien, ca. 25000 microfiches
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Microfiche W 4671 = Printed Guides
Microforms (Lamont) | Doc Disk AP30 .D59 1999x (Title list on CD-ROM)
Microforms (Lamont) | Microfiche W 4671
This is not an index, but a collection of periodicals and newspapers. List of periodical titles, including newspapers.
Innsbrucker Zeitungsarchiv (1960- ) offers full text file of clippings related to literature from German-language newspapers and other periodicals.
Taz, die Tageszeitung, 1986- . [CD-ROM ed. of: Tageszeitung (Berlin/Frankfurt au Main, Germany)].
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository
Vossische Zeitung Online, 1918-1934, a Berlin daily newspaper.
ZEFYS ( -1946), the Berlin State Library online historical newspaper portal.
Zeitungs-Index; Verzeichnis wichtiger Aufsatze aus deutschsprachigen Zeitungen, 1974- . German language papers incl. one from Vienna and two from Zurich.
LOCATION: Documents (Lamont): Index Film 30.15
Efimeris (late 19th century-1980s) offers digitized Greek newspapers.
Old Greek Newspapers Collection (1800-2000) offers over 1700 Icelandic newspapers published in Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands,, Search on the main screen with Location: Ireland. Or search them one-by-one: Mainly short runs
NewspaperArchive: Dublin Newspaper Archive (1700-1951)
Index to biographical notices in the newspapers of Limerick, Ennis, Clonmel and Waterford, 1758-1821.
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont) | Microfiche W 3132
Irish political and radical newspapers of the twentieth century (1895-1941) 9 pts. on 117 reels.
Online Guide
The Irish Times (1859-2021) and The Weekly Irish Times (1876-1958)
L'Archivio Storico La Stampa (Feb 1867-2005) Turin..
Delpher is a searchable database of Dutch-language newspapers
Current Digest of the Russian Press (1949- ) is available (in English) in East View Universal Databases. Print version.
Formerly titled
--Current digest of the Soviet press (1949-1992)
--Current digest of the post-Soviet press (1992-2010).
Pravda archive, 1959-1996: articles published by Pravda during the Cold War and the years immediately following, from 1959 to 1996. Collected and translated into English by the CIA
Letopis' gazetnykh statei, 1956- .
LOCATION: Russian Res Ctr:
LOCATION: Widener: Slav 590.154
Litopys hazetnykh statei: derzhavnyi bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk Ukrainy, 1966- .
LOCATION: Widener: Slav 3220.520.14
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Microfiche SC 444
Moscow Daily News (5/22/1932 - 2/21/1938)
Moscow News Digital Archive (10/05/1930 - 1/23/2014)
Moscow Times (1997- ). Business news.
The Soviet world, 1948-1989 a bibliography of articles from the Soviet and Western press.
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Microfiche W 4340 Library has: 612 microfiche
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): INDEX Microfiche W 4340 = Guide for 1948-1989
East View Universal Databases, (1980s- ) includes some English-language material and non-newspaper periodicals as well as Russian central and regional newspapers and Russian/NIS news wires.
Novai︠a︡ gazeta digital archive (1999-2023)
El Pais, Madrid (1976- ) offers searchable full text.
Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Historica (1777-20th). Spanish Ministry of Culture. List of digitized serials.
Historic Newspapers project (Europeana Newspapers) includes, among other collections, over one million public domain newspaper articles from the Spanish aggregator Hispana. Largely local
Veinticuatro diarios. Madrid, 1830-1900; articulos y noticias de escritores espanoles del siglo XIX.
LOCATION: Widener: Span 4035.70 Library has: 4 v.
Collection of digitized Swiss newspapers
Le Temps: Archives historiques (1798-1998) offers Swiss newspapers: Journal de Genève, Gazette de Lausanne and the Nouveau Quotidien
British Newspaper Archive offers free searching, pay for full text
17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers includes newspapers and pamphlets owned by the British Library. The core collection was put together by Rev. Charles Burney (1757-1817), and augmented in the years following its acquisition by the then British Museum in 1818.
Preliminary Guide for Students Using the Burney Collection of Newspapers
Gale NewsVault includes:
- 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part 1 contains the full runs of forty-eight national and regional newspapers.
- 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part 2
- British Newspapers, Part 3: (1780-1950)
- British Newspapers, Part 4: (1780-1950)
- Daily Mail Historical Archive (1896-2004)
- Economist Historical Archive (1843-2008)
- Financial Times Historical Archive (1888–2006)
- Illustrated London News Historical Archive 1842-2003
- Independent Digital Archive, 1986-2012
- Listener Historical Archive (News & Op/Ed of BBC), 1929-1991
- Picture Post Historical Archive (Similar to LIFE), 1938-1957
- Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992
- Sunday Times Digital Archive 1821-2006
- Times Digital Archive (1785-1985)
18th Century Journals: A Portal to Newspapers and Periodicals c1685-1815 includes some British colonial newspapers, e.g., Calcutta Gazette.
Local index of the Dumfries and Galloway standard and advertiser and its predecessors over 200 years.
Location: Widener WID-LC PN5139.D853 D8524x
v. 1. The Dumfries weekly journal, 1777-1833
v. 2. The Dumfries weekly journal, 1777-1833, addendum; The Dumfries times, 1833-1842; The Dumfries standard, 1843-1860
v. 3. The Dumfries courier, 1832 & 1833; The Dumfries standard, 1861-1880
v. 4. The Dumfries & Galloway standard and advertiser, 1881-1900
v. 5. The Dumfries & Galloway standard & advertiser, 1901-1910
v. 6. The Dumfries & Galloway standard & advertiser, 1911-1920
v. 7. The Dumfries & Galloway standard and advertiser, 1921-1925
v. 8. The Dumfries and Galloway standard and advertiser, 1926-1930
Financial Times in Gale News Vault (1888-2016)
The Independent (Newspaper - London), 1896-2009 is included in Gale NewsVault
The LISTENER (News & Op/Ed of BBC), 1929-1991 is included in Gale NewsVault
London Gazette (1665- ), Edinburgh Gazette (1699- ) and Belfast Gazette (1921- ) are official journals of record of the British government and are available online from their inceptions.
The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003)
The Guardian (2008-3 months ago)
Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003
Lesbian and Gay Newsmedia Archive has over 200,000 cuttings from the UK 'straight' press covering all aspects of gay life from 1890s to present. Both local and national (broadsheet and tabloid) press represented, and some overseas newspapers. Only cuttings from 1937 to 1969 indexed. Not full text, only citations
Indexed by: Year – Source – Subject – Region
Picture Post (UK - Similar to LIFE), 1938-1957 is included in Gale NewsVault
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Scotsman (1817 - 1950)
The Sunday Times is available full text in LexisNexis from 7/1987 on. It is not included in the Times Digital Archive (next item). It is indexed (1973-1980) in Historical Newspapers Online and in the paper Times index:
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: INDEX Film NC 84 (1906-)
The SUNDAY Times, 1821-2006 is included in Gale NewsVault
The Times is available full text, including news, editorials, advertising, and pictures, in the Times Digital Archive (1785-1985). It is indexed in Historical Newspapers Online (1790-1980) and in paper indexes:
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 84.3 (1785-1790)
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 84.15; INDEX Film NC 84 (1906-)
LOCATION: Widener Newspaper Microfilm Reading Room: Index Film NC 84.8 (1873-1941)
The Times diary & index of the war, 1914 to 1918.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3609. 50
Welsh Newspapers Online (National Library of Wales)