What are Congressional Reports and Documents?
House and Senate documents are numbered with the designation
H. Doc. or S. Doc. These publications are usually Congressional
committee activity reports, but can also be Presidential messages
proposing new legislation or special reports of executive branch
House and Senate reports are numbered with the designation H.
Rpt. or S. Rpt. These publications are the findings of committee
deliberations or reports after hearings. They can provide information
on legislative intent and provide a history of a bill. Committees also
issue annual or biennial activity reports summarizing their legislative
and oversight activities.
House and Senate reports and documents are included in the Serial Set, a continuously numbered set of volumes, numbering in the thousands, containing congressional publications covering a wide range of subjects.
Indexes to Reports and Documents
Title | Years | Location |
ProQuest Congressional (1st Congress to current) |
1789 + | ProQuest Congressional |
NewsBank's U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1980 |
1817-1980 (in progress) |
CIS Index (91st congress+ ) |
1970+ |
Doc Ref KF49.C62 |
CIS US Serial Set Index |
1789-1969 |
Doc Ref Z1223.Z7C63 1975x |
Monthly Catalog of Government Publications |
1774+ |
Doc Ref Z1223.A18x |
Numerical Lists & Schedule of Volumes (15th - 96th Congress) |
1818-1992 |
Doc Ref Z1223.A187x |
CIS Index to US Senate Executive Documents & Reports |
1817-1969 |
Microforms (Lamont) INDEX Microfiche W 5413 [Level B]; also Law School Reference KF40 .C55x 1987 |
Full Text of Reports and Documents
Title/Description | Years | Location |
ProQuest Congressional (not including the Serial Set) |
1990-94 (selected) 1995+ (all) |
ProQuest Congressional |
NewsBank's U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1994 (including the Serial Set with House and Senate reports and executive documents) |
1817-1994 |
Reports and Documents (103rd Congress + ) paper ed. |
1993+ |
Su Doc Y1.1 etc. |
Report and Documents (97th - 104th Congress) |
1981-1996 |
Microfiche Su Doc X95-2, X96-1, X96-2 |
Reports and Documents (95th Congress) |
1977/1979 |
Microfiche Su Doc X95-2, X96-1, X96-1 |
CIS [microform] 91st Congress, 2d sess.-105th Congress, 1st sess.) |
1970-1998 |
Microfiche S 237 |
Reports and Documents (91st Congress, 2nd sess.) (CIS edition) |
1970+ |
Law Library Microfiche |
Reports and Documents in United States government publications (depository) [microform]. (84th Congress, 2d sess. -96h Congress) |
1956-1980 |
Microprint 2 (at HD) |
Reports and Documents in the Serial Set (15th - 95th Congress) |
1818-1978 |
US Doc 445 (Lamont D level or at HD) also Law School Microfiche |
American State Papers 1st - 14th Congress |
1789-1817 |
US Doc 443 |
US Senate Executive Documents & Reports This collection includes various government agency annual reports or other documents that were not issued in the Serial Set. |
1817-1969 |
Microfiche W 5413 |
Senate Executive Reports |
1983-1992 | US Doc 632.98-102 |
(Senate) Treaty Documents 98th-102nd Congress | 1983-1992 | US Doc 635.98-.102 |
(Senate) Treaty Doc. 97 Congress 1st session- current | 1981- present | Microfiche S 237 |
Senate Treaty Documents 104th Congress - present | 1995- present | Congressional Documents Search in GPO |
Some additional Senate Treaty Documents have been catalogued individually by title. | later 1990's- 2000's | Search in HOLLIS and retrieve from Offsite Storage. |