Slavery: Caribbean
Guide de la recherche en histoire antillaise et guyanaise : Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Domingue, Guyane, XVIIe-XXIe siècle, sous la direction de Danielle Bégot ; avec la collaboration de Benoît Bérard et al. Paris : CTHS, 2011. 2 v.
--Offers a thorough annotated listing of both secondary and primary works. Arranged by subject.
Document Collections
The legal patrimony of Haiti project has digitized a large collection of reports, histories, periodicals and Haitian constitutional, executive and legislative documents, many from circa 1800
Via LLMC Digital
Via the Digital Library of the Caribbean
Listed in:
The legal patrimony of Haiti : an annotated bibliography, by the LLMC staff ; ed. by Richard C. Amelung.Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2016, xi, 218 pages
Haitian Law Digital Collection in the Digital Library of the Caribbean
Voix d'esclaves : Antilles, Guyane et Louisiane françaises, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle, sous la direction de Dominique Rogers. Paris: Karthala : CIRESC ; Fort-de-France : SAA, 2015, 184 pages.
Gallica includes the full-text for more than 100,000 volumes and 300,000 images covering the Middle Ages to the beginning of the twentieth century, with an emphasis on nineteenth-century material. Included are dictionaries and encyclopedias, journals, manuscripts, recordings and images.
Slave Societies Digital Archive includes Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Uruguay, Spanish Florida
Lois de la colonie française de Saint-Domingue. Port-au-Prince, 1801
Estampes sur la Martinique et les Antilles, XVIIe-XIXe siècle
Archives départementales de Charente-Maritime
Archives municipales de La Rochelle - Fonds d'archives de la traite négrière et de l'esclavage
Documents d'histoire antillaise et guyanaise, 1814-1914, par Jacques Adélaïde-Merlande. [S.l. : s.n.], 1979 (Noyon, Oise: Finet), 323 p.
Miscellaneous pamphlets on Haiti [and the French West Indies concerning slavery, written by the Société des amis des noirs and the Assemblée des citoyens de couleur des isles et colonies françoises and their members]. Microfilm. 1789-1790, 33 items.
A Colony in Crisis: The Saint Domingue Grain Shortage of 1789 offers the French originals and the English translations of primary sources.
Slave revolution in the Caribbean, 1789-1804 : a brief history with documents, by Laurent Dubois, John D. Garrigus. 2nd ed. Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, 2017. xvii, 206 pages
Contrary voices : representations of West Indian slavery, 1657-1834, ed. by Karina Williamson. Kingston, Jamaica : University of the West Indies Press, 2008. xi, 519 p.
Caribbean slavery in the Atlantic world : a student reader, ed. by Verene A. Shepherd, Hilary McD. Beckles. Rev. ed. Kingston, Jamaica : Ian Randle; Oxford : James Currey ; Princeton, NJ : M. Weiner, 2000. xix, 1120 p.
West Indian slavery; selected pamphlets. Westport, Conn., Negro Universities Press [1970] 1 v. (various pagings).
British Sources
Legacies of British Slave-ownership
Confidential print: Latin America, 1833-1969 contains printed material, from single letters to large volumes, circulated to officials in the Foreign to the Cabinet, and to heads of British officials abroad. Covers Central/South American and non-British Caribbean. Nature and Scope
Confidential print: North America, 1824-1961 contains printed material, from single letters to large volumes, circulated to officials in the Colonial Office, to the Cabinet, and to heads of British officials abroad. Covers North America and British Caribbean. Nature and Scope
British Records of the Atlantic World, 1700-1900 contains records of Jamaican slavery
Jamaican material in the Slebech papers. Late 18th-early 19th century estate records
Tudway of Wells Antiguan estate papers, 1689-1907
Sir William Young Diaries. Diaries of the governor of Tobago in the early 19th century
Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative
Havana Slade Trade Commission
Contains over 750 documents from the Havana Slave Trade Commission between 1824 and 1841.
Deed books 1728-1912 (Find It @ Harvard) On microfilm.
Deed record books (copies of agreements, appraisements, bills of sale, covenants, deeds of gift, manumissions, leases and releases, powers of attorney, sales of slaves, wills).