Here you will find links, contacts, and other points of access to various archives that you may find helpful in your research. As always, while some of an archive's holdings may have been digitized, a vast array of archival materials are only available in physical form at the archives themselves. Therefore all researchers are encouraged to visit the archives when possible and to open conversations with curators who often have knowledge of their collections beyond what is listed in their catalogs.
Archive Finder and ArchiveGrid are databases that can help you find where particular archival materials are held (personal papers, organizational records, etc.) Contact TDM Librarian Steve Kuehler for assistance with using these databases and finding specific archives.
Archives are divided into four categories:
Harvard Libraries features links to collections across the institution. The largest of these is, of course the Harvard Theatre Collection at the Houghton Library. But other libraries may have valuable resources as well. Where possible, contact information for key curatorial personnel is listed for your convenience.
Affiliated Institutions is a list of collections at institutions affiliated with TDM and ART programs. These may be of interest when considering semesters abroad and other international programs. They are institutions which host programs with us, or with whom some of our faculty have direct contact and experience.
Area Collections lists institutions, both public and private, within driving or commuting range of Cambridge. Most are in the greater New England, New York and Philadelphia areas. Appointments are often necessary in order to gain access to materials. Making a contact or opening a dialog with a curator at an archive before your trip is highly advisable.
Global Resources lists institutions around the globe with unique holdings that may be of interest. Many of these institutions are organized under SIBMAS (the International Association of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Documentary Centers for the Performing Arts) – a link to their index can be found HERE. It should also be noted that most national theaters and many long standing institutions have their own archives. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, we encourage you to reach out and let us know so that we can facilitate a contact.
ALSO NOTE: There are often funds available for students to conduct research at institutions abroad, either on breaks or over the summer. If you would like to visit one of the more far flung archives, but wouldn’t be traveling through an academic program, speak with a faculty member or contact the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships to learn more about funding your trip.