Book (and more) search
HOLLIS+: a new research tool that allows you to search Books and Articles together, and more.
Worldcat including 国会図書館、早稲田、慶応大学 ID
HathiTrust Digital Library: digital contents from over 50 institutions totalling over 7.9 million volumes are preserved and searchable.
NDL-OPAC国立国会図書館蔵書検索: National Diet Library's main search portal for its vast collection including over 150,000 volumes of digital books.
NDL Search : a search portal of National Diet Library, which aims to be an access point for multi-format materials in public libraries, archives, museums, academic research institutions and NDL.
e読書.jp Launched in April 2012, the site allows to search one million books in both print and digital.
国文学研究資料館古典籍総合目録 : Union Catalog of Early Japanese Books including holdings of European and US libraries.
Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe 欧州所在日本古書総目録
Directory of North American Collections of Old and Rare Japanese Books, Other Print Materials, and Manuscripts 北米日本古典籍所蔵機関ディレクトリ
全國漢籍データベース Union Catalog of Chinese Classic Books held in Japan
日本漢文文献目録データベース Over 45,000 records and growing. Maintained by Nisho gakusha daigaku.
Japanese dissertations 博士論文 National Diet Library porvides 14, 000 dissertations in full-text online, and 140,000 bibliographic records of disseratations submitted 1991-2000.
博士論文書誌データベース Doctoral Dissertation bibliographic database maintained by NII
Dissertation and Thesis full text (UMI) ID
Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD) Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 600 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes over 1.6 million theses and dissertations.
Book Reviews/Blogs
Online sources
H-Net Japan Reviews Scholarly review of contents in multi-formats.
Asahi shinbun book revew 朝日新聞書評
Japanese Book News, Japan Foundation
紀伊國屋書店 「書評空間」
Print sources
Book stores
Digital books in Japanese
国会図書館近代デジタルライブラリー Digital Library from Meiji Era
新編日本古典文学全集 (小学館)(Enter through Japan Knowlwdge site) ID
東洋文庫 (Enter through Japan Knowlwdge site)
日本ペンクラブ電子文藝館 The Japan PEN Club Digital Library
Japanese Historical Text Initiative UC Berkeley
Japanese Text Initiative University of Virginia
Rare Books 古典籍
龍谷大学電子図書館 370 titles including extensive Shin Buddhism texts and Nara ehon.
愛媛大学鈴鹿文庫 Extensive collection on Shinto and Japanese history books and manuscripts.
同志社大学 小室・沢辺紀念文庫 『往生要集』『海表異聞』など
京都府総合資料館 Rare Books data base 200 titles including pictuire scrolls and prints.
Les Nara ehon de la BnF (Nara ehon of French National Library) 27 titles held by BnF are viewable.
Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan from the Spencer Collection in New York Public Library
東方學デジタル圖書 (京都大学人文研究所蔵中国古典籍のデジタル化 Digitized Chinese Classics)
Western Books, 16th-19th century
Western Books on Japan, selected titles, more here.
The history of Japan, by Kaempfer, Engelbert. London, 1727. Enter from the link in the Hollis record.
日本植物誌 Flora Japonica, by Philipp Franz Balthazar Siebold, 1835-1870.
日本動物誌 Fauna Japonica, by philip Franz Balthazar Siebold, 1835-1870.
Illustrations of Japan : consisting of private memoirs and anecdotes of the reigning dynasty of the Djogouns, or sovereigns of Japan, by Titsingh, 1822.
Japan : an account, geographical and historical : from the earliest period at which the islands composing this empire were known to Europeans, down to the present time, and the expedition fitted out in the United States, etc. by Charles Mac Farlane, 1852.