ProQuest Congressional Documents
Hein Online -- massive collection of U.S. and U.K. government documents, as well as primary and secondary sources on issues of social justice and the law
Amendments Project -- searchable database of more than 20,000 proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution
National Security Archive -- library and archive of declassified U.S. documents
U. S. Congressional Publications (Research Guide)
U.S. Department of State Documents (Research Guide)
U.S. Federal Government Resources (Research Guide)
U.S. Presidential Documents (Research Guide)
U.S. State and Local Government Resources (Research Guide)
U.S. Census Data Resources (Research Guide)
U.S. Declassified Documents (Research Guide)
Great Britain and Ireland:
ArchivesDirect -- sources from the National Archives, UK; includes Foreign Office and Colonial Office papers
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1715 -- present
Stationery Office Official Documents
United Kingdom Parliament, 1988 -- present
Digitized Historical Parliamentary Material
British History Online -- primary and secondary sources, ranging from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century.
State Papers Online, 1509-1714
State Papers Online, 1714-1782
Colonial State Papers, late 16th -- mid-18th Century
UK National Statistics
DirectGov -- gateway to UK government websites
The Making of Modern Law: Trials (1600-1926) and Legal Treatises (1800-1926)