Reference and Research
BUDDHISM & SHINTŌISM IN JAPAN: A-TO-Z PHOTO DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE SCULPTURE & ART Primarily focusing on Nara, Heian, and Kamakura periods (7-14th centuries), created and maintained by Mark Schumacher.
CISMOR, Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions Doshisha University
Religion in Japan ein web handbuch (German language website)
近代日本の宗教雑誌アーカイヴ Archival Research on Religious Periodicals in Modern Japan.
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies ISSN 0304-1042: covers 1974-present
The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (ISSN 0-193-600XX)
Matsuri: Festival and Rite in Japanese Life by Inoue Nobutaka Contemporary papers on Japanese Religion 1
平凡社「東洋文庫」全文 Enter via JapanKnowledge
往生要集 源信 石田瑞麿訳
歎異抄・執持鈔・口伝鈔・改邪鈔 親鸞述 石田瑞麿訳
維摩経 石田瑞麿訳
修験道史研究 和歌森太郎
みかぐらうた・おふでさき 民衆宗教の聖典・天理教 中山みき 村上重良校注
金光大神覚 民衆宗教の聖典・金光教 金光大神 村上重良校注
お経様 民衆宗教の聖典・如来教 一尊如来きの 村上重良校注
生命のおしえ 民衆宗教の聖典・黒住教 黒住宗忠 村上重良校注
御ふみ 〓如 出雲路修校注
大本神諭 天の巻 火の巻 民衆宗教の聖典・大本教 出口ナオ 村上重良校注
一休和尚年譜 今泉淑夫校注
感身学正記 1 西大寺叡尊の自伝 叡尊 細川涼一訳注
JBAE - Japanese Buddhist Art in European Collections 在欧博物館等保管日本仏教美術資料データベース
Harvard Art Museum holds a sizable collection of Japanese religious arts like this.
Illustrated "Vajra-Sckhara-yoga-homa-kolpa" (J: Kongôchô-yuga-goma) sutra from Jingo-ji, Takao, Late Heian period, probably 12th century
Search inside books
Buddhism 仏教
INBUDS インド学仏教学論文データベース
大正新脩大蔵経 テキストデータベース
Shinshu Daizokyo大正新修大藏經.
International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 花園大学国際禅学研究所
電子達磨 Digital Bodhidharuma General Archives for Zen Research
Downloadable Zen texts from the Daizokyo 大藏經 and Zoku zokyo 續藏經. Searchable full text database of Gozan bungaku zenshu 五山文學全集 (Shibunkaku 思文閣).
Sotozen Net 曹洞禅ネット
Articles and papers on the Soto 曹洞 school (1868 to 2003); searchable by title and author.
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism 電子佛教辭典 (Harvard ID/PIN required)
Edited by Charles Muller at the Toyo Gakuen University 東洋学園大学, the dictionary provides English definitions for Buddhist terms in a range of languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Pali, Sanskrit, and Tibetan, as well as pronunciations. It includes A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms : with Sanskrit and English equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali index, compiled by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. Harvard students, faculty, and staff may use the dictionary for unlimited searching via this URL.
印度学仏教学研究者ディレクトリ 検索 Directory of Buddhist scholars in Japan
Guide to Shosoin Research 正倉院研究ガイド Compiled by Bryan Lowe and Chris Mayo.
eBible Japan 日本語聖書検索
Three Japanese translations of the Old and New Testaments, searchable by word.
Kindai Nihon Kirisutokyō shinbun shūsei [microform] 近代日本キりスト教新聞集成.
Digital contents
愛媛大学鈴鹿文庫 Extensive collection on Shinto and Japanese history books and manuscripts.
『日本霊異記』漢文 Kanbun Text
平凡社「東洋文庫」全文 Enter via JapanKnowledge
Inner Sanctuary of Kôya-san 1941, Hiratsuka Un'ichi
Petzold Scrolls Collection
Some 450 scrolls held by Yenching Library's are viewable.