
"UNDP's mission is to help countries in their efforts to achieve sustainable human development by assisting them to build their capacity to design and carry out development programmes in poverty eradication, employment creation and sustainable livelihoods, the empowerment of women and the protection and regeneration of the environment, giving first priority to poverty eradication." (Cf. UNDP's mission statement)

This portion of the guide provides sources for statistics as well as the UNDP archives of documents and project reports.

  • UNDP Statistics
  • UNDP Documents
  • UNDP Historic Project Reports
  • Indexes for UNDP Project Reports

UNDP Statisitics

Human Development Report: Statistics provides data from the Human Development Reports which are commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme. They show measurements of development, poverty, gender empowerment, etc.

UNDP Documents

United Nations Development Programme Official documents archive includes:

  • Reports of Governing Council (1960 - 1993)
  • Reports of Executive Board sessions (1994 onward)
  • Session documents (1980 - 2004)
  • Governing Council decisions
  • Executive Board decisions

UNDP Historic Project Reports

Project reports (United Nations Development) 1972-1998.
Location: Microforms (Lamont) Microfiche S 535 (Level D)
These are evaluative, technical and terminal reports of economic development projects underwritten by UNDP.

Indexes for UNDP Project Reports

Readex's online index to reports of projects funded by the United Nations Development Programme and executed through a variety of agencies and organizations. Full texts of most reports are available in the microfiche collection.

Index to UNDP project reports, 1972-1998.
Location: Documents (Lamont) CD-ROM Doc HD75.8 .I534x (Level B)
This index on CD-ROM provides the same access to the Project Reports as the online index. Full texts of most reports are available in microfiche collection.