Female Primatologists
Many of the most prominent scientists studying non-human primates in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have been women. Here we highlight a few of them. Immediately below are listed some books about female primatologists.
- Walking with the Great Apes byISBN: 0395515971Publication Date: 1991-03-01Descriptions of the painstaking research by several scientists in their quest for knowledge about the behavior & habits of the great apes.
Primates by
ISBN: 9781596438651Publication Date: 2013-06-11Jim Ottaviani returns with an action-packed account of the three greatest primatologists of the last century: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas. These three ground-breaking researchers were all students of the great Louis Leakey, and each made profound contributions to primatology-and to our own understanding of ourselves.Beauty and the Beasts by
ISBN: 1569472319Publication Date: 2001-07-01What is it with female primatologists and their chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas? The sheer number of women in this field is startling, as are the dangers they risk pursuing their beloved subjects.
Jane Goodall
Dame Jane Goodall is an English primatologist, ethologist and United Nations Messenger of Peace. She is widely considered the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, and is certainly the best known. For 55 years she has studied the social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Tanzania's Gombe Ntional Park. The founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and the Roots & Shoots program, she continues to work on conservation and animal welfare issues.
- In the Shadow of Man byCall Number: QL737.P96 G587 1989ISBN: ISBN9780395331453Publication Date: 1983-04-22Both a landmark scientific study and a fascinating adventure story, this best-selling classic is an absorbing account of the early years of Jane Goodall's struggle in remote Africa to approach primates in the wild as no one had ever done before. It is also the story of her breakthrough. "Apart from its enormous scientific value, IN THE SHADOW OF MAN is absolutely fascinating to read as a st ory of discovery . . . The whole book is enthralling." -- BOSTON GLOBE
Jane Goodall by
ISBN: 1591026113Publication Date: 2008-04-01No Marketing Blurb
Dian Fossey
Dian Fossey was an American primatologist who worked with mountain gorillas in various countries in Africa. Her book about her experiences, Gorillas in the Mist, was made into a motion picture. Unfortunately, she antagonized the local people and essentially declared war on the poachers. After three years at Cornell focusing on her book, she returned to Rwanda where she was killed shortly before her 54th birthday.
Gorillas in the Mist by
ISBN: 9780618083602Publication Date: 2000-10-06One of the most important books ever written about our connection to the natural world, GORILLAS IN THE MIST is the riveting account of Dian Fossey's thirteen years in a remote African rain forest with the greatest of the great apes. Fossey's extraordinary efforts to ensure the future of the rain forest and its remaining mountain gorillas are captured in her own words and in candid photographs of this fascinating endangered species. As only she could, Fossey combined her personal adventure story with groundbreaking scientific reporting in an unforgettable portrait of one of our closest primate relatives. Although Fossey's work ended tragically in her murder, GORILLAS IN THE MIST remains an invaluable testament to one of the longest-running field studies of primates and reveals her undying passion for her subject.
Dorothy Cheney is a Professor of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania. She studies communication and social behavior in non-human primates, especially baboons and vervet monkeys. Much of her research has been done with Robert Seyfarth, in the Department of Psychology, also at UPenn,.
Primate Societies by
Call Number: QL737.P9 P6744 1987ISBN: 0226767167Publication Date: 1987-05-15A classic.Baboon Metaphysics by
ISBN: 9780226102436Publication Date: 2007-05-15
Birute Galdikas researches orangutans, primarily in Borneo, and is considered the world's leading authority ont hese endangered animals. Like Jane Goodall, she was originally a protege of Louis Leakey. In addition to research, she is known for her efforts in conservation .
Reflections of Eden by
ISBN: 0316301817Publication Date: 1995-01-01"From the first, it was an adventure. In 1971, at age twenty-five, Galdikas left the placid world of American academia for the remote jungles of Indonesian Borneo. Living with her husband in a primitive camp, she became surrogate mother to a "family" of ex-captive orangutans - and gradually adjusted to the blood-sucking leeches, swarms of carnivorous insects, and constant humidity that rotted her belongings in the first year. Her first son spent the early years of his life at Camp Leakey with adopted orangutans as his only playmates." "The wild orangutans Galdikas studied and the ex-captives she rehabilitated became an extended family of characters no less vivid than her human companions. Throatpouch, a huge and irritable grouch, fought off rivals for the right to claim adolescent Priscilla as his mate. Handsome Cara at first tried to rid the forest of its human intruder by hurling dead branches at Galdikas from the canopy above. Little Sugito, rescued from a cramped cage and returned to the jungle claimed Galdikas as his mother and clung to her fiercely, night and day, for months." "A groundbreaking chronicler of the orangutans' life cycle, Galdikas also describes the threats that increasingly menace them: the battles with poachers and loggers, the illicit trade in infant orangutans, the frustrations of official bureaucracy. Her story is a rare combination of personal epiphany, crucial scientific discovery, and international impact - a life of human and environmental challenge." "Reflections of Eden is the third act of a drama that has captivated the world: the story of a pioneering primatologist, a world leader in conservation, and a remarkable woman."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved