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Middle East and Islamic Studies Library Resources

A guide designed for graduate students and researchers.

Middle East Collections

Harvard University's Middle East collections specializes in materials in Arabic, Armenian, Kurdish, Persian, Ottoman Turkish, Turkish, Urdu, and Uzbek from mainly the Middle East, Near East, North Africa, and diaspora communities.  The Middle East collections is drawn from Widener Library's Humanities and Social Science Collection Development (HSSCD.)  The entirety of the collection's holdings can be accessed through Harvard Library's HOLLIS Catalog.

  • HOLLIS Catalog:  Contains the collection's holding across all Harvard libraries, archives, and special collections on books, films, government documents, journal articles, images, manuscripts, maps, music, newspapers, photographs, posters, etc.


Special Collections within Harvard Libraries

Fine Arts Library: Aga Khan Collection in Art and Architecture

Lamont Library: Government Documents

Loeb Music Library: Archive of World Music (AWM) 

Widener Library: Humanities and Social Sciences Collection Development (HSSCD)  

News Materials & News

Moore, Taylor M. 2022. Abdel Rahman Ismail’s Tibb al-Rukka and the Nubian medicine bundle: toward material histories of contagion. Harvard Library Bulletin, https:// 


Virtual: Picturing the Sultan

Discover images of Ottoman rulers from the 16th to 19th centuries

detail of an illustration of two men with Arabic text