Periodical Articles
This page lists first resort online sources for periodical articles by topic. Print and more specialized sources are listed on the Library Research Guide for History.
Using specialized periodical databases is a way of narrowing to a particular discipline. Often easier than doing it in HOLLIS Catalog+Articles.
Academic Search Premier (largely 1980s- ) is the usual index of first resort for general periodical searches. It indexes over 3000 journals in most fields plus many general interest periodicals. Full text is available for many of the periodicals. Includes Time full text back to 1923. Book reviews are included. A few periodicals have indexing back to the 1970s.
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection (1691-1877)
American Periodicals Series Online (1740-1900) offers full text of about 1100 American periodicals. Includes several scientific and medical journals including the American Journal of Science and the Medical Repository. In cases where a periodical started before 1900, coverage is included until 1940.
British Periodicals (1681-1920) offers full text for several hundred British periodicals. List of included periodicals.
Eight Centuries includes several Nineteenth Century periodical indexes together with many separate indexes to individual periodicals. The most important index included is Poole's index to periodical literature (1802-1906) which indexes 479 American and English periodicals. In the print version, articles are indexed by subject, not author. Fiction, poetry, plays are listed by title. Book reviews are listed under subject; reviews of fiction, poetry, plays are listed under the author of the work. Online version offers numerous links to full text in HathiTrust. Print version of Poole's index:
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663. 5 Library has: 6 v. in 7
Ethnic NewsWatch (1959- ) is a full text database of the newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press.
Fortune Magazine (1930-2002) includes front and back covers as well as advertisements and all articles
Google Magazines has full text of many 20th century magazines, including Life (1936-1972). List of Magazines included. Full text searchable. Search a magazine title in Google Books Advanced Search: Title Return books with the title; shift from All Content to Magazines
Harper's Magazine Online offers the full text of Harper's Magazine (1850- ).
HarpWeek (1857-1912) offers full text of Harper's Weekly.
MasterFILE Premier (1980- ), designed for school and public library use, indexes more popular magazines than Academic Search Premier. A few magazines indexed back to circa. 1900. Includes full-text Saturday Evening Post back to 1931. Includes city and state based magazines. List of Currently published local magazines.
Nation Archives (1865- ) includes full text of complete run of The Nation. Annual update lags behind 1 year.
Newsweek Archive (1933-2012)
Nineteenth Century in Print: The Making of America in Books and Periodicals: Periodicals offers over 30 Nineteenth Century American periodicals digitized and full-text searchable. Some of the titles currently have only short runs available.
Opinion Archives offers a full text, as well as author/title, search of full runs of the following opinion periodicals:
Americas Quarterly (2007- ) - American Spectator (1972- ) - Commentary – (1945- ) Commonweal (1924- ) - Dissent (1954- ) - Harpers Magazine (1850- ) - LaFollette's Magazine (1909- ) - Moment (1975- ) - New Leader (1924- ) - New York Review of Books (1963- ) - New Yorker (1925- ) - Orion Magazine (1982- ) - Progressive (1909- ) – Washington Examiner (2013- ) - Washington Monthly (1969- ) - Weekly Standard (1995- )
The political orientation of several of these magazine, together with that of several others, is specified in the News and Opinion section of the biennial Magazines for Libraries (1969- ).
A history of American magazines, by Frank Luther Mott. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1938-1968, 5 v.
--V. 1. 1741-1850 -- v. 2. 1850-1865 -- v. 3. 1865-1885 -- v. 4. 1885-1905 -- v. 5. Sketches of 21 magazines, 1905-1930, with a cumulative index to the five volumes.
Periodicals Index Online indexes contents of over 6000 journals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1995. About 750 of these are full text. Covers journals from North America, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the English-speaking world and journals in other European languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish. Includes the complete table of contents for each issue of each journal.
- Basic Search searches the full text of those journals with full text, together with the citations of the non-full text journals.
- In Advanced search, adjust the menu to Anywhere except full text to search citations only.
Reader's Guide Retrospective (WilsonWeb) (1890-1982), online version of the Readers' guide to periodical literature, indexes many American popular periodicals. Print version: Readers' guide to periodical literature (1900- )
RSAP Resources for Research: Periodicals (Research Society for American Periodicals) provides links to collections of 18th, 19th, and 20th century full-text periodicals.
Saturday Evening Post
--Internet Archive, 1829-2014
--MasterFILE Premier, 1931-
--SEP Archives, 1821-
Saturday Review (1925-1986)
Time magazine. Browse at their site. You can easily search in Academic Search Premier by putting your search terms in one box and adjusting another to Journal name: Time. Limit by year.
U. S. News and World Report, 1948- . (merger of U. S. News (1933-1947) and World Report (1946-1947))
Internet Archive full text (U.S. News Weekly + Special Issues 1933-2015)
Women's Magazine Archive (1846-2005) includes: Better Homes and Gardens (1922-2005) - Chatelaine (1928-2005) - Good Housekeeping (1885-2005) - Ladies' Home Journal (1883-2005) - Parents (1926-2005) - Redbook (1903-2005). More sources for women's magazines.
Oxford Bibliographies offer numerous annotated bibliographies of secondary sources on a wide array of topics.
Academic Search Premier (largely 1980s- ) is the usual index of first resort for general periodical searches. It indexes over 3000 journals in most fields plus many general interest periodicals. Full text is available for many of the periodicals. Includes Time full text back to 1923. Book reviews are included. A few periodicals have indexing back to the 1970s.
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection (1691-1877)
American Periodicals Series Online (1740-1900) offers full text of about 1100 American periodicals. Includes several scientific and medical journals including the American Journal of Science and the Medical Repository. In cases where a periodical started before 1900, coverage is included until 1940.
British Periodicals (1681-1920) offers full text for several hundred British periodicals. List of included periodicals.
Nineteenth Century Masterfile includes several Nineteenth Century periodical indexes together with many separate indexes to individual periodicals. The most important index included is Poole's index to periodical literature (1802-1906) which indexes 479 American and English periodicals. In the print version, articles are indexed by subject, not author. Fiction, poetry, plays are listed by title. Book reviews are listed under subject; reviews of fiction, poetry, plays are listed under the author of the work. Online version offers numerous links to full text in HathiTrust. Print version of Poole's index:
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663. 5 Library has: 6 v. in 7
Periodicals Index Online indexes contents of over 6000 journals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1995. About 750 of these are full text. Covers journals from North America, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the English-speaking world and journals in other European languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish. Includes the complete table of contents for each issue of each journal.
- In Advanced search, adjust the menu to Anywhere except full text to search citations only.
- To limit to journals (not articles) on a certain subject, choose Publication Subject.
Project Muse Full-text archive of most recent five years of some 200 scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences. Includes 22 journals in Women's Studies. Complementary to JSTOR.
Web of Science Citation Indexes allow citation searching, that is, starting with an article of interest and finding more recent articles that have cited it. Covers: science, 1900- ; social science, 1900- ; arts/humanities, 1975- . More information.
You can use the Cited Reference Search in Web of Science find articles (or books, 2005- ) citing a book or article.
Open Cited Reference Search. Put your author in the first box (initials only): Harris E. Specify the work with its date, not its title (Titles are abbreviated variously). Select the pertinent records, which are largely unordered, in the results screen. Searching a common name will yield numerous irrelevant results. Finish search.
- A guide is available: Searching the Citation Indexes (Web of Science).
- The Web of Science comprises three indexes: Science Citation Index, (1900- ), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900- ) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (1975- ).
For example:
Urban agriculture: growing healthy, sustainable places, by Kimberley Hodgson, Marcia Caton Campbell, and Martin Bailkey. Chicago, Ill. : American Planning Association, 2011, 145 p.
Cited author: Hodgson k
Cited year(s): 2011
Trade periodicals carry articles and news aimed at the members of a particular business, industry, trade, or profession
Find them in HOLLIS by searching likely keywords and getting the proper subject terms. Them redo the search, using Resource Type Periodicals
- Electronic industries
- Household electronics industry
- Petroleum industry and trade
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Pharmacy
- Railroads
- Shoe industry
Many are available full text in the Internet Archive. Search: (Trade) AND collection:(Periodicals) AND Railroads. Select Media Type: Collections
Online Books Page has many links to digitized trade and industrial periodicals. You can search readily in the Online Books Page via Google Advanced Search. Example:
all these words: Periodicals
any of these words: Railroad Railroads
site or domain:
The Online Books Page has a periodicals list (incomplete) that can be browsed or screen searched.
You can search the "Notes and News" sections of journals (Science is especially rich in this material) in JSTOR.
- Choose <Search JSTOR>
- Choose <Advanced Search>
- Enter desired journal or expand journal list and select
- At <Narrow by: Item type, check <Miscellaneous>
Notes & News sections are sometimes dropped from other databases.
Search: Curie 1921-1922 in Science
Urban agriculture & regional food systems (Online journal)
AGRICOLA: National Agricultural Library Online Catalog includes articles in agriculture post-1970.
Agricultural & environmental science database
CAB Abstracts Archive covers agriculture
Alternative press index (1995- ; a few 1980s ) indexes the alternative/radical periodical literature. Book reviews are included.
Independent voices : an open access collection of an Alternative Press
Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975: Rock and roll, counterculture, peace and protest. Choose Document Type: Underground Press to see titles.
The Sixties :primary documents and personal narratives 1960-1974
Anarchist and Syndicalist Periodicals from Latin America (Internet Archive)
Anthropology Plus includes journals, in anthropology and related fields
AnthroSource (Late 19th century – ) offers searchable full-text of 28 journals and newsletters published by the American Anthropological Association. Some text drawn from JSTOR. Included journals are also indexed in Anthropology Plus, but Anthrosource allows full text searching. Newsletters in Anthrosource are generally not indexed in Anthropology Plus
EHRAF World Cultures (Human Relations Area File) contains the full text of books, periodical articles, manuscripts, and dissertations and theses on selected cultures of the world. More information at the HRAF web site.
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (1951- ) includes: International bibliography of anthropology
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
Africa -- Asia -- Latin America -- Middle East -- Slavic
Africa-Wide: NiPAD (NISC) (19th century- ) includes 40 African studies databases includes two Africana periodical indexes:
- Bibliography of Africana Periodical Literature Database. Indexes over 240 periodicals, published in Africa and worldwide, from their dates of inception to the present (or to their terminations).
- African Women's literature (African Women's Database), 1986 - . Indexes books and government documents, articles appearing in edited books and conference papers, periodical articles, theses/dissertations, and videocassettes.
International African bibliography online includes entries from the International African bibliography published 1971 to 2015.
JSTOR African Studies offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
For more sources see Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on Africa
Bibliography of Asian Studies (1971- ) indexes humanities and social sciences literature on East, Southeast, and South Asia. Monographs published since 1992 are not included.
JSTOR Asian Studies offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
More indexes in: Harvard-Yenching Research Guides
Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on South and Southeast Asia
Handbook of Latin American studies (1936- ) is a comprehensive annotated bibliography. Not every subject occurs in each volume. Since 1963, social science and humanities are issued in alternate years. A topical article is included in each volume.
HAPI, Hispanic American periodicals index (1970- ) indexes most Latin American periodicals in full, and articles on Latin America and U. S. Hispanics from periodicals worldwide. Includes book reviews.
JSTOR Latin American Studies offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
Biblioteca Virtual de CLACSO - Bases de Datos y Textos Completos (1993- ) offers full text of books, periodical articles, theses and conference papers, in Spanish and Portuguese, on Latin American and Caribbean social sciences.
Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (1940- ) (Latin Americanist Research Resources Project) provides tables of contents for over 900 periodicals, mainly humanities and social sciences, from 29 countries, most not indexed by HAPI. Coverage differs.
Portal de Portales Latindex offers indexing and full text for academic journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal.
Redalyc offers a full text search of journals from 15 Latin American countries.
SciELO offers articles from open access scientific journals
For more sources see Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on Latin America
Index Islamicus (1906- ) indexes publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world. It covers journals, series, conference proceedings, monographs, multi-authored works, and book reviews.
JSTOR Middle East Studies offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (1900 (some earlier)- ) indexes scholarly and policy journals, radical periodicals, books, book reviews, book chapters, theses & dissertations, bulletins, internet documents and numerous other sources (grey literature) on the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa. Includes citations from the Middle East Bibliography (1946-2001), Middle East book bibliographies (materials since 1980), and records from the School of Oriental & African Studies Library Catalogue (1900-present).
ABSEES (American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies) (Late 1980s-)
European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES), 1991-2007.
JSTOR Slavic Studies offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals
Slavic Humanities Index: Article citations from more than 180 of the most important Slavic humanities periodicals, in 21 languages.
Bioethics Research Library: Bioethics Resources (Georgetown University)
PubMed indexes periodical articles on health care and biomedical ethics, law and public policy. Includes the citations from BIOETHICSLINE (1973-2000) which has been discontinued and its contents, plus new indexing, incorporated into PubMed.
--To limit to bioethics articles, for example: Bioethics[sb] AND History[sb] AND Privacy[MH]. The [MH] limits the search to records in which Privacy occurs as a MeSH term..
--Be sure to look for MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) on pertinent records by scrolling down past the abstracts. (Not all records in PubMed have MeSH terms.) Subject headings can help you get to more relevant records and/or can be helpful keyword suggestions.
Business Premium Collection (1971-) indexes academic management, marketing, and general business journals
Business Source Complete (early 20th century- )
EconLit (1969- ) indexes articles from over 525 journals. Since 1987 includes books and dissertations. Earlier years available in print in Index to Economic Journals (1886- ) and Index of economic articles in collective volumes (1960- )
International bibliography of economics (1953- ), included in International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, is a bibliography of periodical articles, books, essays in books, and government publications.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
Economist Historical Archive (1843-2004).
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) (1915- ) indexes international public and social policy literature. Includes journal articles, books, book chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, government documents, etc.
NCJRS abstracts database (National Criminal Justice Reference Service abstracts database, 1970- ) covers Federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research.
Oxford Bibliographies: Criminology
Criminal Justice Abstracts (1968- ) covers U.S. and international criminal justice literature including scholarly journals, books, dissertations, governmental and non-governmental studies and reports, unpublished papers, magazines, newsletters, etc. and other materials.
Criminal justice literature is covered in this series of bibliographies
A guide to material on crime and criminal justice, by Augustus Frederick Kuhlman for the Committee on Survey of Research on Crime and Criminal Justice of the Social Science Research Council. New York : H.W. Wilson, 1929, 633 p.
Bibliography of crime and criminal justice, 1927-1931, by Dorothy Campbell Culver. New York, The H. W. Wilson company, 1934. xl, 413 p.
Bibliography of crime and criminal justice, 1932-1937, by Dorothy Campbell Culver. New York, The H.W. Wilson Company, 1939. xxxi, 391 p.
Internet Archive Full Text
Sources for the study of the administration of criminal justice, 193-1948, by Dorothy Campbell Tompkins, Bureau of Public Administration, University of California, 1949. 294 p.
Internet Archive Full Text
Administration of criminal justice, 1949-1956; a selected bibliography, by Dorothy Campbell Tompkins. [Sacramento?] California Special Study Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services, 1956. ix, 351 p.
Criminal justice in America, 1959-1984: an annotated bibliography, by John D. Hewitt, Eric D. Poole, Robert M. Regoli. New York : Garland Pub., 1985. xvii, 347 p.
Education Source (1929- ) indexes articles of at least one column length from more than 535 English-language journals and yearbooks worldwide. Records of books (1995- ) are included. Includes book reviews.
ERIC (1966- ) includes published and unpublished reports and other sources from RIE (Resources in Education) and periodical articles from CIJE (Current Index to Journals in Education). No book reviews.
Bibliography of education. In: Educational review, 1899-1906. LOCATION: Gutman Education: Per L11.S35
Bibliography of education and its successors are available full text in HathiTrust. Advanced Full Text search with Bibliography of education as this exact phrase in lower box
Continued by: Bibliography of education, 1907-1912 (United States Bureau of Education Bulletin). LOCATION: Gutman Education: Z5811.B86
Continued by: Record of current educational publications, 1912-Jan/Mar 1932. (U. S. Office of Education). LOCATION: Gutman Education: L111.A62 LOCATION: Gutman Education: L111.A6 no.15
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous education journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
Primary Search (1984- ) offers indexing and full text (1989- ) for nearly 100 elementary school level children's magazines.
The Forest History Society Research Portal offers over 45,000 citations to published items on environmental history, over 30,000 photographs, and other material.
Agricultural & environmental science database, 1920-
Environment Index (1973- )
GreenFILE (largely 1980 - ; a few back to1860) covers environmental studies, both scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
Water Resources Abstracts, 1967- .
Additional sources listed in Specialized Sources for the History of Science.
History of Mass Communication in America: An Internet Bibliography
Communication abstracts (Largely1970s- ; some earlier)
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive (1880–2000) covers film, broadcasting, popular music and theatre.
Film index international, 1930- . Lists articles on films, including documentary films, short subjects, and made-for-TV movies, as well as feature films. Includes information on over 90,000 films.
Film & Television Literature Index, 1914- ; mainly 1980- ) international coverage on all aspects of television and film.
FIAF International FilmArchive Database (1972- ) contains:
- Directory of film/TV documentation collections
- Bibliography of Latin American cinema
- International index to film periodicals
- International index to television periodicals
GenderWatch (1974- ) provides full text of scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets and pamphlets, conference proceedings, and government, non-governmental organization, and special reports.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
LGBT Life with Full Text indexes scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, and newsletters on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender topics. Some records for books. Most coverage from 1980s to present, but some major periodicals indexed from the 1950s-1970s.
Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts (1995-)
Women's Studies International (1972- ) accesses a variety of women's studies databases.
Oxford Bibliographies offer numerous annotated bibliographies of secondary sources.
America: History and Life (1955- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles, and book reviews on North American history.
Historical Abstracts (1954- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles (but not book reviews) for non-North American history, 1450-date.
Bibliography of British and Irish History is a comprehensive bibliography of books and periodical articles on British and British colonial history. Most historical society publications were excluded.
Web of Science Citation Indexes allow citation searching, that is, starting with an article of interest and finding more recent articles that have cited it.
JSTOR allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional. Advanced search is most effective.
History of Science, Technology and Medicine (Harvard Login) (1975- ) is an index of books, book chapters, and journal articles. Some social sciences material is included.
- HSTM is an amalgamation of four separate indexes with four different subject term systems; study the results of keyword searches to be sure that you know the proper subject terms for your topic in each of the, possibly four, relevant component databases. For example, the Wellcome Bibliography uses "Contraception" but the Isis Current Bibliography uses "Birth control".
- If you want to limit the coverage of your sources to a particular era, put one of these terms in a search box: Antiquity or Ancient - “Greek and Roman” - “Middle Ages” or medieval - 13th century - 14th century - 15th century - 16th century - 17th century - 18th century - 19th century - 20th century
- More detailed information about the use of this complex database.
ISISCB Bibliographic Resources in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine indexes the Isis Current Bibliography. Search results extend back to 1970. It also offers a browse of the Isis Cumulative Bibliographies (1913-1975). Search ISISCB Explore
PubMed (Harvard Login for full text access) (1947- ) is the National Library of Medicine's index to biomedical journal articles.
- To limit to historical sources, attach the phrase (in"") "historical article" to your search. Example: "Psychology, clinical" and "historical article".
- Be sure to look for MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) on pertinent records by scrolling down past the abstracts. (Not all records in PubMed have MeSH terms.) Subject headings can help you get to more relevant records and/or can be helpful keyword suggestions.
The Forest History Society Research Portal offers over 45,000 citations to published items on environmental history, over 30,000 photographs, and other material.
Labor History: Digitized Labor Publications (U. Maryland)
The Online Books Page: Labor Unions
Labor Periodicals (Internet Archive)
Criminal Justice Abstracts (1968- ) covers U.S. and international criminal justice literature including scholarly journals, books, dissertations, governmental and non-governmental studies and reports, unpublished papers, magazines, newsletters, etc. and other materials.
Hein Online Legal Journal Collection offers full-text of many law reviews and journals, most starting with volume 1 and extending in some cases to the present. Book reviews, notices, advertisements, etc., are included.
Includes:Index to periodical articles related to law (1958- ) indexes law-related articles in general and other non-law journals not covered by the legal indexes.
Index to legal periodical literature, 1786-1937. (ed. by Jones and Chipman, 6 v.) indexes general and legal periodicals and law reports. -- v. 1. Prior to Jan. 1887.--v. 2. 1887-1899 [i.e. 1898]--v. 3. 1898-1908 [i.e. 1907]--v. 4. 1908-1922.--v. 5. 1923-1927.
Hathitrust Version
Print version:
Widener | Gov 60.24
Law School Reference K33 .I53
Law School K33 .I53
HeinOnline Subject Compilations of State Laws database provides detailed bibliographic information for thousands of articles, books, government documents, loose-leaf services, court opinions and websites that compare or survey state laws. Searchable by topic.
Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective (1908-1981).
LegalTrac (1980- ) indexes the contents of nearly 1000 English-language legal periodicals, including academic law journals, bar association publications, and legal newspapers, and law-related articles from business and general interest titles.
NexisUni (1970s- ) offers law reviews. Tips for Advanced Search.
- Choose Advanced Search
- Select a Specific Content type: Legal
- Narrow to Law Reviews and Journals on left.
- Choose Law Reviews and Journals (in blue)
- Enter your search terms
- Narrow as needed on left
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature: ABELL (1920- ) includes book reviews of literary works as well as literary criticism.
MLA International Bibliography (1926- )
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
PubMed (1946- ) covers, usually with abstracts, periodical articles on all areas of medicine. -
--Be sure to look at the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) at the bottom of pertinent records. Very recent articles may not as yet received their MeSH terms. So look at older records to find the MeSH terms, and use a variety of keywords as well as MeSH terms to find the new records.
--The MeSH terms are the same as the Medical Subject terms found in HOLLIS.
--Hit Free article or Try Harvard Library, not the publisher's name to see full text
--–You can narrow by going down to the bottom of the left hand column and hitting Additional filters. A list of Article types opens up. Choose one or more types and hit Show. The Article Type now shows up in the short list of article types near the top of the left hand column. Now hit the Types desired. You can also filter by date range.
CAB Abstracts (1910-Present) includes journal articles, conference papers, reports, and books on public health. Worldwide coverage with emphasis on Africa and Latin America.
Global health, 1973-Present
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
For more see the Library Research Guide for the History of Science
Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals [title varies] (1949- ) indexes 75 international English language military and aeronautical periodicals.
Guide with links to online
Index to contemporary military articles of the World War II era, 1939-1949, by Benjamin R. Beede. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2005, 455 p.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of several military journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many military journals. List of included journals.
EBSCOhost. Military & government collection. Largely 21st century, but a few back to 1901.
Government Periodicals Index (1988- ) indexes U. S. government periodicals.
Ethnic diversity source offers full text of peer-reviewed journals, magazines, e-books, biographies, videos, and primary source documents.
ProQuest Black Studies is a vast conglomeration of primary and secondary source material.
--Contains numerous "Primary Sources Collections" (List of those included; Select Archival Collections). Some are also in ProQuest History Vault Black Freedom Struggle.
--Includes the searchable full text of about 300 biographical dictionaries and related works. Limit to the biographical material at Publication/Collection title. Look up and add to search: African American Biographical Database. There is no name-form control, so search unique last names alone (Pyrtle), and try various forms of more common names ("James Sanders" OR "Sanders James").
Indexing of these 300 works, not provided by ProQuest Black Studies, is available in print in:
Black biography, 1790-1950 : a cumulative index, ed. by Randall K. Burkett, Nancy Hall Burkett, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Alexandria : Chadwyck-Healey, 1991. 3 v.
HOLLIS Record In bookcase beside door into the Atkins Reference Room (Widener 2nd floor)
--Index entries include name (in inverted form; useful for browsing similar names), place of birth, birth/death dates, occupation, religion, gender.
--Newspapers (List of those included; Select Newspapers). Some are also in ProQuest Historical Newspapers
--Includes the former International Index to Black Periodicals Full Text (1900- ; full text 1998- ) which indexes over 150 scholarly and popular journals, newspapers, and newsletters from the US, Africa and the Caribbean. Under Content Type, choose Journals and/or Magazines and Historical Periodicals.
--Includes the former Black literature Index, 1827-1940. 2997 microfiches and printed guide
----Full text of over 86,000 literary works on microfiche, including fiction, poetry, book reviews and other literary forms by African-Americans and Whites writing in African-American periodicals and newspapers.
List of periodicals indexed with links to lists of article in each.
African American Periodicals, 1825-1995 offers over 170 periodicals from 26 states including academic and political journals, commercial magazines, institutional newsletters, organizations’ bulletins, annual reports, etc.
Chicano Database overs Mexican-American topics 1967 to the present. Scope expanded 1992 to include the broader Latino experience, including Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants. Includes the Spanish Speaking Mental Health Database.
The Crisis (1910- ), the official publication of the NAACP
HOLLIS Records (Scroll to the bottom of the record to see all online sources)
Google Magazines
Internet Archive Full Text
Ethnic NewsWatch (1959- ) is a full text database of the newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press.
Ebony in Google magazines (1959-2008)
HAPI Online (Hispanic American Periodicals Index) (1970- ) indexes scholarly journals published in Latin America or treating Latin American and U.S. Hispanic topics.
Jet, 1951-2008
Negro Digest/Black World, 1961-1976 Founded 1943, later titled Black World.
Race Relations Abstracts (1975-Present)
Philosopher's Index provides bibliographic information and abstracts for articles and books on philosophy published since 1940.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) (1991- ) includes articles, books, conference proceedings, working papers, etc.
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) (1915- ) indexes international public and social policy literature. Includes journal articles, books, book chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, government documents, etc.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
International bibliography of political science (1953- ), included in International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, is a bibliography of periodical articles, books, essays in books, and government publications.
PsycINFO (1887- ) includes Psychological abstracts (1927- ), Psychological index (1894-1935), abstracts from the Psychological Bulletin (1921-26) and all other American Psychological Association journals (pre-1927), and the American Journal of Psychology (1887-1926). Worldwide coverage (but most indexed publications are in English) of over 1300 periodicals plus (from 1987 only) books, essays in books, and dissertations. No book reviews. Titles of foreign-language publications are translated into English and so cannot be found by searches in the original language.
PsychiatryOnline includes textbooks and journals. Includes DSM-5.
PsycCritiques offers full-text reviews of books, videos and popular films. Replaces the APA print journal Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 1956-2004.
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing: PEP: Books and articles
Bibliography of philosophy, psychology, and cognate subjects, by B. Rand (2 v. 1905), lists psychological articles under subject in vol. 2.
HathiTrust full text
American Religions Collection (UCSB) 1920s-1990s) documents religions founded or strongly influenced in America (Baptist, Christian Science) plus new and alternative religious and spiritual groups. Includes mainly serials together with manuscript subject files.
ATLA Religion Index (1949- ) indexes articles, covering over 500 journals, essays in books, and book reviews (1949- ), with Protestant emphasis but some coverage of Catholic, Jewish, and other religious literature. Includes archeological literature of religious significance. Incorporates the print publications: Religion index 1: periodicals (1977- ), Religion index 2: multi-author works (1976- ), Index to book reviews in religion (1986- ), Index to religious periodical literature (1949-76), and Methodist reviews index (1818-1885).
An Alphabetical Subject Index and Index Encyclopedia to Periodical Articles on Religion, 1890-1899. Ed. E.C. Richardson. (In: Nineteenth Century Masterfile)
Google Theological Journals Search
Religious and theological abstracts (1958- ) abstracts over 350 periodicals in several languages (abstracts in English). Covers mainly Christian periodicals, with some Jewish, Muslim, and other religions represented. No book reviews. Classified arrangement with author, scripture, and subject indexes.
Boston College Jesuit Bibliography covers books, book chapters, journal articles and book reviews with English abstracts. More information.
Catholic periodical and literature index (1930- ; online version: 1981- ) indexes about 200 periodicals and lists books. Includes book reviews and Papal documents. Covers, mainly, British, Canadian, Irish, and U.S. publications. Online content included in ATLA Religion Database. Print version:
Guide to Catholic literature, 1888-1967. 8 v. (vol. 1: 1888-1940)
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. Z7837.G9
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC BX1751.2.Z99 G85x
Christian periodical index (1956- ; online version 1976- , limited earlier coverage) indexes over 120, largely U.S. evangelical and fundamentalist periodicals. Includes book and media reviews. There are author, subject, book review, and book title indexes. Print version (1956- ):
Location : Andover-Harv. Theol Ref. Z7753 .C5 (1956-1975)
Index Islamicus (1906- ) indexes articles, essays in books, and books (beginning in 1976) in Western languages on the Muslim world. Covers both Islamic countries and Muslim minorities. Includes pre-Islamic Arabian history and non-Muslim Turkic peoples, past and present. Inclusion of book reviews begins in 1993. Newspapers (and other periodicals published more than once monthly), gray literature, and government publications are not included. Print version:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. DS44.I37
LOCATION: Fine Arts: Reading Room RFA 31.60.7
LOCATION: Law School: Islamic Reference DS 44.Z99 Q34
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4881.11
Index to Jewish periodicals (1963- ; online version: 1988- ) indexes over 100 English-language general and scholarly periodicals. Includes book reviews. List of periodicals indexed. Print version:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. Z6367.I5
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DS112.Z99 I54x Earlier
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4875.15 (Latest 10 years)
Index to Hebrew Periodicals (Mafteah le-khitve-'et be-'Ivrit) (1977- ; some pre-1977 content being added) covers articles in Hebrew periodicals, collections, a few monographs, newspapers, and articles in other languages dealing with Israel. The IHP comprises four separate indexing projects: Index to Hebrew Periodicals, The Eretz Israel Database, The Tel Hai Index to Hebrew Newspapers, Bar Ilan Indexing Project, all of which use a common thesaurus. Printed version ceased with index to 1991. Print version:
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont) | Microfiche W 2830
LOCATION: Widener | RR 663.822.5 (1977-1991)
LOCATON: Widener | Harvard Depository | PHeb 58.71
RAMBI: The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies (1966- ) attempts to index all important articles on Judaica in all languages worldwide. Indexes in Hebrew and English. Print version:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. Z6366.J6
LOCATION: Widener: PHeb 84.2
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4875.10
Bibliographie bouddhique, 1928-67
Widener | R 1010.7 vol.3,5-6
Harvard-Yenching | (W) | BQ4012.Z99 B58
Rubel (Fine Arts) | Harvard Depository | AZ1500.BB
Andover-Harv. Theol | Ref. | BQ1.B52
To find bibliographies of books and articles in the HOLLIS Catalog, in Expanded Search do a variety of keyword searches (Keywords Anywhere) plus the standard term "bibliography" (Subject words). Notice the Subjects on pertinent records for terms for additional searches. Examples: <Mary Virgin> and <bibliography>, <Jainism> and <bibliography>, <Buber Martin> and <bibliography>.
A critical bibliography of religion in America, by N. R. Burr. Vols. 3-4 in Religion in American life, ed. by James Ward Smith and A. Leland Jamison. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1961.
Location : Andover-Harv. Theol BR515 .S6
Location : Andover-Harv. Theol Ref. BR515 .S6
Location : Baker Business BR515 .S6
Location : Gutman Education BR515 .S6
Location : Widener US 2061.300
--An extended bibliographical essay, in chapters by subject with author index. Includes primary and secondary books and articles.
See the Library Research Guide for the History of Science (General) -- By Discipline
Social science premium collection searches several social science databases
Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts: ASSIA (largely 1987- )
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences(1951- ) includes: International bibliography of sociology'
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) (1915- ) indexes international public and social policy literature. Includes journal articles, books, book chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, government documents, etc.
Sociological Abstracts (1952-)
LA84 Foundation Library Digital Archive Periodicals and Series (depending on the periodical, 1883-2009) Also Official Olympic Reports and other books
Urban Studies Abstracts (1973 - )
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals indexes more than 2,500 international periodicals on archeology, city planning, interior design, and historic preservation, as well as architecture. Coverage begins in the 1930s (with selective coverage dating back to the 1860s) and extends to the present.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous journals. Allows simultaneous or individual journal searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.