E-Journals, more

京都大学発行電子ジャーナル E-journals published by Kyoto University

東京大学史料編纂所紀要 (1991 No.1 - present)

Japan Review (1990-present)

Early Modern Japan: an interdisciplinary journal

東洋文庫報 Available after No 41 (March 2010) in pdf.


Historical Newspaper database in Japanese  

Kikuzo Visual II for Libraries 聞蔵IIビジュアル for Libraries 朝日新聞 (1879-present) ID

Yomidas Rekishikan 読売新聞 (1874-present) ID

Nikkei Telecom 21 日経テレコン21 ID access at the library only

Bibliography of Japanese Newspapers 全国新聞総合目録
Each entry includes holding information in Japanese public libraries. Created by the National Diet Library.

For most of Historical newspaper search, use links in the Guide to Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

America's Historical Newspapers ID

Yenching Library Newspaper Search