About The Film List

In this section you will find a comprehensive list of Slavic films held by Harvard. This list is current as of July 28 2015. Please note that new titles are being added to the collection constantly. To find out about our latest additions please follow instructions in section Finding Slavic Films in Library Catalog.

The list in in Excel spreadsheet format. Each column of this list is sortable and each film title is hyperlinked to its entry in HOLLIS (Harvard's online catalog). 


Please note that our list is not designed to be exhaustive source of information about the films, instead it serves as a guide to Harvard's Slavic film holdings. To find out the exact production details for the films please consult other sources such as Film Index International.

Language note:

Please note that language designations are generated from the cataloging description and may not be accurate in every case.

Date note:

Please note that the year indicated next to the title may indicate the year of production or the year of the disc/videocassette release.

Format note

Please note that some items on this list are DVD supplements for books and serials.

Slavic Films at Harvard - The List