Get Started with the Library
This guide provides helpful tips on finding library material at Harvard and beyond. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email, phone, or Zoom.
Harvard Library homepage - start here to find the library catalog (HOLLIS) or library hours, locate a study space, ask for help, explore our collections, learn about upcoming events and special exhibits, and much more.
Library Catalog - HOLLIS
HOLLIS - search for books, articles, media and more. Be sure to sign in to get the most out of the catalog. For more information, check out the HOLLIS User Guide or Ask a Librarian.
All Databases
Go to HOLLIS and, at the top, click on DATABASES - You can search for databases in a variety of ways e.g. top picks, by academic disciplines, or view all 1000+ databases with which Harvard provides access.
Helpful Tools
- Overleaf Pro is a LaTeX and Rich Text collaborative writing and publishing tool that makes the process of academic writing, editing and publishing much quicker and easier.
- Open Knowledge Maps - Use OK Maps to visualize related topics and research areas with AI.
- Zotero - An easy-to-use citation tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.
- LinkedIn Learning - Watch video tutorials and short courses that can teach you a new skill or how to use a specific computer program. (Formerly known as
- Syllabus Explorer - explore course syllabi, discover new courses, and find course reading lists - all collected through Canvas.
Tech Lending
Multimedia Production Resources - Find and learn how to use audiovisual production tools, including cameras, microphones, studio spaces, and other equipment at Cabot Science Library and Lamont Library.
Journal Search
Go to HOLLIS and click on Starts With / Browse and using the dropdown option select Browse by Title to search for any newspaper, magazine or journal title and see if Harvard provides access and in what format.
Short Cuts to Popular Titles
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- E & E News
- Nature
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
- Science
- Scientific American
- The Atlantic
- The New Yorker
Additional steps are necessary for free individual accounts, follow the links for more information:
Library Guides
Harvard Library provides hundreds of tailor-made research guides on a wide variety of services and subject areas.
- Chemistry and Chemical Biology Resources
- Countway Library - Harvard Medical School
- Environment at a Glance
- Energy & Environmental Policy - Kennedy Library
- Baker Library - Harvard Business School
- Frances Loeb Library - Graduate School of Design
Ask a Librarian is a service that allows you to email, chat, or request an appointment with a library specialist. This site also has a really helpful set of FAQs.