Debates (Annals, Congressional Globe, Congressional Record)

The daily debates of Congress are issued as the Congressional Record (the earlier titles of this series are noted below).  It is a substantially verbatim account of remarks made during the proceedings of the House and Senate, subject only to technical, grammatical, and typographical corrections. It consists of four main sections: the proceedings of the House and Senate, the Extensions of Remarks, and the Daily Digest.


Title/Description Years Location

HeinOnline U.S. Congressional Documents

Annals of Congress (1789-1824), Register of Debates (1824-1837), Congressional Globe (1833-1873) Congressional Record (1873 to present).

Use the Congressional Record Daily to Bound Locator to convert daily edition references into citations to the permanent edition.

1789-present HeinOnline U.S. Congressional Documents

Congressional Record (and previous titles, as above) in ProQuest Congressional


ProQuest Congressional

Congressional Record, Library of Congress (103rd Congress+ )


Thomas (Library of Congress)

Congressional Record on GPO web site (98th Congress+ )


GPO Congressional Record Index

Congressional Record (43rd Congress+ ) paper edition, index in last volume of each year


US Doc 506

Full Text

Title/Description Years Location

HeinOnline U.S. Congressional Documents

Annals of Congress (1789-1824), Register of Debates (1824-1837), Congressional Globe (1833-1873) Congressional Record (1873 to present).

Use the Congressional Record Daily to Bound Locator to convert daily edition references into citations to the permanent edition.

1789-present HeinOnline U.S. Congressional Documents

Congressional Record (and previous titles, as above) in ProQuest Congressional


ProQuest Congressional

Congressional Record, Library of Congress (103rd Congress+ )


Thomas (Library of Congress)

Congressional Record web site (104th Congress+ )


GPO Congressional Record

Congressional Record ( 43rd Congress+ ) paper edition


US Doc 506

Congressional Record (83rd Congress, 2nd session - 90th Congress, 1st session) Appendices and Indices only


Film S 718

Congressional Globe ( 23rd - 42nd Congress)


US Doc 504

Annals of Congress (18th Congress, 2nd session - 25th Congress, 1st session)


US Doc 502

Debates and Proceedings (1st - 18th Congress, 1st session)


US Doc 500

Congressional Record. Permanent Edition (95th Congress, 1st session - 101st Congress, 1st session)


Microfiche Su Doc X 95/1 - 101/1

Congressional Record. Permanent Edition (100th Congress, 2nd session - 104th Congress, 2nd session)


Microfiche Su Doc X 1.1

Daily Congressional Record (96th Congress, 2nd session - 102nd Congress, 1st session)


Microfiche Su Doc X/a

Daily Congressional Record (105th Congress, 2nd session - 106th Congress, 1st session) 1998-1999 Microfiche Su Doc X 1.1/R